You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

Thanks for the support ladies - my wobbly moment did actually feel therapeutic so I just went with it, had a good cry over nothing and felt better afterwards! I reckon it's probably the crinone gel that's to blame!

I've been doing some online reading (yet again!) about stopping crinone gel after a bfp (as my clinic advises) and I'm worried that this could be a bad thing! Most clinics say to keep using progesterone up until at least the 7 week scan or even up until 12 weeks. I saw a thread where a woman said she kept using it anyway, even though her clinic said to stop using after her bfp. I'm wondering if I should source online, and buy it IN CASE of a bfp and continue using afterwards. Apparently there's no harm in continuing to use it... What do you girls think?

How's the 2ww going brandy? Any twinges or anything yet? Lots of women get no signs at all so don't worry if you're not feeling anything yet x

Nothing but a whole lot of worry
Hi ladies

Hope you're all well :)

I've been driving myself nuts the past few days, worrying about this, that, and the next thing... and I've decided it needs to stop! I've realised that worrying and over-thinking things does not do anyone any favours at all... whatever will be will be and stressing is not going to help matters! Here's to my new positive frame of mind! :)

xxx xxx
Hi ladies

Hope you're all well :)

I've been driving myself nuts the past few days, worrying about this, that, and the next thing... and I've decided it needs to stop! I've realised that worrying and over-thinking things does not do anyone any favours at all... whatever will be will be and stressing is not going to help matters! Here's to my new positive frame of mind! :)

xxx xxx

I started crocheting a blanket just to keep me busy lol

I am nervous wreck.
I think in a way the TWW is the worst bit because u r just left alone - no more scans or bloods or appointments. Feels like a long time to wait! Keep yourselves busy-but stay relaxed!

AF has arrived! So I will be starting stims I think on Sunday. Need to phone to check that is right tomorrow. So excited! Finished school today too so it's perfect timing!
I got my BFP tonight its a solid for sure pink line!!
Brandy that's gorgeous news. So pleased for you!!
And highhopes that's great that you will be starting again.
I really wish I had some happy news to share but unfortunately I only had 2small follies on my scan and so am really really gutted :nope:
It's been an awful couple of days, have another scan tomorrow morning and if there is no further development then the clinic are wanting to cancel our cycle.
We are going to push to be allowed to at least complete the's been 7 days and I know it takes some women longer. It's all just such a HUGE disappointment. I'm kinda outta words to be honest.
Praying that we can have a chance to try for egg collection. I've been reading a lot about how some women do get some success. My hormone levels seem screwed up, after being told before we started that they were 'of normal profile'...very very confused. I've had a headache from crying for days now.
Really need some positive vibes ladies....x

Wow brandy that is fantastic news! Congrats!!!
Would they give u an extra day of stimming? I was in a similar situation and they said it wouldn't make a difference but there were more than two follicles Hun, got three eggs, and two fertilised.
Hang in there Hun x :hugs:
Oh greta, I'm so sorry u r feeling so down. I'm glad u r pushing to finish off stims. How many days have u got left? U never know, things could change. All sorts of things happen with ivf. Everyone's body is different and responds in different ways. Don't give up just yet. Did they say why u may not have responded well to the stims? Have they upped ure dose more?

Tbh I've been crying since I woke up today on and off. Thought I would be excited coz I'm starting stims tmrw but feeling crap that I'm back at square one and so scared that it may not work this time, or that if it does work I will lose the baby again. Looked at the 6 week scan photo from my miscarriage baby today coz I was going through my ivf file from the first cycle and that set me off again. It's such a roller coaster. So many highs and lows.

People who get pregnant naturally have it so easy. I have to go visit someone who had a baby last week and I'm just dreading it, it's gonna hurt so much even though I'm happy for them.
Thanks so much for your response Silversurfer, they are giving me 2extra days from my scan on Friday so I guess they are being generous! But even so I am in such a state of shock that they won't just let me complete. I feel so ignorant about all the different criteria they have to stick to re how many follies they will allow for egg collection. What happened with your cycle hun?
Would they give u an extra day of stimming? I was in a similar situation and they said it wouldn't make a difference but there were more than two follicles Hun, got three eggs, and two fertilised.
Hang in there Hun x :hugs:
Thanks high hopes for being so lovely.
They upped my dose to 450 but I just don't seem to be responding well. It's so hard isn't it?!
Praying for some positive changes on tomorrow's scan but I know it's a long shot. The clinic have told us to prepare for a cancellation.
Take care of yourself, I hope you start feeling brighter. xxx

Oh greta, I'm so sorry u r feeling so down. I'm glad u r pushing to finish off stims. How many days have u got left? U never know, things could change. All sorts of things happen with ivf. Everyone's body is different and responds in different ways. Don't give up just yet. Did they say why u may not have responded well to the stims? Have they upped ure dose more?

Tbh I've been crying since I woke up today on and off. Thought I would be excited coz I'm starting stims tmrw but feeling crap that I'm back at square one and so scared that it may not work this time, or that if it does work I will lose the baby again. Looked at the 6 week scan photo from my miscarriage baby today coz I was going through my ivf file from the first cycle and that set me off again. It's such a roller coaster. So many highs and lows.

