You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

Thank you for the advice Jack79. I slept on it last night / tossed and turned and woke up with a more positive outlook. I contacted St Marys first thing this morning when I got to work and was very proud with how I dealt with the situation. I contacted the consultants secretaries at 9.30 when they are supposed to work from 8.30 only to find the recorded message on saying 'we are sorry the office is now closed and we are open between the hours of 8.30 - 1.30pm. I was puzzled as it was definitely 9.30! So I tried other numbers, but no answer so ended up ringing the nurses request treatment line. When I told them about the answer machine they said the consultants probably hadnt realised that the machine was still on and that she would go down stairs and get them to turn it off. So after about 10 mins I called the consultants sercretaries again and this time low and behold it rang and rang and rang....!! I was getting very frustrated so called the nurse back who said they were prob busy and she would try to transfer me, which she did and then I was cut off!! Could have cried at this point, but no I decided to ring the nurse back and just speak to her as it looked like she was the only human I would be able to get hold of in the place! I explained the whole situation to her and that I wasn't happy that someone had given me the incorrect info and I had waited to call and request only to be knocked back because my letter had not been received. I said I had waited a month for it even though the consultant said it would only be 2 - 3 weeks. She said that she would go straight away to the consultants secretary to chase it up and that it was still in dictation. I asked her if she would ask the consulant to ring me and said if they didnt then I would personally ring them today.I waited till 12.30 and had not heard anything so I tried the consultant secretaries number and wahey! I got through the first time!!! I began my story and then she realised who I was and asked me to confirm my name and said the letter had been typed and was in my file and had been given to the nurse earlier!! She said there would be no reason for the treatment request to not go ahead this month, but I would have to check with the nurses - RESULT!!! It pays to push them obviously! and shows that if you sit back things don't always get moving. I contacted the nurses and they have everything on file and my name is now down on request for treatment this month so I should hear something in less than 72 hours!! WAHEY!!! Soooooooooooooooooo happy!!!:thumbup::yipee:
Brilliant!!! It definitely pays to get on their back!!! :) :) :)
I'm fine...still waiting on my letter from the hospital... super tired just now...only one more week of school left thank goodness! Xx
1 more week!! I wish I worked where you do we have just over a month left - boohoo!!!
well I have waited about 31 of my 72 hours and not heard anything. Does anyone know if the 72 hours includes saturday and sunday? If it does they might ring me on Sunday? We will see....If they dont ring me by Sunday when the 72 hours is up will there be a number I can contact someone on?? Life is a constant wait at the moment isn't it...?
What is everyone up to at the weekend - I have my dads retirement do which is a fancy dress party! In a dilemma whether to drink or not - I am currently opting for the dont drink option as now is definitely a good time to quit drinking and cleanse the system in preparation for treatment - fingers crossed xx
glad to hear things are starting to move along for everyone!

I got to take my last BCP today finally!! I have been on my lupron now for 7 days they arent bad just having to do the injection sucks I look like I have a belt of bruises which is strange since the actual shot doesnt hurt.

Cant wait to have my baseline ultrasound a week from today and then start stimms!
Louise that is fantastic that you persevered and got the letter situation sorted! I guess it pays to keep going back and asking until they finally get things done. FC you get the call this weekend. So what does that mean in terms of starting your cycle? Will you be starting this week???

Jack you are soooo lucky to be finishing school next week. Is that the case for all schools in Scotland? We don't finish till July 19th in London! FOUR weeks to go :( The kids are getting really ratty - having to sort out constant issues.

I've got a BBQ at my SILs house today - weather doesn't look too great! And tomorrow is a work day as usual - need to get the end of year reports finished. OOH going to see the Superman film tomorrow - has anyone seen it yet?

So, have I got this right: Brandy and Louise are starting treatment in the next few days, Jack is starting early July and Greta is hopefully starting in July too? Hard to keep up as things seem to be moving for us all now!
Hi everyone, hope you all doing ok this Saturday.
Well, I had my teach slot on Thursday and start my first ever injection of Buserilin today...:happydance:
I can hardly believe I am at this point. We thought we would start in March then had 3 refusals, so it feels such a relief to be finally on the journey.
Had a crazy crazy intense week at work but things are beginning to slow down just in time. Have decided my husband will do the shots, we've got to do them between 4-7pm, and then keep the same time every day, so it's looking like 6pm. Going to do it and then go out for tea to celebrate.
Going to dye my hair and have a pamper. Been for a stroll and bought some arnica cream for the injection points and a brand new journal for this new episode. Got some reports to write too but otherwise a quiet weekend.
Hope everyone doing ok: Brandy with your stimming, and Louise, highhopes and jack with your waiting, massages and the pressures of teaching. Take care all of you and thanks so much for being there. It is such a comfort :hugs:
Write soon x

Louise that is fantastic that you persevered and got the letter situation sorted! I guess it pays to keep going back and asking until they finally get things done. FC you get the call this weekend. So what does that mean in terms of starting your cycle? Will you be starting this week???

