Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

Hi everyone :wave:

I went into the doctor today about something unrelated to PCOS. After a chat, she decided to start me on metformin. She said it will help control my insulin levels and hopefully promote ovulation. My specialist appointment is on december 7th. She said it would have been good to try the metformin before then.

I see alot of you girls have been on, or are still on it. Can you tell me if it is any good? Does it work for ovulation? Does it help weight loss? And have any of you had any bad side effects?

Any advice would be much appreciated :flower:

I'm on metformin 1000mg a day at the moment and am going back to the hospital tomorrow. I was having a really long cycle which finally ended with af but I don't know if I O'd. I think the met might have helped but I don't think it was solely down to that. I've noticed that my appetite has been massively decreased since being on the tablets, not really had any stomach upsets but then I might not notice as io already have ibs. I should also point out that not everyone who has PCOS is insulin resistant and I haven't actually been checked for it, just got put straight onto met.
Thanks for your reply. The doc has put me on just 500mg once per day. She said we can experiment with the dosage after a while but to just stay on this until the December 7th appointment. Im on CD41 now, sore boobs the last 3 days but other than that no sign of AF. My last cycle was 33 days. According to my CBFM I didnt ovulate at all this month. very frustrating. We havent been ttc that long, but Id hate to have regular months where I didnt Ovulate. Im hoping the met will rule that out.
I was on oralisat (or something like that) before. Its a weight loss pill perscribed by the doc. It gave me such bad cramps/wind e.t.c that I only lasted 2 months on it. As long as the met doesnt do the same I'll be fine!:thumbup: Id be quiet happy to have a decreased appetite to be honest. Weight has been an issue all my life, and now Im told its interferring with my efforts to conceive also.
I'm still getting over a cold. DH is off today so he's nipped into town this morning to trade in some video games. Not doing anything today, this evening we're going to be watching a wrestling pay-per-view as we do once a month :D I just can't wait for tomorrow, back to hospital for my second appointment :happydance:

Exciting!! Hope your appointment goes ok, let us know what they say xx
Thanks for your reply. The doc has put me on just 500mg once per day. She said we can experiment with the dosage after a while but to just stay on this until the December 7th appointment. Im on CD41 now, sore boobs the last 3 days but other than that no sign of AF. My last cycle was 33 days. According to my CBFM I didnt ovulate at all this month. very frustrating. We havent been ttc that long, but Id hate to have regular months where I didnt Ovulate. Im hoping the met will rule that out.
I was on oralisat (or something like that) before. Its a weight loss pill perscribed by the doc. It gave me such bad cramps/wind e.t.c that I only lasted 2 months on it. As long as the met doesnt do the same I'll be fine!:thumbup: Id be quiet happy to have a decreased appetite to be honest. Weight has been an issue all my life, and now Im told its interferring with my efforts to conceive also.

I've been on orlistat/xenical too, and yeah that can give you some quite bad stomach problems. I've in no way had that with the met. Weight has also been an issue for me all my life so I know how you feel :hugs:

I'm still getting over a cold. DH is off today so he's nipped into town this morning to trade in some video games. Not doing anything today, this evening we're going to be watching a wrestling pay-per-view as we do once a month :D I just can't wait for tomorrow, back to hospital for my second appointment :happydance:

Exciting!! Hope your appointment goes ok, let us know what they say xx

Me too, I'll most definitely be straight on here tomorrow to let you all know how it goes :haha:
Am on met 1500 mg. I am what my endo called 'lean' but they put me right on the full dose because everyone in my family (except my mother) has developed type 2 diabetes. For me, it's improved my skin and ability to lose weight (has come off much quicker when I have tried), but I've not seen an improvement in ovulation yet.

My endo tells me that 90% of women will see an improvement in their cycle within 3-6 months on met and that I'm just unlucky. I count the improvement in my acne as a significant benefit and one what mustn't be discredited because it's not resulted in my ultimate goal of pregnancy. The other aded advantage is that I will be significantly less likely to develop diabetes myself and that's worth a lot, given my family history.

Don't know if any of this helps at all. I hope you get the results you'd like and things improve for you soon!
Am on met 1500 mg. I am what my endo called 'lean' but they put me right on the full dose because everyone in my family (except my mother) has developed type 2 diabetes. For me, it's improved my skin and ability to lose weight (has come off much quicker when I have tried), but I've not seen an improvement in ovulation yet.

My endo tells me that 90% of women will see an improvement in their cycle within 3-6 months on met and that I'm just unlucky. I count the improvement in my acne as a significant benefit and one what mustn't be discredited because it's not resulted in my ultimate goal of pregnancy. The other aded advantage is that I will be significantly less likely to develop diabetes myself and that's worth a lot, given my family history.

Don't know if any of this helps at all. I hope you get the results you'd like and things improve for you soon!

