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Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

Mind if I join in? I was diagnosed with PCOS last year after TTC with my ex for a long time.

I am now TTC with my new partner. Last time I got to the point of being prescribed clomid but I never took it due to the situation.

So basically I'm starting a fresh. TTC naturally then after 6 months we will be visiting the doctors and hopefully will be given clomid straight away.

So erm hi. My name is becca.

We ate NTNP so just DTD lots and I'll be taking folic and oh will be on zinc.

Taking the relaxed approach as I dont want to get stressed.
Forgot I have also lost nearly 7st over the past two years which hadn't helped with my PCOS symptoms and I have had an early mc and one ectopic where I lost my right tube and my remaining tube is damaged so I expect to end up with IVF really.
Welcome Becca!

I like that you're going with the relaxed approach- I need to try that for sure. Well done on your 7 stone weight loss! x
Welcome mumface and casper!

Wow, lots of new ladies joining the gang :)
Last time it drove me mental.

The way we see it if if happens it happens. We just want to get the ball rolling so when we want help we can get it. I'm not expecting it to happen naturally at all. I think it helps when you've given up all hope. OH reckons he has super sperm and we will catch quickly bless him!

Thanks for the warm welcome.

wow, so many newbies! our little group is growing!
so great to see, good luck to all of you, so good to have others in the same situation to understand!

Hopefully in the next few months this can turn into a thread about our pregnancies!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

:dust: :baby: :dust:
Hopefully. Fingers crossed. I would like to be pregnant by Christmas really.

Last time it drove me mental.

The way we see it if if happens it happens. We just want to get the ball rolling so when we want help we can get it. I'm not expecting it to happen naturally at all. I think it helps when you've given up all hope. OH reckons he has super sperm and we will catch quickly bless him!

Thanks for the warm welcome.


My DH thinks he's got super sperm too! I'm hoping that the longer we're at it the more relaxed I'll become and it'll mean we're more able to get help if needed too x
Welcome Casper! Sorry, we're not ignoring you, I'm just stressing out like no other! haha

12 dpo, it's officially midnight. I might not even test today, and try again this weekend

Hi everyone!!

I posted my story myself but no one has noticed I do not think or maybe I do not belong....??? I'm 28, ttc for a year, and have had PCOS for at least over a year... Thanks!

Welcome Casper!! :)

It's so nice to add another to our group.

Welcome mumface and casper!

Wow, lots of new ladies joining the gang :)

HEY EVERYONE!!! So nice to have a warm welcome!!! I understand you are all in high mode wanting to be prego. I am too BUT I am 11 dpo today and still no BFP. Supposed to start AF on Sunday.... Just bummed out....
Hopefully. Fingers crossed. I would like to be pregnant by Christmas really.


yup! ill be happy as long as my babys birthday isnt around christmas.
if we were to get pregnant THIS WEEK the due dat would be 22nd january so anytime in the next 10 months ish would be great! (but obviously the sooner the better)
I don't care about babies birthday. Any month will do. Haha.

wow, so many newbies! our little group is growing!
so great to see, good luck to all of you, so good to have others in the same situation to understand!

Hopefully in the next few months this can turn into a thread about our pregnancies!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

:dust: :baby: :dust:

That'd be great! My original hopes were to be pregnant by my 30th in June or by MIL's 60th birthday but I don't think that's going to happen now. x
Hopefully. Fingers crossed. I would like to be pregnant by Christmas really.


yup! ill be happy as long as my babys birthday isnt around christmas.
if we were to get pregnant THIS WEEK the due dat would be 22nd january so anytime in the next 10 months ish would be great! (but obviously the sooner the better)

January 22nd is my birthday! lOL! Good luck with everyones BFP! Hope you ladies all get it!!
Exactly my thoughts. I'm the same on sex. Either will do. I just want A baby. Any baby!

I wanted to be pregnant before I hit 25, which is June. But I can't really see that happening.

I will be 28 in August. :(

I actually put baby stuff on my Pinterest... ugh

baby fever!!!

I start my clomid the end of this weekend or next week depending on when i get my period!!!! i am so excited :) i just don't want to get too excited in case it doesnt work the first round...... ahhhh the waiting is what is the hardest... you would think that i would be used to the waiting game since i've been ttc for 3 plus years lol... but you never get used to it honestly... i was telling my hubs that i am probably gonna go into shock when i actually get a :bfp: lol you just replay it over and over in your head and it always is a :bfn: so i can't wait til God blesses me with a :bfp: good luck everyone baby dust to all!!!!!! :baby:
I cant concerntrate in work, got told to limit my web use as i keep looking at baby things lol!
Hopefully should ovulate 1/5 onwards if mu cycle and my working out is correct.
Cant wait to get home, dp is saying im using him as a sperm bank lol!
Hubby gets home tonight. I am only on CD 8 so I doubt that I am fertible but that doesn't mean that I can't say hello to my husband after a long business trip. :)

I'm hoping that this cycle is going to be the one. Our anniversary is on May 10 so it would be nice to get a BFP after our anniversary is over.
im on cd12 and praying first round clomid works and i ov!!
i wasnt gonna but i snuck in 2 opks yesterday, i dont know why, the doc told me not to even bother with them with pcos.
yesterdays at 11am was a faint line(but def not positive, but noticeable) and 10pm last night was even lighter...wha? arent they meant to get darker til u o? now im all bummed thinking it wont work?

oh and i believe we have some testers over the next day or 2??

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