Jack you are soooo lucky to be finishing school next week. Is that the case for all schools in Scotland? We don't finish till July 19th in London! FOUR weeks to go :( The kids are getting really ratty - having to sort out constant issues.

I've got a BBQ at my SILs house today - weather doesn't look too great! And tomorrow is a work day as usual - need to get the end of year reports finished. OOH going to see the Superman film tomorrow - has anyone seen it yet?

So, have I got this right: Brandy and Louise are starting treatment in the next few days, Jack is starting early July and Greta is hopefully starting in July too? Hard to keep up as things seem to be moving for us all now!
Hi all!! I had the call this morning and cant believe I have actually been accepted!! Although my needle teach is on the 22nd july so I hope nxt af stays away till after that so we can actually start on my next cycle. So happy and shocked to finally be at this point. Spoke with my brother this morn to tell him and he commented on how slow it is - people not going through this painful lengthly process don't realise the half of what is involved. I am so happy that I perservered with the calls as it def did the trick! Good luck with the injections gretarose and let us know how they go. Its crazy to feel excited about injecting yourself but I cant wait now!! Good luck everyone and thanks for letting me share this journey with you all xxx
Yes High hopes I think you have the timeline right for the few of us that are currently active on this thread ;)

6 days for me till stims and an expected ER of 7/10!! Thats only 18 days wow.
Louise that's great that you can start in July! Good plan to have your DH administer the shots.

Brandy can't believe u r at the stimming stage already and have a date for ER! That's fab! Good luck with the shots!

Greta hope ure first shot went well! It's so exciting when u start that journey. I went faint the first few times coz I hate needles but soon got used to it. It is definitely comforting knowing we are going through this at the same sort of time and can support each other!
Thanks High!

Sorry for sounding silly but can someone explain this thing with the letters and the hospitals to me? Something to do with being across the pond maybe?

Here I went to a doctor and said here is my money I would like invetro... they gladly cashed the check and handed me meds haha.
In the UK we have the NHS - we don't have to pay directly for our medical care it comes out of our taxes. So if we are having IVF, depending upon the area we live in, we are entitled to upto three 'free' cycles. In my area it is only one free cycle (which I've had already). However, the waiting lists are huge so there are letters and referrals and all sorts of hassles before you actually get to have ivf. If you are a private patient (which I now am since I've used up my NHS cycle) it is just like you said it is for you - I'm paying so I can do it whenever I want!
Hi ladies

Things are def moving along for everyone it seems which is great!

I called the hospital (again) on friday and my letter has been typed! :) Hopefully it will arrive tues or wed. I'm due my period on fri (this is when i've to call the hospital) so it's cutting it fine!

How r the injections gretarose and brandy? Any side effects?

Yes most schools in scotland finish this week - some the week after. I CANNOT wait!! :) We go back on 19th August though

My injections so far as easy. I was getting headaches they stopped today.. I am hoping they were caused by the birth control they had me on since I took the last one yesterday and I was fine today.
Hi ladies
Well had my first buserilin shot yesterday and so far so good...I've got to inject for 14days and then go for a scan on 5th July, if all ok I will start on the Gonal F shots after that.
Hope everyone good and things keep on moving for us all. :winkwink:

My injections so far as easy. I was getting headaches they stopped today.. I am hoping they were caused by the birth control they had me on since I took the last one yesterday and I was fine today.
Hi ladies
Well had my first buserilin shot yesterday and so far so good...I've got to inject for 14days and then go for a scan on 5th July, if all ok I will start on the Gonal F shots after that.
Hope everyone good and things keep on moving for us all. :winkwink:

My injections so far as easy. I was getting headaches they stopped today.. I am hoping they were caused by the birth control they had me on since I took the last one yesterday and I was fine today.

YAY! Were both rolling now :) Congrats!
Hi ladies
Well had my first buserilin shot yesterday and so far so good...I've got to inject for 14days and then go for a scan on 5th July, if all ok I will start on the Gonal F shots after that.
Hope everyone good and things keep on moving for us all. :winkwink:

That is fantastic news Gretarose!! Good luck with all of the shots & it will be the 5th July before you know it!:happydance::happydance:
Everyones starting to move along nicely .. Cant wait to hear the BFPs roll in!
Hope everyone's well. I'm still waiting on this stupid letter (!) that was supposed to have arrived last week! Going to call the hospital and chase it up tomorrow if it still hasn't arrived...

Random question - has anyone managed to give up tea before starting IVF?! I'm only on 2 cups a day but keep meaning to give up completely. Finding it difficult! :)

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