Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

Mumface we use concieve plus lube I think I got it from boots? It's good and sperm friendly.

Your dr sounds like a nightmare!!
Deflated and let down......thats me!

I just came home from the doctor (v early appt) I wanted to discuss my worried over low progesterone. I told her how afraid of m/c I was and all that my sister went through. I said my sister was on some kind of injection for progesterone to stop her m/c'ing and she totally dismissed it! The usual oh come back in October and you will be referred.
"But what if I catch then and because of LowP I m/c?"
She replies "A lot of of women m/c for various reasons, It is frustrating I know but I gyno will refuse to see you until October."
Then I asked "I am CD52 no sign of AF arriving, all my pms symptoms have dissapeard so now I am in limbo, Will I ovulate or have AF, what can be done about that?"
"Nothing." came her reply. "AF will come you need to stop thinking about it."
I replied "I am certain LowP needs treatment asap?"
"Not in all cases."
Oh yes then she piped up saying they did the LowP test on the wrong day of my cycle.....thats because I dont have a regular one yet.

Ok So if I leave it until October and still no bump and still lowP then I am back to square one.
It was like talking to a brick wall.
So now here I am, venting via my laptop wanting to cry.
I know my body, I am in tune with it I think I know when there is a problem. Its like before I was on bcp my AF was heavy and kind of regular and I could tell the day before she came. I would think I bet af turns up tomorrow and bingo she sure would. My intuition tells me she wont show nor will I ovulate.
We cant even BD as my cm is dry as the sahara and lube affects sperm mobility.
Bet if we went private they would see me tomorrow.
But again no treatment for pcos either, she said the reason is because I dont seem badly affected by it oh she had to get that old one in too......adopt a healthy lifestyle and diet, maybe shed a few pounds.
I dont think doctors are clued up about pcos and how it affects you physically and emotionally.

I am sure my niece will have her section anyday next week. I am excited for her and the new addition to my family I can hardly wait to hold her and lavish her witht he gifts I have made and bought but it makes me very emotional just thinking of it. She had her implant removed and concieved within 3 months so no problems there. We will visit the hospital and she will be sat there with her little girl wrapped snuggly in her arms, the sight of alone will prob make me cry.

I have the day off work today. I had all sorts planned such as baking, calling into town for some bits but now I just want to sit her and watch some borring mind numbing tv and do nothing but eat.
Infact, might treat DP to take out fish and chips for when he gets back from work. Sod the diet today, I need a pick me up!!

Sorry for my rant ladies but I have gone from super confident to not so sure of anything anymore. :cry:

Oh mumface, I am so sorry to hear your appointment was such a let down. Have you thought about going to a different dr? Yours sounds horrible and not particularly educated either. I would definitely try and get another opinion, because I know (my dr anyway) referred me straight away because of my pcos and said that was common practice (in Aus anyway). I would've thought she would've at least considered provera or something so AF comes. I hope you are feeling a bit better, I reckon try and hunt down a more understanding dr who makes you feel better, not worse.
Thanks girls.
This is thr 2nd dr i have seen about pcos and its like a broken record, come back in octover and we will refer you.
She said point blank a gyno will refuse to see me until october.
What can i do? Cd52 and no where to go!
Your doctor sounds awful. Before I went on bcp almost 6 years ago my old doctors were useless in trying to find out why I had such irregular and heavy periods. They were useless, usually telling me to lose weight or that they didn't see why it was a problem (male doctors). Now I go to a different doctors and the first one I saw wasn't any help at all, suggested I lose some weight and see if that helped so I went and saw another one and she told me my docs had a GP who specialised in fertility. She sent me for an u/s to confirm PCOS and then referred me to gynae at the hospital hopefully for met. I'd keep going back and seeing different doctors to see if any of them will listen to you rather than dismiss what you're saying :hugs:
I really feel like i am wasting my time. They have said no gyno will see me until we have been trying for 6 months.
She blamed my mia af on bcp use.....oh come off it! 52 days is a bit silly dont you think.
I will do as they say but if no bfp by october at least i can say their advice sucks!
dp wants to go private but we do not have the money.

I will wait it out.
mumface, I'm so sorry you're having such issues with your doctor. And I can completely relate to how you feel. This is pretty much the same route I had to go down.

Few doctors are trained in pcos, which is why the majority refer you on to someone who is, and who can give you the proper care you need. If you are desperate to be seen, I can tell you how I got seen after three months after coming off bcp (which they put me on after I got diagnosed to try and reset me).

I know a few people might disagree with me on this, but it's what I did, and I don't regret it. I was referred to a FS after three months off bcp because I hadn't bled at all in that time, which would mean you are already halfway there.

