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••March 2021 ttw & test thread••

That was one of the things that I was tested for a few years back, fortunately (or maybe unfortunately, since my losses are unexplained therefore not treatable) I don’t have it. I was told to take baby aspirin every day as they think I probably have a clotting disorder that just isn’t diagnosable yet. The nurse is just looking at progesterone which I think will be fine as I actually ovulated this cycle, only the second time since October. Typical!
I have everything crossed that this cycle is the one you catch the egg!!
@Jessie1229 @ciz and @GemmaG
I see lines ladies eeeeeek.

I can not wait for you to test

I have a tilted uterus to and tilted pelvis.

I really hope those pinches are implantation hon

Thanks for asking hon.
I'm doing OK I have a little bump going on but can't wait to have a real one and not just bloat lol.
My boobs are very sore and I feel sick most days but eating eases it for a few hours then it comes back lol.
Also getting round ligament pain so think the bump is about to grow again.

My Ticker has me at 9+4 but going by my last scan I'm 9+6 so very close to when I had my first loss at 10+4 so I do feel on edge.

Can find babies HB now on my doppler at 174BPM which is great.

We have a private dating scan booked for Friday and DH can come so it will be his first time seeing baby.
They will check baby over and measure natural fold but I won't have the chromosomal bloods done until my hospital dating scan which is on 19th March.
I am nervous about that with being 41 but praying I will get low risk results and baby is completely healthy.

How u doing today sweet did u do another test?
Yay finally hon

Good luck girl go get that eggy :spermy:
Yesssssss! This was amazing to wake up to loads of test!!!!

@ciz @GemmaG @Jessie1229 i see faint lines on all your tests!!

ive been feeling sick in work the past week just waves coming over me, which is not like me at all didn’t even have that on my first.. don’t think I’ll believe it till I see a dark line though
Thanks girls. Took an Asda cheapie there called Freedom? Stop me wasting my FRER! Anyone use them? Anyway top was from yesterday. I’m definitely seeing a pink line on today’s test. Took the plastic cover off as it’s terrible for photographing

Yay @Lozb finally! Lol your timing sounds great, no you can relax about bd....and stress about the tww :tease:
Yay finally hon

Good luck girl go get that eggy :spermy:
Yay @Lozb finally! Lol your timing sounds great, no you can relax about bd....and stress about the tww :tease:

I normally relax after O as there nothing else I cn do. It’s either worked or not. We have tiling to finish and painting so plenty to keep me busy
Feeling a bit defeated, only one good follicle this time, and one huge cyst. I got my trigger shot today and tomorrow is IUI day.

has anyone had success with IUI with only one follicle?
@PinkCupcakes good luck for tomorrow! Not sure about success or not with the IUI but it only takes one, right? I’ll be thinking of you!

Now that I have tests in the house I’m so tempted to test! I peed about an hour ago and had a glass of orange juice and now need to pee again. I know my pee will be diluted and it’s the afternoon and I’m only 12 dpo but still so tempted to use a test.
@PinkCupcakes good luck for tomorrow! Not sure about success or not with the IUI but it only takes one, right? I’ll be thinking of you!

Now that I have tests in the house I’m so tempted to test! I peed about an hour ago and had a glass of orange juice and now need to pee again. I know my pee will be diluted and it’s the afternoon and I’m only 12 dpo but still so tempted to use a test.
Thank you! True but last cycle I had three follicles and it didn’t take, it was my first IUI, this will be my second.
I guess it only takes one hon but I have no experience with IUIs.
I really hope that one follicle will be successful sweety ❤

You have the patience of a Saint hon I wud of tested by now haha.
I always test at 10dpo that's normally when I get lines although they are faint.
By 12 dpo my lines were dark but I guess it all depends on implantation etc.

I want u to test because I'm Impatient haha. But just test when u feel ready sweet x
I guess it only takes one hon but I have no experience with IUIs.
I really hope that one follicle will be successful sweety ❤

You have the patience of a Saint hon I wud of tested by now haha.
I always test at 10dpo that's normally when I get lines although they are faint.
By 12 dpo my lines were dark but I guess it all depends on implantation etc.

I want u to test because I'm Impatient haha. But just test when u feel ready sweet x
I’m just so scared to see a negative. And if it’s negative I don’t know if I’ll believe it.
Hello everyone! :)
Sorry the thread is too long so can't catch up but I will be following from now on:D
I'm CD 6, will ovulate around March 10th, and will start testing on the 20th! I really really really hope this is the month I get finally pregnant, since we have been trying since July! There have been a couple of months in between where we haven't tried since I was going through a rough patch, but anyway seems forever. I got pregnant at the first try in July but it turned into a CP so I'm really anxious and scared.
Best of luck to all of you, I have hope this month a lot of us will get pregnant!!
*edit: I'm 30 yo and husband is 32,we're trying for our first
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Good luck to those testing.
Pink cupcakes I'm so rooting for you. I know how crushing TTC can be, I can't imagine it with being pulled about like that as well. You so deserve a BFP this month.
Two photos of my 12 dpo afternoon test (still wet and after drying) for your squinting pleasure. I couldn’t hold out any longer. I really really want to see a shadow or something but I don’t think it’s really anything. This was after a 2.5 hour hold with pretty light urine. I’ll still take one tomorrow with FMU and hopefully get some sort of line.

5A2D1DF7-D767-43EF-B54F-5341564706CC.jpeg EF099989-D990-4C80-89CE-283CEC90B094.jpeg
Hello everyone! :)
Sorry the thread is too long so can't catch up but I will be following from now on:D
I'm CD 6, will ovulate around March 10th, and will start testing on the 20th! I really really really hope this is the month I get finally pregnant, since we have been trying since July! There have been a couple of months in between where we haven't tried since I was going through a rough patch, but anyway seems forever. I got pregnant at the first try in July but it turned into a CP so I'm really anxious and scared.
Best of luck to all of you, I have hope this month a lot of us will get pregnant!!
*edit: I'm 30 yo and husband is 32,we're trying for our first
Welcome! It sounds like we are in a similar position. I’ve been off the pill since June with only 1 chemical in that time. I’m 31 and df is 32.

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