Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

on your second point I've had a period (or what seemed to be extended bleeding) but it was confirmed by my bloods that I hadn't ovulated :cry:

Sorry if anyone knows any different but the bleeding (whether it was a true period or just symptoms of my PCOS) didn't guarantee I had O'd as I only seem to ever 3 months...

Hi nlk.
So sorry to hear things are not going great at the moment but I think it's good that you have formulated a plan and list of questions. I really believe we have to push our doctors and therefore we need to be informed before we meet with them.

My new aim is to be pregnant by Christmas too and I am being very positive at the will happen for us!!!

Sorry I cant be much help, but am thinking of you anyway.xx

NLK I'm sorry you've been having a really tough time, I think crossroads of what to try next r what they might tell you is the toughest time :(

NLK and Stella: should we all set Christmas as our deadline? Christmas cheer and autumn bumps ;)

I hope you're both Ok and will be good to hear how you are getting on and what tour next steps are. Sorry I can't be more help with suggestions but I'm new to the options especially since I'm given very very few by my consultant :(

Thinking of everyone on this looong Tuesday

Hi :)

hope everyone is ok...been really busy, and had lots on my mind, so haven't really contributed much in here recently.

I'm starting a new cycle of drugs soon..just going to take provera on friday to kickstart the cycle. It will mean that I actually have the followup app. before I've finished this cycle, before I've even had a scan actually, but at least I'll be doing something, and not just sitting and waiting around. So this is good. I think.

Hope everyone is doing well. And I agree with Coco, christmas cheer and autumn bumps :thumbup:
Hi :)

hope everyone is ok...been really busy, and had lots on my mind, so haven't really contributed much in here recently.

I'm starting a new cycle of drugs soon..just going to take provera on friday to kickstart the cycle. It will mean that I actually have the followup app. before I've finished this cycle, before I've even had a scan actually, but at least I'll be doing something, and not just sitting and waiting around. So this is good. I think.

Hope everyone is doing well. And I agree with Coco, christmas cheer and autumn bumps :thumbup:

Good luck with the upcoming things! I'm just waiting out until September when I can finally see an OBGYN for the first time. We can actually get a clear picture of what's going on inside of this body of mine. I'm so tired of feeling frustrated.
It totally sucks, ghinspire. I really hope your appointment goes well, and you can get a clearer idea of everything going on.

I just want to be done already. It hurts so bad finding out more people have managed to get pregnant.
It totally sucks, ghinspire. I really hope your appointment goes well, and you can get a clearer idea of everything going on.

I just want to be done already. It hurts so bad finding out more people have managed to get pregnant.

I know what you mean. It makes my insides ache sometimes. All I want is for all of us to have that excited feeling. It has to be us soon. It's just starting to feel like I am being left behind.
Sending everyone all the luck in the world.

Hope you dont mind me lurking here still, you're all so lovely and as hopeful said 1st tri boards are scary to read!

Mumface with the cramping thing, before i was referred to FS i'd wake some mornings with crampy feelings and feeling bloated all the time, no idea what it was, never thought to ask doc.

GH really hoping the specialist gives you the answers you want, at least you know you're on the right path.

nlk good luck with the next lot of treatment - get the Mr and BD like there is no tomorrow! Haha

Huggles xxxx
Hi nlk.
So sorry to hear things are not going great at the moment but I think it's good that you have formulated a plan and list of questions. I really believe we have to push our doctors and therefore we need to be informed before we meet with them.

My new aim is to be pregnant by Christmas too and I am being very positive at the will happen for us!!!

Sorry I cant be much help, but am thinking of you anyway.xx

NLK I'm sorry you've been having a really tough time, I think crossroads of what to try next r what they might tell you is the toughest time :(

NLK and Stella: should we all set Christmas as our deadline? Christmas cheer and autumn bumps ;)

I hope you're both Ok and will be good to hear how you are getting on and what tour next steps are. Sorry I can't be more help with suggestions but I'm new to the options especially since I'm given very very few by my consultant :(

Thinking of everyone on this looong Tuesday


Yep! I agree. A bump whilst putting up the christmas tree would be like being in heaven :cloud9:

Just been visiting OH family. His younger brother has 2 (girlfriend smoked heavily with both!) and his sister has her 12 week scan tomorrow plus a step daughter.
Its sooooo hard. Was feeling chilled and positive but now i feel sad again. Must shake myself out of this...3 days at work and then its the 6wks summer hols!!!!!:happydance: The joy of being a teacher :thumbup:
Yes christmas bumps all round please!
Af should be gone very very soon for me and dp said.wewill bd evrry other day. The only thing is he is 5am mon-fri for work so when i get back at 9:15pm as i work lates he is either snoozi.g or half asleep. Hes so tired due to his early starts bless him. He wants to bd (what bloke doesnt??) but hes tired. Oh well wewill make it work.
:dust: and :hugs: to us all!
Bring on the xmas bumps!!!

Ps if my grammar sucks its coz im bumping around on a bus trying to type on my phone.
I will be 8 months at Christmas and so excited!
And coco, opks can't predict ov, just the LH surge beforehand. Pcosers constantly get LH surges as the body is forever trying to ov but then it turns to a cyst so your body starts again with the LH. I do not at all recommend opks with pcos, my doc says they're pointless. The fact that your having pain around that time prob proves the cysts theory
It totally sucks, ghinspire. I really hope your appointment goes well, and you can get a clearer idea of everything going on.