Just wanted to say that my doc told me the maximum dose I could be put on for met is 2000mg, either she was wrong or maybe it's different in different areas?
Hey Nexis, do you mind me asking do you have the other typical symptoms of PCOS? like excessive hair growth, or bad skin? My bcps always controlled these things so I didnt even know they were an issue until I came off them. They seem to be getting a little worse each month. Im wondering if the met will help with that side of things too!
Hey Miss Noddles, it seems you have had a positive enough experience on met even though it hasnt helped ovulation. It may still though, so dont give up hope just yet! Im glad to hear both of you say it helped to loose weight because to be honest I had stopped trying the last few months. Absolutely killing myself on a strict diet and gym(which i hate) only to loose 6 pounds in 2 months....i just gave up. so much effort, such little results.
My doc said 1500 was the highest too by the way.

Sorry for the two replies, im only new around here and havent figured out how to reply to two people in one post!
The max does of met is 2250, but doctor's dont like to use it. 2000mg + and they need to start testing for liver failure.

I've been on met for 1 year (WOW!!) and its really helped me. my cycles were every 6 months - which is bad as it increases the chances of uterine cancer. I was on 1850, and my cycles were 32-39 days except the time i took EPO, and it was 46. Now i'm on 2000 and my first cycle was 42 days. Currently on cd 38 with no + OPK, which usually comes 8-11 days before AF. I know PCOS people and OPKs dont get along some times, but if its just for predicting AF, that's ok too. :) I've also lost roughly 30/40 pounds since the increase. I've yet to get pregnant, but i'm not sure I'm ovulating, and my LP is too short so i can't say the met would really help that area.
Am on met 1500 mg. I am what my endo called 'lean' but they put me right on the full dose because everyone in my family (except my mother) has developed type 2 diabetes. For me, it's improved my skin and ability to lose weight (has come off much quicker when I have tried), but I've not seen an improvement in ovulation yet.

My endo tells me that 90% of women will see an improvement in their cycle within 3-6 months on met and that I'm just unlucky. I count the improvement in my acne as a significant benefit and one what mustn't be discredited because it's not resulted in my ultimate goal of pregnancy. The other aded advantage is that I will be significantly less likely to develop diabetes myself and that's worth a lot, given my family history.

Don't know if any of this helps at all. I hope you get the results you'd like and things improve for you soon!

Just wanted to say that my doc told me the maximum dose I could be put on for met is 2000mg, either she was wrong or maybe it's different in different areas?

I've just had a little chuckle to myself - I'm not surprised at all. I'm fast learning that there's no such thing as consistency in the NHS! I guess it must all be different, maybe down to the postcode lottery, or even down to the person - he didn't say why it was a max, but it could well be the max for my symptoms....? Hmm! Thanks for sharing though!
Hey Miss Noddles, it seems you have had a positive enough experience on met even though it hasnt helped ovulation. It may still though, so dont give up hope just yet! Im glad to hear both of you say it helped to loose weight because to be honest I had stopped trying the last few months. Absolutely killing myself on a strict diet and gym(which i hate) only to loose 6 pounds in 2 months....i just gave up. so much effort, such little results.
My doc said 1500 was the highest too by the way.

Sorry for the two replies, im only new around here and havent figured out how to reply to two people in one post!

The thing with losing weight on it is that it just came off a little quicker. I was told it'd make no difference, so I've had no expectation, but I lost 5lb the first week I dieted (strictly) and then a steady 1lb a week thereafter. I should also say that I lost most of my weight before even being diagnosed with pcos - I was miserable and went hardcore on diet and exercise with slimming world, losing 2.5st in 6 months. Mind you, ii got engaged and planned a short notice wedding and that was certainly enough motivation to shift it all. I got diagnosed 5 weeks before the day. For me, I have to say that I'm both blessed and tortured by m y DHs fast metabolism - I hate looking large next to him and it helps keep me in check. I've recently gained about 7lb, but I hope to have it all off by Christmas.

The ovulation is obviously important to me, but what met does for me is help with my self esteem while the rest is going on. Before met I just hated seeing photos (still can't look at wedding photos) because of my thin hair and acne all over my face. My hair has seen a major improvement too - baby hairs coming through where the male pattern baldness usually occurs, so its thickening a little too.

Hope this all helps.
Well ladies...I have been to the doctors!! And I am happy lol.

They are actually unsure whether I do have PCOS! It turns out the ultrasound showed one ovary with all the signs but the other one apparently is below the threshold of PCOS. I have had blood tests and apparently they were all normal. He was saying there is a male hormone which all women have (not testosterone) which is typically high when you have PCOS but on my tests apparently it was all normal!!

So I haven't got Metaformin yet as he wants to ensure I do have it as he doesn't want to give me something which would help for something I might not have.

