You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

I like that greta! My husband drinks a lot of tea too but we have both switched to decaf. We allow ourselves one normal caffeine mug a day!
Haha! Love the tea trick greta! Made me laugh!

I phoned the hospital today to try to find out when we are finally starting - wasn't given a date but was told we would 'probably' be doing the flare protocol... do any of you know much about this? Have done a little research but have come across conflicting info...

I've never heard of the flare protocol-only heard of antagonist aka short and long protocols. What does the flare involve?

I've cancelled my scan for now as still no period and they need to do it on cycle days 2-8. Hurry up AF!
I think its the same as a short protocol but not 100% sure... the woman i spoke to wasnt a dr so have to wait on the letter arriving to find out more.

Hope af comes soon (or not?!) X
Sounds interesting. Hope the letter arrives soon!

I'm guessing AF must be on its way - after years of hoping and trying I've given up on it happening naturally. will still try but not expecting it to work! Would be an extremely long shot this month!
I know what u would be a massive surprise! But u just never know...a woman i used to work with tried for 14 yrs and then gave up...a few months later she fell pregnant naturally! Imagine! :)
I am hoping you are a good feeling that this is a lucky thread afterall! never know my dear. Got everything crossed for you. Keep us posted :winkwink:

I know what u would be a massive surprise! But u just never know...a woman i used to work with tried for 14 yrs and then gave up...a few months later she fell pregnant naturally! Imagine! :)
I have never heard of the 'flare' either. The consultant told me I would be doing the short protocol. Got fed up of waiting for my letter so I rang St Marys today and they said that my letter has been typed but it is waiting to be signed by the consultant! Why does everything have to involve waiting!!? Anyway she informed me that I didnt need to wait for my letter to request treatment but can ring to request on my first day of next bleed which should be tomorrow. So now its fingers crossed that af arrives soon so that I can request treatment so that whether accepted or not I can actually get the ball rolling! Feeling positive tonight wooohooo!! Might finally be getting somewhere! Hope you are all feeling positive too xx
*Excited to see everyone joining! On my phone so I will make it short but wanted to share something. So other than the bcp being to regulate cycles and synch them with other patients which I didn't need... Apparently my doc said the bcp counteracts the side effects of lupron. So this is why I will take bcp for 7 of the days I'm on lupron. Can't wait for Friday to poke myself!*
Wow my phone did a weird copy paste sorry about the last post
FC it is a lucky thread for us all! Still no sign of AF. I'm so exhausted I could cry! Also had mild nausea at random times and weird pains in abdominal/uterine area. Ive been having some pretty severe mood swings too - laughing/crying at the same time the other day and majorly cranky today! But...I don't want to get my hopes up!
Oh I'm hoping highly for you highhopes! :flower:
Well, one week today til my ICSI teach slot appointment. Feeling pretty good, better than I thought I would. Work is a brilliant distraction right now and feel like my acupuncture is really helping keep me from sinking and thinking negatively. Glad it's this time of year too rather than middle of winter.
I'm just so keen to get started now.
I'm going to try and commute to work next week just so I can exercise more whilst I'm taking my I've started to feel guilty that I haven't lost as much weight as I would have liked...still within the bmi range but just a bit too heavy. Beating myself is not what I need right now, so I have stopped and reminded myself of everything I have managed to achieve:
Managing to carry on working full time as a teacher and dealing with the whole major issue of TTC for 3 years, tests, investigations, disappointments, and such a hell of a lot of waiting.
Quit alcohol
Cut down to 1 or 2 cups of earl grey tea a day.
Started acupuncture.
Continued to take my Pregnacare Conception.
Trying to be gentle with myself and show compassion for myself and my husband. These are challenging times afterall.

I hope I can start this Saturday with the injections...I don't think I could cope with anymore waiting. I'm still puzzled as to why St Marys made me wait so long...hey ho. Perhaps it's meant to be.

Thinking positive thoughts for us all ladies...really enjoying this little thread. It's comforting to sit down after a long day and be able to just say how I'm feeling and read about all your news. :hugs:

FC it is a lucky thread for us all! Still no sign of AF. I'm so exhausted I could cry! Also had mild nausea at random times and weird pains in abdominal/uterine area. Ive been having some pretty severe mood swings too - laughing/crying at the same time the other day and majorly cranky today! But...I don't want to get my hopes up!
exciting times gretarose! Let us know how the teach appointment goes. I hope I am not far behind you! I am thinking about accupuncture as well, but the thought of the needles puts me off a little. Mind you if there is a possibility it could help things along it will definitely be worth grinning and bearing it! I guess you should just not look at what is going on! How do you find it? and how much does it cost you per session?
I am so fed up tonight of waiting for AF to arrive - only 2 days late but why when you want it to come does it mess you about!!? Highhopes have you any sign of the dreaded AF yet?? How many days are you late??
Teaching is good for taking your mind off LTTC but I think it is also hard at times esp as we are dealing with children (the one thing we are struggling to create for ourselves!!) I also seem to have many parents of my class who are ALWAYS(or seem to be) pregnant! Can be difficulut at times!
Fingers crossed for all of us -lets hope for some happy news soon xx
I was so grossed out I figured I would gross someone else out too so dont keep reading and say I didn't warn you :wacko:

So I have to begin injecting follistim(puregon) and Repronex(menogon) so I figured hey I will just read up on the ingredients to see.. I figured all types of weird chemicals and stuff ... But no it's urine from nuns in Italy. No joke totally serious people.... URINE FROM NUNS!

