You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

AF is expected in about 8 days time (Fingers well and truly crossed I dont have a long cycle!!) Good luck for tomorrow I will be thinking about you and wishing you well xx
That's not long at all to wait then Louise! Thanks for the positive vibes! Xx
Hope not! still keeping my fingers crossed that I can actually start this month and no more cysts have developed since my last scan!
Good luck for today highhopes. Hope they find an extra few follicles. :) I've been busy the past few days. Will check in properly later. xxx
Aw i hope ur ok highhopes. The quality is what's important so fingers and toes crossed that those 3 are perfect little eggs :) Thinking of u. xxx
Thanks jack. One hr and 15 min to go before I know the eggs were ok. It's stress at every step isn't it? Next thing I will be stressing about is whether they all fertilised...if we make it to tomorrow that is xx
Well that's 4pm and no phone call. Soooo relieved! So at least 1 of my eggs must have been mature. FC they fertilise now!
Hi Ladies

Jack - Sorry to read about your news that must have been heart breaking for you. Do you think you will try another cycle?

Gretarose - Sorry your treatment got cancelled I have everything crossed that next time it's successful for you. Do you know when you'll starting your next cycle?

Highhopes - Exciting times for you. I'll look forward to hearing if the eggs were ok, not long till you'll know. I routing for you :)

I have just had my consultant appointment and over all it was a good outcome just one blip. He said my FSH levels were good, I have 17 follicles and that I was a good candidate for IVF the only thing I didn't agree with was he said he would only transfer 1 embryo if I have several good embryos at 5 days blasto which he thinks I will. I'm a private patient and i'm only going through the IVF process once so I wanted 2 embryos transferring so I don't know what to do??
Well...they had said the same thing to me for my first cycle. I was a nhs patient that time and they said I was only allowed 1 embryo. However, on the day of transfer, since my embryos weren't good enough for freezing they did actually put 2 back in for me. One of those implanted and I got a bfp in jan this year.

I'm surprised they won't let u have 2 embryos put in since u r a private patient! Having said that, they don't know for sure how the cycle will go. My second cycle they were aiming for 8 eggs and i only got who knows?!

If u switch clinics will u have to do loads of tests all over again?
Think positive Highhopes - you got three eggs & I am keeping my fingers crossed for them! Try not to worry! (easier said than done!!) especially when you can't have a glass of wine to unwind!! Let us know as soon as you know I think we are all worrying with you and willing them all along!! xx
Mishc could you not demand to have 2 put back -as you are a private patient!! If not is there someone else higher at the hospital that you could speak to about it. Seems a little unreasonable to me and surely that should be a decision you should be able to make. I would try to speak with them again and reinforce your concerns about only one embie being transferred. Good luck & take care xx
Thanks Louise. I haven't been able to get any rest coz I was so anxious up till 4pm! Can try to relax now. Will let u know how many fertilise tomorrow. Got everything crossed!!!
Highhopes - No I wouldn't have to have all the tests done again as I have had them all in the last 3 months. My file would be transferred from Leeds to Middlesbrough so they would have all the relevant information and I would still be able to start the process at the same time. Because i'm private the process will move at the speed of light.

Louise - I think I might give them a call tomorrow and discuss my concerns with them. If i was an NHS patient and had a couple of goes then i'd be happy to try 1 embryo first. My consultant give me some shitty stats and said if they transfer 1 embryo there is a 40.3% chance of it taking and if they transferred 2 embryos there was at 40.7% chance of it taking!

I need to find actual statistics to take with me!
Thinking of you this morning highhopes...willing those 3little eggs along :hugs:
Hope you managed to sleep ok, not long now xxx

Highhopes - No I wouldn't have to have all the tests done again as I have had them all in the last 3 months. My file would be transferred from Leeds to Middlesbrough so they would have all the relevant information and I would still be able to start the process at the same time. Because i'm private the process will move at the speed of light.