Lie. When you go in, tell them that you have been trying for longer than you have. And if you say that you have not bled in three months, they are required to give you provera, because it's dangerous for your endometrious to go that long without any AF. Even if you can't lie about having tried for a year (I had taken myself off bcp because I just knew something was wrong, and had been off it for a year, just not trying) at least tell them that you haven't had AF in over three months. At least that will allow you to start afresh!

As I said, I fought and fought with my doctor over it. I never got taken seriously, and when I was diagnosed people acted as though I was overreacting. It was only when I said that I'd already been trying for a year without success, and that I hadn't bled in three months, that my doctor declared me as not ovulating AT ALL and I instantly got referred to a FS. I in fact hadn't been trying at all, but the fact that I hadn't bled was enough proof.

I'm sorry I've rambled so much, but I hope you can take something helpful from this. It's worth a shot. At the end of the day, it can't hurt. I know how expensive it is to go private here, as I also looked into it. I'm glad I didn't, because my specialist has been amazing, it just took a hell of a fight to get here.
I can't believe they've said no gyno will see you until 6 months of TTC when you're on cd 52. That just seems crazy to me, as you're already having such a long cycle. The doctor who referred me said they normally won't refer until you've been TTC for a year with no success but that she would refer me earlier (at the time she referred we'd been TTC 7 months) as I was annovulatory and a long way in to an 167 day cycle. In the meantime she gave me norethisterone to see if I would at least have a withdrawal bleed from that. I did, but nothing since, cd 67 today.
Matilda, the health system
In Aus is better, overseas u generally don't get seen
Til ttc 12 months.
I came off the pill jan 6, withdrawal bleed jan 11-15. No af by end march my doc referred me, seen specialist early April for u/sound and confirmation, started clomid late April, pregnant early may. The uk system seems crap!
It is morning time and that means I can have coffee. I haven't had much caffeine at all. I've been trying to be good but I figure if hubby of mine isn't going to be here during what I believe to be my fertile week then I might as well indulge. I am going to the beach from July 28-August 4th so it just means that I won't be pregnant, so I can enjoy the hottub at the beach house and a few beers. I guess that can't be bad right?


I just feel like it is though.

My best friend and her husband are going with us and she's newly pregnant. I am so excited for her and can't wait to spend quality time but every so often I will probably have to disappear and regroup.

All I can do now is go through the months and get to September 25th so I can go to a proper gyno and hope she can find something that will help me.
@mumface. That is true....its no different for here. We had to be trying for a year before my gyno referred me to a specialist. we actually went in after the year and told them that we wanted to have a baby and they tested me and referred us right away. They suspected pcos, and confirmed it. I know that is not what you wanted to hear, but the only other thing you will be able to do is lie about how long u been trying to a new doctor. Sorry that you are going through this. :hugs:
Deflated and let down......thats me!

I just came home from the doctor (v early appt) I wanted to discuss my worried over low progesterone. I told her how afraid of m/c I was and all that my sister went through. I said my sister was on some kind of injection for progesterone to stop her m/c'ing and she totally dismissed it! The usual oh come back in October and you will be referred.
"But what if I catch then and because of LowP I m/c?"
She replies "A lot of of women m/c for various reasons, It is frustrating I know but I gyno will refuse to see you until October."
Then I asked "I am CD52 no sign of AF arriving, all my pms symptoms have dissapeard so now I am in limbo, Will I ovulate or have AF, what can be done about that?"
"Nothing." came her reply. "AF will come you need to stop thinking about it."
I replied "I am certain LowP needs treatment asap?"
"Not in all cases."
Oh yes then she piped up saying they did the LowP test on the wrong day of my cycle.....thats because I dont have a regular one yet.

Ok So if I leave it until October and still no bump and still lowP then I am back to square one.
It was like talking to a brick wall.
So now here I am, venting via my laptop wanting to cry.
I know my body, I am in tune with it I think I know when there is a problem. Its like before I was on bcp my AF was heavy and kind of regular and I could tell the day before she came. I would think I bet af turns up tomorrow and bingo she sure would. My intuition tells me she wont show nor will I ovulate.
We cant even BD as my cm is dry as the sahara and lube affects sperm mobility.
Bet if we went private they would see me tomorrow.
But again no treatment for pcos either, she said the reason is because I dont seem badly affected by it oh she had to get that old one in too......adopt a healthy lifestyle and diet, maybe shed a few pounds.
I dont think doctors are clued up about pcos and how it affects you physically and emotionally.

I am sure my niece will have her section anyday next week. I am excited for her and the new addition to my family I can hardly wait to hold her and lavish her witht he gifts I have made and bought but it makes me very emotional just thinking of it. She had her implant removed and concieved within 3 months so no problems there. We will visit the hospital and she will be sat there with her little girl wrapped snuggly in her arms, the sight of alone will prob make me cry.