I just want to be done already. It hurts so bad finding out more people have managed to get pregnant.

I know what you mean. It makes my insides ache sometimes. All I want is for all of us to have that excited feeling. It has to be us soon. It's just starting to feel like I am being left behind.

:hugs: I know exactly what you mean. I can't seem to get enthusiastic or hopeful about this month. I keep thinking that it hasn't worked for the last 7 months, what's going to make it different this time?
September 25th feels like light years away right now. That was the earliest appointment she had and I took it. I put myself on the cancellation list just in case but it feels like it's only going to be bad news when I go.

I feel like I'm going to put in all this effort to get to the specialist and they are going to tell me that I'm broken forever.

I know that is just fear talking but it's just all so darn hopeless right now.

All this waiting..

When i did an opk on 28/6 i got a faint line under the control line. Then i did it again on 7/7 and just got the control line. Af came on 12/7.
I have thrown my opks away as i agree with hopeful they are not good but i am keeping the faith i may have tried to ovulate, maybe just need to coax the eggy weggy out of hiding with clomid.
Until then its healthy eating, exercise, happy thoughts and plenty of bd'ng!!

We will do it. We will have bfp's by the end of 2012!!

Hopeful - thanks so much for that advice; I thought I was going made and am getting double/faint/pink/evap line vision from staring at all my OPKs lined up!

Am throwing them away tomorrow!! Fresh start and will just accept that us "lucky" (ha!!) pcos'ers don't have to bother with trying to catch the right time. I will go back to my symptom spotting which usually helps me wait out the 2weeks whilst feeling a bit bonkers for squeezing my NBA to see of they are tender (which they are because I keep squeezing them!!)

Haha don't be a stranger hopeful; we'll need your advice by Christmas :)

Haha typo! *nba Should read BOOBS! I've not nicknamed them or anything! Although maybe I should as were having so much interaction?

Ok I am losing the plot now... No more coffee!!

Goodnight Girlies, sweet dreams

September 25th feels like light years away right now. That was the earliest appointment she had and I took it. I put myself on the cancellation list just in case but it feels like it's only going to be bad news when I go.

I feel like I'm going to put in all this effort to get to the specialist and they are going to tell me that I'm broken forever.

I know that is just fear talking but it's just all so darn hopeless right now.

All this waiting..

Oh please dont lose faith! you will concieve with the help of the gyno. I wobt be referred until october and they probably wont see me until november......
We have to stay strong and focused. Af makes our minds think crazy and sometimes horrid thoughts but we can and will be fixed.
I am starting my new cycle with a spring in my step in a hope it will help me towards mt bfp as feeling stressed and anxious can have negative affects on you.

Stay strong we will do this!

Hi girls! I am posting this here because I am not sure where else to post it, I am brand new to this site and it's kind of confusing still!

I am 25 and have always had irregular cycles (usually around 60-65 days). I started taking Clear Blue Easy opks earlier this month and I got a + the last day of my AF. Since then I have been taking them every day (sometimes twice), out of the last 15 days, 9 of them have been + and a few negative. Everything I read says I have PCOS. I don't have anything of the other symptoms other than the irregular cycles. I am so confused as to what to do. Do the irregular cycles alone mean that I probably have PCOS?
Hiya Hun and welcome!

My first noticeable symptom was irregular cycles and painful period pains that followed no pattern and sometimes were as far apart as 70 days or more.

I was only diagnosed about 1month and a half ago and they did bloods and a scan to check my fsh, testosterone, thyroid function, progesterone (spelling?!) and oestrogen levels then did an U/S to confirm. It's worth asking your doc about your concerns although the ladies here have explained to me that OpKs can't always be relied upon as they only detect a surge in LH not actual ovulation.

Good luck Hun and hope you get some answers from your Dr

Ghinspire - like nexus said please just remember we're all in this together and if you're feeling down then were here to remind you that a new cycle is a new chance and a new start and you can't let those horrible hormones from AF bring you down because her showing up means it the start if another go.

We WILL do this by the end of the year I am absolutely sure and if it doesn't happen for you before your next appointment (which it might!!) then you're going to get the magic key next time you go.

Thinking of everyone,

Coco x
Hi girls! I am posting this here because I am not sure where else to post it, I am brand new to this site and it's kind of confusing still!

I am 25 and have always had irregular cycles (usually around 60-65 days). I started taking Clear Blue Easy opks earlier this month and I got a + the last day of my AF. Since then I have been taking them every day (sometimes twice), out of the last 15 days, 9 of them have been + and a few negative. Everything I read says I have PCOS. I don't have anything of the other symptoms other than the irregular cycles. I am so confused as to what to do. Do the irregular cycles alone mean that I probably have PCOS?

Hi and welcome :) I was diagnosed with PCOS in may this year. I've always had irregular cycles which have been long to nonexistent since coming off the pill. Other than that, I've always been overweight (only partly down to the PCOS) and I have some very fine light coloured hair on my face but no other PCOS symptoms. I was never sure that I had it as one of my friends was diagnosed years ago and she has a lot of hair, on her neck, chest and much more hair than she should on her arms and legs - as I didn't have any of this I thought I probably didn't have PCOS.

Basically what I'm saying is that you don't have to have all the "normal" symptoms of PCOS to have it.mbest thing you can do is go to your doctor, mine did bloods to test for LH, FSH and testosterone. Testosterone came back slightly high so she sent me for an u/s scan to see if they could see any cysts. They did and confirmed PCOS. I hope that all made some sense!

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