People who get pregnant naturally have it so easy. I have to go visit someone who had a baby last week and I'm just dreading it, it's gonna hurt so much even though I'm happy for them.
Hi, originally was meant to have scan thurs first one from stimming, only two follicles and a couple of tiny ones. They said I needed a better response by the next tues, by tues only two follicles over 15 mm and another one at 10mm. They had said need three at least 15mm to proceed. In the end they asked if we wanted to switch to iui instead, requested another scan the next day to see if anything different and they agreed to an extra day of menopur ( I was on 4 ampules already), but said expected no difference. Next day three follicles 13, 16, and 18 mm and one at 7-8. The consultant agreed to continue ivf, with warning we may get no eggs. Got four follicles in end and three eggs.
Two fertilised and I hope they are currently snuggling in....only a week to finding out.
Basically I kept thinking it was over and due to my low amh had been warned they may not offer more ivf, but we got embryo's- it can happen. Seriously the worse two weeks though. Cried so much. Try just one day at a time that's the best you can do, and if you want to try with two follicles ask. Every centre seems to have different rules. Hugs and good vibes xxx
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. It helps to know someone who has been through something similar. And well done for standing strong and requesting more time, another scan and to go ahead with the IVF....and congratulations on being PUPO. :flower:
We are going through ICSI so IUI isn't really an option for us, also I am 38 and have low ovarian reserve....I don't know if thats why they are quick to try and cancel. I trust their judgement but feel they have been so quick to mention cancelling. I am wondering if the long protocol just doesn't suit me and would be better on the short one. I am going to push for more time, I think we deserve to proceed even if it doesn't work. It's torture thinking that we may not be able to, after all the months, years of waiting patiently.
I've been crying so much too, more than I ever have in my makes you sink really low and lose your faith. You have given me hope, thank you Hun. Xxx
How old are you just out of interest?

Hi, originally was meant to have scan thurs first one from stimming, only two follicles and a couple of tiny ones. They said I needed a better response by the next tues, by tues only two follicles over 15 mm and another one at 10mm. They had said need three at least 15mm to proceed. In the end they asked if we wanted to switch to iui instead, requested another scan the next day to see if anything different and they agreed to an extra day of menopur ( I was on 4 ampules already), but said expected no difference. Next day three follicles 13, 16, and 18 mm and one at 7-8. The consultant agreed to continue ivf, with warning we may get no eggs. Got four follicles in end and three eggs.
Two fertilised and I hope they are currently snuggling in....only a week to finding out.
Basically I kept thinking it was over and due to my low amh had been warned they may not offer more ivf, but we got embryo's- it can happen. Seriously the worse two weeks though. Cried so much. Try just one day at a time that's the best you can do, and if you want to try with two follicles ask. Every centre seems to have different rules. Hugs and good vibes xxx
Hi Hun,
I'm 33 in a couple of weeks. The thing they didn't want was no embryo's at all to put back. So I kept saying we just wanted the chance and knew after retrieval it could all be over. They were really good at wanting me and my DH to feel like we had done everything we could. I'm rooting for you Hun x
Plus I have never cried as much as this year, since finding out low amh, ivf ahhh. Never dreamt it would be so hard. But remember whatever happens you are currently doing everything you can
Well my DH just administered my first stims shot. It was a sad moment for me - took me right back to my first cycle again :( but on the positive side it didnt hurt at all! I was such a baby about the shots last time - i nearly fainted with the first one! Barely felt it this time!!!
Glad you finally got started again highhopes but can understand all your emotions attached to starting again. Take care x
Well after my scan this morning the picture is slightly brighter, I now have 5 follies, but only one at 13-14mm, the other 4 are very small. However there are definitely more than Friday!! So we have another scan booked for Tuesday, hoping again for more growth. The nurse today was really lovely, compassionate and positive...just what you need in situations like this. So carrying on with the max dose of Gonal F...and had some amazing acupuncture yesterday, feel that may have given things a boost.
Thanks for all your lovely supportive words ladies, it's helped a lot.
Hope everyone is ok today. Brandy you must be so excited :happydance:

Well my DH just administered my first stims shot. It was a sad moment for me - took me right back to my first cycle again :( but on the positive side it didnt hurt at all! I was such a baby about the shots last time - i nearly fainted with the first one! Barely felt it this time!!!
I'm sooooo pleased for u greta! Glad there is still some hope. Sending u some positive vibes xxx

I'm on a stupidly low dose of gonal f because of my PCOS. Last time I was on 112.5 and this time they have dropped it down to 75! I was really close to having my cycle cancelled last time coz of ohss so they are trying to control it better this time.
Glad you finally got started again highhopes but can understand all your emotions attached to starting again. Take care x
Well after my scan this morning the picture is slightly brighter, I now have 5 follies, but only one at 13-14mm, the other 4 are very small. However there are definitely more than Friday!! So we have another scan booked for Tuesday, hoping again for more growth. The nurse today was really lovely, compassionate and positive...just what you need in situations like this. So carrying on with the max dose of Gonal F...and had some amazing acupuncture yesterday, feel that may have given things a boost.
Thanks for all your lovely supportive words ladies, it's helped a lot.
Hope everyone is ok today. Brandy you must be so excited :happydance:

Well my DH just administered my first stims shot. It was a sad moment for me - took me right back to my first cycle again :( but on the positive side it didnt hurt at all! I was such a baby about the shots last time - i nearly fainted with the first one! Barely felt it this time!!!

Thats fantastic news Greta! I am thrilled for you :) It's quality over quantity.

I am well. I have my testing date with the doctor on Wednesday to confirm my pregnancy.

I had a loss in March and I am so scared to hear the #'s I am really hoping they are high!

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