Louise - I think I might give them a call tomorrow and discuss my concerns with them. If i was an NHS patient and had a couple of goes then i'd be happy to try 1 embryo first. My consultant give me some shitty stats and said if they transfer 1 embryo there is a 40.3% chance of it taking and if they transferred 2 embryos there was at 40.7% chance of it taking!

I need to find actual statistics to take with me!
Thanks MishC I will probably be starting my next cycle October/November. Haven't had my follow-up appointment yet, waiting on a letter.
How are you doing? Wishing you luck with your journey x

Hi Ladies

Jack - Sorry to read about your news that must have been heart breaking for you. Do you think you will try another cycle?

Gretarose - Sorry your treatment got cancelled I have everything crossed that next time it's successful for you. Do you know when you'll starting your next cycle?

Highhopes - Exciting times for you. I'll look forward to hearing if the eggs were ok, not long till you'll know. I routing for you :)

I have just had my consultant appointment and over all it was a good outcome just one blip. He said my FSH levels were good, I have 17 follicles and that I was a good candidate for IVF the only thing I didn't agree with was he said he would only transfer 1 embryo if I have several good embryos at 5 days blasto which he thinks I will. I'm a private patient and i'm only going through the IVF process once so I wanted 2 embryos transferring so I don't know what to do??
Just a quick question for you UK you know if in the wait to start my 2nd cycle with the NHS, I can self refer to a private clinic and begin looking into their treatments. I am so impatient I know, but just wondering?
I know I will need to wait 3 bleeds to start anyway and we can't even afford it at the moment but I am struggling with the fact that my follow up appointment after my cancelled cycle is in November!! :nope: desperately need to talk to a professional before then!!

Thanks MishC I will probably be starting my next cycle October/November. Haven't had my follow-up appointment yet, waiting on a letter.
How are you doing? Wishing you luck with your journey x

Hi Ladies

Jack - Sorry to read about your news that must have been heart breaking for you. Do you think you will try another cycle?

Gretarose - Sorry your treatment got cancelled I have everything crossed that next time it's successful for you. Do you know when you'll starting your next cycle?

Highhopes - Exciting times for you. I'll look forward to hearing if the eggs were ok, not long till you'll know. I routing for you :)

I have just had my consultant appointment and over all it was a good outcome just one blip. He said my FSH levels were good, I have 17 follicles and that I was a good candidate for IVF the only thing I didn't agree with was he said he would only transfer 1 embryo if I have several good embryos at 5 days blasto which he thinks I will. I'm a private patient and i'm only going through the IVF process once so I wanted 2 embryos transferring so I don't know what to do??
All 3 fertilised! I'm still trembling! Felt so sick when the phone rang. Cried down the phone to the embryologist the minute she said it was good news. Still a long way to go but it's one more hurdle cleared. This is such a stressful process! Thank u so much for all the positive vibes xx

Greta - I considered going private whilst waiting for my first nhs cycle but was advised against it. The doctor said they thought it might affect my eligibility for an nhs cycle if I did a private one first. Don't know how true that is but I chose to wait.

I can't see the harm in going for a private consultation though - esp if it helps u to move on. I did that straight after my mc and it made me feel a lot more positive about the next cycle.
That's great highhopes :) what a relief! Fingers crossed all goes well over the next few days. Keep thinking positively.

Greta in Scotland every health board has different rules. Some allow u to go private and keep ur nhs cycle, whereas with others u lose ur nhs cycle.

I've had an emotional rollercoaster week - one day I'm absolutely fine the next I'm an emotional wreck. I reckon my hormones r all over the place - I feel like I have PMT multiplied by 100 :( Still haven't had a withdrawal bleed. Hope things start to settle down soon - really didn't think I'd feel this bad a week after. Sorry to sound all doom and gloom ladies! Off on holiday tomo - hopefully a rest and some sun will sort me out :) xx

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