I have the day off work today. I had all sorts planned such as baking, calling into town for some bits but now I just want to sit her and watch some borring mind numbing tv and do nothing but eat.
Infact, might treat DP to take out fish and chips for when he gets back from work. Sod the diet today, I need a pick me up!!

Sorry for my rant ladies but I have gone from super confident to not so sure of anything anymore. :cry:

I agree with what a few people have said........go see a new doctor and *exagerrate* how long you have been trying. Say 9/10 months if you dont want to push it up for a year, and with PCOS your clearly finding it hard as your cycles are irregular.

Somebody out there will refer you, I just wish you were in my PCT as theyve been so good. Why can't they all be the same!?

Sorry that you weren't aren't feeling so good. Think of this as your yellow brick road - Dorothy had to walk MILES to get what she wanted.


You'll get there soon, keep walking xx
Thanks for all your kind words.
I cant go back and say i have tried longer as i had bcp on repeat perscription up until april
Its ok, i got this. If no af by cd70 i will go back as pcos or no thats not natural is it?
Uk system is rubbish unless you have money to see someone privately.

I will post later im a bit busy atm.


I found a doris day track on my laptop today, the que sera sera song. My mum used to sing this very softly to me to help me sleep. I played it and thought yes que sera sera indeed! What will be will be!
I am still annoyed i wont get help yet even though they know about pcos etc....

Me and dp are just going to bd every other night to catch the egg.
I am going to stop annalising everything my body does.
I am broken but i can be fixed.
I will have a bfp by xmas.........we all will!
Screw my af, if it doesnt come it doesnt come, simple as that.
I will ignore my constant cramps.

Que sera sera........

Once again thanks for your kind words and support. Dp wants me to go back but it would stress me out if i did. Dp was meant to come today but his daft office booked next tuesday instead the dumbos.

:dust: and :hugs:
It is morning time and that means I can have coffee. I haven't had much caffeine at all. I've been trying to be good but I figure if hubby of mine isn't going to be here during what I believe to be my fertile week then I might as well indulge. I am going to the beach from July 28-August 4th so it just means that I won't be pregnant, so I can enjoy the hottub at the beach house and a few beers. I guess that can't be bad right?


I just feel like it is though.

My best friend and her husband are going with us and she's newly pregnant. I am so excited for her and can't wait to spend quality time but every so often I will probably have to disappear and regroup.

All I can do now is go through the months and get to September 25th so I can go to a proper gyno and hope she can find something that will help me.

Yes enjoy yourself! Have a few beers and even maybe a take out!
I will need to do more than regroup when i see my niece cradling her newborn.....
So af has finally showed up cd34....well Cd 1 now...I thought the metformin was suppose to regulate everything... :/ but me and honey have talked and after this cycle of Clomid we are thinking about taking a little break from the Clomid...this week will begin the 3rd Clomid cycle so this to us is getting nerve racking..we only have 3 more cycles to use Clomid...I think we need a mental break for us to regroup.we are staying positive that our bfp is near.maybe I'll get my bfp while we are taking our break. I'll keep taking the metformin since it was regulating my cycle...(we will say this cycle doesn't count lol) maybe ill ovulate on my own. Ill still be here lurking around :) baby dust to everyone
Matilda, the health system
In Aus is better, overseas u generally don't get seen
Til ttc 12 months.
I came off the pill jan 6, withdrawal bleed jan 11-15. No af by end march my doc referred me, seen specialist early April for u/sound and confirmation, started clomid late April, pregnant early may. The uk system seems crap!

I've clearly been out of the loop for a few months!! I went back to work for the tourist season here, but congrats on being pregnant!!
:wave: welcome back misskayleigh!

I just got back from my tracking scan....completely didn't respond :nope: I'm so completely crushed. My follow up appointment is August 3rd, which means I can't do another cycle before then. And because I didn't respond to this cycle, I will need provera to kickstart me. I knew it would happen. It's exactly the same as with clomid. I respond the first cycle, and then nothing. There's nothing consistent about my response.

So now, either I'm going to go back up to the higher dose, where I overstimulated the first time, or going to try something else. I don't know what I'd prefer tbh. I'm scared that if they put the dose back up, it's too late, and I just won't respond again. But what else can they do? I can't have an IUI if I don't respond to the drug. Ovarian drilling maybe? Or start the investigations for endo? I'm so upset right now. Sorry for the depressing post.
Misskaileigh! We've missed you! How is the Fertilaid treating u?
I can't believe you've been away so long! I'll be 12 weeks on Friday!
Nlk honey I'm sorry to hear :( has your doc suggested the next route? The only thing u can be grateful of is that u started trying young, so you've got plenty if time to try all your options!

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