Please see the article below from the drug companies.


FSH (Repronex, Bravelle, Follistim, Menopur and Gonal F) is used to stimulate ovulation. Repronex is composed of two hormones - follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Follistim and Gonal F are FSH only. Bravelle and Menopur is mostly FSH with a very small amount of LH. They are products either derived from the urine of Italian postmenopausal nuns or made recombinantly in a laboratory. All products have the same expected pregnancy rates, although a minority of patients will benefit from an LH-containing product.
Well ladies...I hate to disappoint but AF has arrived. Knew it was too good to be true! Hey ho, let the countdown to my next IVF cycle begin - one month to go! Pre-ivf scan is booked for Monday and final meeting with consultant is on July 2nd.

Good luck with the teach appointment gretarose. I get easily freaked about needles so I barely listened. My husband made notes! He administered every single injection for me - kept him involved in the process. Will be doing it that way again this time round.

Louise u r so right about teaching! It is great but sometimes being around kids really gets to me especially when I see all those mums pregnant yet again.

So...does anyone have a start date yet? Are we all looking at starting in the next month? How exciting!
Morning ladies

Hope you're all well. It's Saturday - yay! I've had an exhausting week, have been reading your posts on my phone each night but haven't found the time to switch on the laptop and reply.

highhopes - how amazing would it be to get a BFP naturally. Fingers and toes crossed for you. But if not - at least AF would mean the start of IVF for you which would also be a positive outcome! Either way you can't lose!

Louise - I know how you feel, all the waiting can be so frustrating. I'm still waiting on my letter from the hospital. I called earlier in the week and they said I should be ok to start the drugs when I get my July period. However, I'm due around 28th June - I'm praying this will be when I can start and not the end of July! The letter better come soon! Just want to know so I can make plans for the summer.

gretarose - I'm with you on the positive thinking and that perhaps sometimes 'things are just meant to be' ...
I'm also enjoying the acupuncture but I've had to go without it for the past 2 weeks because my acupuncturist is away on hols. I didn't actually know he was going until the day before he left and so it means 3 whole weeks without it. Wasn't overly pleased that he hadn't told me in advance which would have meant I could have booked an appt right before he left but hey ho - at least it's saving me money!

Louise - I pay £320 for 10 sessions and I don't really like the feel of the needles going in (I find it quite sore) but once they're in it's usually fine. Very relaxing.

Brandy - you are right!!!! (I thought maybe it was a joke but according to the guardian newspaper it's not!!!)
Brandy - you are right!!!! (I thought maybe it was a joke but according to the guardian newspaper it's not!!!)

Ya I started digging after I saw that and it was serious LOL :wacko: :shrug:
Afternoon ladies,
Lovely to hear from you all. Well, I just got back from my acupuncture and a Clarins massage...gorgeous pampering day :winkwink:
It's costing me a fair bit but just want to try and chill as much as possible before Thursday. I will let you all know how it's goes and what they say re.starting my meds etc.
Just out of I know Louise you were asking. My acupuncture is 12sessions for £500, and that doesn't include the herbs I get each time. It's with a Chinese Clinic and the guy is amazing. It tends to be a 2hour session with reflexology or Meridian massage included. The other day I had THE BEST back massage EVER! The guy is a gorgeous tiny Chinese guy and I am over 6ft but he made me melt, went quite high up my leg at one point til he was actually massaging my buttock...! But absolute heaven :winkwink:

Highhopes: Poo to AF arriving, but at least you know you can start afresh with the IVF. I really like your positive attitude. How is the situation with that awkward friend of yours? Hope it's all sorted for you to minimise any extra stress on your world right now.

Brandy: I too was baffled by your revelation about what's in the drugs...made me giggle though :haha: Hope you doing ok all the way across the Atlantic

Will write more soon to all of you ladies...just gonna have my tea and catch the semi final of the of my secret pleasures...gotta find them where we can eh?
Big love until next time x

Brandy - you are right!!!! (I thought maybe it was a joke but according to the guardian newspaper it's not!!!)

Ya I started digging after I saw that and it was serious LOL :wacko: :shrug:
OMG! What is so special about Italian nuns urine?? very strange!! but hey I suppose if it works for us we will try anything!!

Thankyou jack79 & gretarose for the info on accupuncture. Your massage sounded wonderful and I guess you will be returning for follow up treatment soon!
Still waiting impatiently for my AF to arrive so no start date for me yet unfortunately!!

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