Plus he weighed me and said that in the past month since I was last weighed I have lost over a stone and I am the lightest I've been in a year! :D :happydance:

Soo I'm over the moon at the moment and know not to go to any other dr but him regarding this issue :D

The OH has said that if it turns out I don't have PCOS then I should sue for all the heartache and rubbish I've been through but I don't know if I would. I'm just taking it as it comes now.

Plus I think I either have ovulated or am close to ovulating! Yesterday I had CM on the tissue (sorry if tmi!!!) and I also had twinges on my left side lower abdomen! So of course I made sure we BD hehehe. :D and I will make sure we BD at least every other night for the next week or so hehehe

Sooo how are you ladies??

Hey Nexis, do you mind me asking do you have the other typical symptoms of PCOS? like excessive hair growth, or bad skin? My bcps always controlled these things so I didnt even know they were an issue until I came off them. They seem to be getting a little worse each month. Im wondering if the met will help with that side of things too!

I have light blonde quite fine hair all over my face and have always had bad skin but I've not got excess hair anywhere else. I found my skin was negligibly better.

I've just got back from the hospital and overall I think it went well. No clomid but still a good result. My testosterone was still a bit high but they weren't worried about any of the other results. I've also lost 4.5lb and I have to go for cd21 bloods when I get my next AF.

I also have to wait for a letter with an appointment for an HSG, and DH for one for a SA. Obviously I would have liked clomid but I understand they want to check everything first and I'm really glad they're looking to do more investigation. I'm really happy with how things went :happydance:
That's good news Nexis. It's really good that you're happy with the outcome. That is the main thing :) it's no good leaving the drs thinking it was a waste of time!

Congrats on the weight loss!!

:D xoxo
So glad your Dr's appointment went well Nexis :)

Hope your 21 day bloods come back good. Is that all your waiting for now?

So glad your Dr's appointment went well Nexis :)

Hope your 21 day bloods come back good. Is that all your waiting for now?


Got to wait til I have my next af then go for bloods, tbh with my track record that old not be for quite a while :haha: hopefully the appointments for the HSG & SA won't take too long either :)
I have PCOS but they tested for insulin resistance and I don't have it. My gyn was thinking about starting me on Metformin, but that was right at the point when I switched to an FS and she didn't think it would help me at all. I struggle with my weight, I think my BMI is around 29/30, but she didn't seem to think that was bad at all as far as TTC and recommended that I not excercise strenuously or diet. I've actually gained about 15lbs since coming off BCP because I haven't been excercising as much. It's really frustrating, but it will be worth it when I have my little bean! I used to dance all the time in school, so I was at about 20 BMI, but it shot up when I stopped dancing.

I am 8dpiui today and went in for my progesterone bloodwork this morning. My levels came back at 91! I'm trying not to read too much into that because it was 82 with my last IUI and BFN, but at least it's good that my progesterone is high! I've been having mild AF-like cramps for the past three or so days and I am so tired! But I'm taking progesterone suppositories, which can cause a lot of pregnancy-like symptoms, so there's no point in symptom spotting. I know that, but I can't help doing it anyway :wacko:
nexis & TTCwitPCOS so glad both of your appointments went well and you both lost weight :happydance:

stayhopeful yay that's a great number :happydance: I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

jojo how's things going with you???

nlk how are you doing Hun??? Not long until the injectables now :happydance:

:hi: to anyone I missed I just quickly skimmed through the last page :dohh:

Afm- nothing new- cd7 (day 4 of stims) have a scan Tuesday to check progress and probably another week of stims after that and the trigger! Because I know it's my last round I'm bricking it :haha:
nexis & TTCwitPCOS so glad both of your appointments went well and you both lost weight :happydance:

stayhopeful yay that's a great number :happydance: I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

jojo how's things going with you???

nlk how are you doing Hun??? Not long until the injectables now :happydance:

:hi: to anyone I missed I just quickly skimmed through the last page :dohh:

Afm- nothing new- cd7 (day 4 of stims) have a scan Tuesday to check progress and probably another week of stims after that and the trigger! Because I know it's my last round I'm bricking it :haha:

Missed you around here the past few days! It's understandable that you're bricking it - I would be too, I think. Let's hope its your turn for BFP and the lot of us are onto a winning streak!!

Afm, New bipolar meds have not done me ANY favours today and I've developed a bit of a stammer. DH says it'll teach me to keep quiet, lol. Hopefully the side effects will settle soon. Finished provera today and hoping to start Clomid on day two when af comes. Decided to hell with the consequences - nobody said this would be easy.

Have a lovely weekend ladies!
Hello everybody!

I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. On my last visit to the doctor 3 months ago I was cyst free and with my insuline resistance under control! (which are the symptoms I have), I stopped BCP on Sep. 25, so this is my first Cycle TTC!

Any advice? :blush:

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