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1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Filipenko - LOL That's great!!! I hope if you are doing any posting from now over the next couple days that its ONLY during those periods when you have your feet up in the air.
korink - i've just thought, it all depends on when the peak starts if you know what i mean. It could have started 12 hours before you actually test say, then it would only be another 12 hours before the egg might be released? My temp was fairly average for this time of the month, it didn't dip, but temps can dip for all sorts of reasons. I don't expect it to rise until tomorrow.
Filipenko - LOL That's great!!! I hope if you are doing any posting from now over the next couple days that its ONLY during those periods when you have your feet up in the air.

:haha: I've tried that but I can't balance my laptop so just have to read and :sleep: How are you feeling today beach? :flower:
Filipeckno - woohoo on the peak!! I got my peak on CD16 + 17. Today i took a stick and there's no lines? Is it defective? All i see is a blue smudge in te center.

Chica - thanks so much!!! I hope this is it too.
Filipenko - woohoo on the peak!! I got my peak on CD16 + 17. Today i took a stick and there's no lines? Is it defective? All i see is a blue smudge in te center.

Chica - thanks so much!!! I hope this is it too.
Gosh I miss so much while I'm gone! We went and cut down our Christmas tree today, the earliest we've ever done that! Guess I'm ready to get into the xmas spirit! :xmas9: I still have fall things in the house though---so I need to get going and take that all down and start with the xmas decorations!
WOOHOO FILIPENKO ON YOUR PEAK!!!!! :yipee: So you're only a day behind me! My temp didn't go up much today, so idk if I OV'd yesterday or today. Who knows my temp is always slow to rise. And girl what are you doing dreaming bout uteruses?!?! :xmas13: If our DH's don't feel used yet, then they never will. Besides, I'm going to assume they maybe don't mind being used for something like that???
Maddysmum didn't realize we were so close in due dates---yesterday I would have been 35 weeks. I feel privileged you are able to confide in us what you're feeling. I think it's a beautiful idea to bring her to your parents land, since you know you'll have that forever. On a side note, I see you're CD 8, so you're getting close to boom boom :sex: time yourself!
Babydust I am also feeling really positive about this month, but I feel like if I say it out loud I'll jinx myself and ruin it. But there, I admitted it, I'M HOPEFUL FOR THIS MONTH!!
BEACH Oh what I would pay to have weather that I could go out boating in right now! And good for you guys taking the cruise! It'll be just what the baby needs----some sun and relaxation.
Confused has been missing in action---where are you mamma?
Well, tomorrow's Monday, back to work I go. BOO.
Hi ladies! How's everyone doing?! I missed you guys! I was at my un-laws place for the weekend and if i wasn't sleeping then I was eating or watching dexter :) it was a great weekend! Sad to head back to work tm...ohwell! I'm feeling pretty good...

beach - I've been getting very minor dizzy spells too. They're very short but def feeling it. So glad you and DH are going to have a nive vacation! Def important to relax now! :) you get blood work back tm?

Babydust,.Fili and Korink - yay for o days! So exciting! Can't wait to hear all the symptom spotting!

I have my next set of blood results to come in tm and then my u/s next Monday..crazy crazy

Maddysmum- hope you're doing well love :) where are you in your cycle? You're back to trying again right?

I've had some minor nausea and food adversions but for the most part I'm doing pretty good.
:haha: korink your post made me laugh. I can't wait to symptom spot! I am getting twinges in both my ovaries so really hoping that's two eggs being released! :baby: :baby:

Lovely that you're xmas decorating already and that you'll have a real and fresh tree :happydance:
Babydust, i lost Maddi at 29 weeks so far we have found out that the placenta was small and parts of it were dying. She was fighting to stay alive but it just wasnt healthy enough to keep her going. Glad your having somew symptoms i hope this is a good sign for you.

Korink, i didnt realise we were so close with our due dates too. I really want mine to pass. We were so looking forward to our first xmas as parents. I have made some decorations for the xmas tree with Madisons name on them. we decided to put the tree up on the 4th of dec her due date.

Filipenko- BAHAHAHA UTERUS.... thats funny. And yeah i worry about my man feeling used but i really dont think he minds at all.

Good luck to you girls ovulating atm, im only cd5 my af was a few days late this month, looking forward to getting busy then putting my feet up lol seriously going to try that.

I love talking to u girls, thanku all for listening and supporting me, it really means the world and im so happy we have 2 bfp's so far in this thread. hears hoping for more bfp's to end the year. FX for everyone
Maddysmum - i am so sorry for your loss. You are a strong woman for getting through it. I couldn't even imagine. My heart goes out to you my love. I am here if you need it!!!

Korink + filipenko - so excited we all O'd around the same time!!! Now if we all have BFPs then lthat means we all will have babies around the same time!!! That would definitely be awesome!!! Is this your first child for the both of you? It would be for me.

