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***Young Yummy Mummy Section*** <3 For people in their 20's to 30's!

:wave: to all the new people!!

Errgg so bored today! Avas just fallen asleep in her bouncer and I really should clean but I cant be assed :dohh: soo probally just do nothing today.

Cherryglitter- NTNP i see :winkwink:


Ahhh yes, bonkers I know!! :)
Im just going to go with the flow and see what happens. It took me 7 months and 1 miscarriage to have Jake! So fingers crossed it's not as stressful as last time eh. :kiss:

I shall add all the new people now!x
I agree, Katy Perry is hot! I can't wait to see her wedding photos, I hope she done a magazine deal! Although I wasn't expecting an Indian wedding from them.

:hugs: to everyone with colds. I've just got rid of mine, luckily Brooke & OH didn't get it but my poor mum did :(

Cherryglitter - How exciting your NTNP for a girly! :happydance:

So OH went off to work this morning (He works away), I have been a really naughty housewife & have slacked on the cleaning front. I always do that when OH goes to work, it's like it's an excuse for me to have one massive duvet day :blush: I just wouldn't do it while he was here, I like everything to be nice. Imagine one day he came back without telling me, he'd probably be mortified :haha:

Bad housewife :coffee:

Me & Brooke are just about to go to my mums, I love it when she see's Brooke, I love seeing her face, she is smitten with her. She's gonna cook us some dinner, & then I'll get Brooke ready for bed there, tuck her in her pram nice & toasty & take a walk back home just as it's getting dark.

Have a good rest of the day yummy mummies :flower:
Heya, I forgot to post my stuff last time, he he he

Im Lynzie, with my beautiful daughter Kaiya who was born 4/8/10

Katy Perry is fab, her songs are the songs to stop LO from whinging, lol

tut tut Jay, but I am exactly like you :D i always tidy up about 30 mins before oh comes back home, to make it look like i have been tidying all day, im so bad, he he he

I have a lo who has 10 minute cap naps throughout the day, just enough time to washup or do some washing before she is wide awake again
Oh & before I go I forgot to say, MilitaryMummy - Your little one is called Macie Brooke.. that's funny cos we had Macie as one of Brooke's middle names! But we chose Rose instead :)

Oh & Brooke is making me laugh. I'm trying to encourage her to wave by saying 'Hiya' & waving at her. She's started doing it today but only when I say 'Good girlie!!'

Like if I say 'kisses please' & she lets me give her a kiss, I say 'Aww good girlie!' & then she waves at me :rofl:

So precious!
Aww Jay how cute :)
:wave: hi Lollip0p!
Jacob refuses to give me kisses most of the time and fights me off whenever I try to smother him in them - such a boy already!
When he does want to kiss me though it's just so lovely <3
I wish this cold would go away, my OHs at work at keeps texting me telling me he's dying .... MAN FLU ALERT!!
I'm a bad housewife me, I also run around doing things about half an hour before he's due home... tut tut. And I cba to cook tonight so it's going to be a chinese takeaway... there's my diet out of the window !
Jay that's so weird haha!!! We loved the name Macie and it kinda got set in stone as it's her 2 nannys names combined lol.
But we didn't actually set any name at all until we saw her lol.
God I can't wait to have another lil one lol but god knows what we call it if it's a girl as we used our 2 favourite girls names on Macie haha.
I would love for the next one to be a lil boy but would not be disappointed with another girl lol xxx
Hey Dani :wave:

Men always die with man flu, whereas we have to have the flu and still do everything, lol

I think we might have takeout tonight, as we have oh family coming round, and i can never get anything done when they are here. im sure we will have takeaway over the weekend too, so i wont be losing any weight this week :dohh:
and as soon as i mention to my oh about my weight, he is like i love you ...... you look fab etc.......

anyone got any tips of how to loose, the post pregnancy tummy? i knopw no takeaways is one of the main things :nope:

I dont mind what we have next, but i dont think we are going to try for a couple of years, i need to kaiya to be a bit more independent before having another one, and i had a really rough time in later pregnancy and labour. oh wants to try asap though........ i dont mind the trying though :winkwink:
I'm good at giving out exercise advice just not good at sticking with it myself.
Do you have a swiss ball? one of those exercise balls they tell us to bounce on when pregnant? theyre bloody brilliant for toning tummys and bums up.
If you do 50-100 sit ups every evening infront of the tele you're sure to get it toned in no time at all aslong as you're also eating healthily of course :)
My problem is tiredness and wanting to veg out come evening times. Plus im forever ill... I swear ive had about 3 different colds ontop of one another.
I think when you're looking after LOs, looking after yourself becomes difficult! Well, it does for me!
we went out last night and got home about half midnight and gonna be out late again tonight but hopefully not quite so late
My OH is home in 30 mins and im still in my PJs :blush: BAD housewife :haha:

Lollip0p- Lots of walks up hills with the pram and no more takeaways!! :D I nearly lost my belly but now its back again :nope: I need to stop eating maccy d's i think!

my downfull is cadbury chocolate i totally went off it when i was pregnant!
i need to loose at least 2 stone lol
i have all good intentions of doing healthy things, but never get round to it...........
no i dont have one of those balls, i do try not have takeaways but oh is a pain and just goes and gets them, argh men!:D I dont eat much in the day, i have a bowl of crunchy nut and maybe a drink and thats it for the day...... until oh come home and usually i cook a home cooked meal, unless kaiya has been upset.
heyy Im Ellie,22 ,mummy to Aliyah who was born on July 28th x
hi i'm sarah, 24, mummy to lexie (20/07/10) and currently ntnp/relaxed ttc a hopefully BLUE bundle!
:wave: hiiii Ellie & Sarah.

I feel even worse today :( think i'll probably end up logging off and going to bed in a bit :( STUPID COLD.
Hope you're all okay???
My chinese was yummy last night hehehe!
mmm chinese! I may have to get one tonight now!! Harrison has started waking at 1am - not hungry! A cuddle and rocking him and he goes back to sleep but driving me mad! X
finley slept tll 7 this morning feed him and he went back for an hour so had a nice lie in this morning as my other little boy went to nursery this morning and my eldest sleeps in till 9 lol
lucky me!!

i havent had chinese in ages we try to only have take away twice a month cos having three children we dont have that much spare money esp wit xmas cummin up!

hope everyone is ok today xx

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