Lindsay - so glad to hear you're doing okay! Was wondering where you went. I pray everything goes the way it should through your pregnany. I hope i can join you soon!!!

So i get home from work today and my stick this morning from cbfm that was just smudges ended up working itself out somehow and i looked at it and there's one line. So that's good. I just 'feel' a good sense. Idk why but i do!!!
yeah first child babydust! I hope we can all be bump buddies!

maddysmum, so glad we go some way to helping you x x x :hugs: Glad you're taking up the new exercise! my DH's :spermy: must feel like they're sliding down a steep chute like off the goonies or indiana jones or something
Confused and Beach---I think you both get results back today!? Thinking of you and can't wait to hear the great numbers.

Maddysmum---I think that's an awesome tribute to Maddy and I think it's a really special way to spend December 4th. You've got me thinking now of what we can do special on the 31st...

Babydust--yep trying for baby #1 here too!

I put some dummy temps in fertility friend for tomorrow and Wednesday to see when they'll put me as OVing and they've got me for yesterday CD16. So, I guess I'm officially 1 DPO today.
I got my blood results back and I was at 200 for hcg and 5 days later (Wednesday) I was at 1616! We were hoping for atleast 1000. I'm feeling more and more comfortable just nervous about my scan since that is the same exact day (6 weeks 4 days) that our baby measured last time with no heartbeat :( just hoping everything will continue to be fine.

I had a short spell of dry heaving this morning so I guess that's a good thing. Been getting nauseous in the early am and around dinner time, so hoping its a good sign and not nerves. I didn't have many symptoms last time so I hope I'm not putting them in my head lol

Yay for the tww ladies! Can't wait to hear about all your bfp! :)
That's wonderful news confused!!!!!! I am so sure you're going to be absolutely fine! x x :hugs:
Awesome confused!! And your symptoms sound sooo good and reassuring! It must be good to have this pregnancy feel nothing like the last....I think for me it would make me feel much better!
Hi girls :wave:
Sorry for the late response here, it's been a long day!!

Filpenko and Korink - hopefully you are getting a lot of babydancing in.:sex: Make sure you ladies keep it up until FF shows for sure that you've OV. Don't want to miss any extra opportunities!!

For you girls that are OV - check out this video on Fertilization. Wasn't sure how to post a link of just the video but its down towards the bottom of the page (Filipenko - this is a little different than the other video you posted):

Korink - cutting down your own tree sounds soooooo fun and sooooo Christmas-y!!! Ahhhh I would LOVE to do that!! I can just picture DH and I setting out on our search for the perfect one!!

Maddysum - hope you are doing better today. I meant to tell you before that I think that its so great that you thought at the time about taking the pictures with her hands and feet. Such a special memory it must be to have those of her. :hugs:

Confused - glad you're having the dizzy spells too, I was starting to get a little worried. Yeah on your bloodwork!! Will they keep doing that for you now every week? My doctor has not mentioned any more bloodwork. My next appt is this Thursday for an U/S.

Babydust - how are those symptoms coming along today?

As for me, I got my blood results back today. My beta was 5569 (11/23) up from 371 the prior week (11/17) yeah so looks like things are progressing well, which has given me some relief because I really don't feel pregnant. Although I think I'm slightly behind from the charts I've looked at based on my LMP. Hopefully everything will be fine on Thursday. I have yet to make it to a successful ultrasound, this one is pretty early though.
I also got all of my inside :xmas9:decorations put up yesterday. The tree about put me over the edge though... lets just say that the lights and I are not getting along well this year. :growlmad:
Beach that beta is amazing!! How many weeks are you now? Thanks for the video! :hugs:
Beach - your betas sound great!! My doctor hasn't mentioned anything more on bloodwork and just told me to come in for my ultrasound next Monday. Wish I had one more bloodtest to keep my nerves down, but since things are still progressing well I'm going to try to relax. I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of symptoms as it sounds like you're getting enough of them and you're still early. They say symptoms usually show their ugly heads around 6 weeks so they could show any day now or you could be one of the lucky ones that doesn't get them. :) My main symptom is my boobs - very sensitive and as of lately I'm completely exhausted..

FX'd for both of our scans, I can't wait to hear how yours goes!

Hope everyone else had a lovely day!! xoxo
Beach that's great!!! Can NOT wait for your ultrasound on thursday! You'll be at the perfect point to be able to see the heart and have a good idea how the baby's doing! Confused, yours is only a couple days later, SO EXCITING!

This is off the subject, but has anybody's DH had a SA?? Somebody posted about low morphology, and it's got me all worked up. My husband had one and they said everything was fine except his morphology was on the lower end of normal at 4% but they weren't worried about that. Now google has been my enemy and I'm reading all these stories of how little our chances of conceiving on our own are. damnit I hate the fricken internet.

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