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1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

ohhhhh pumpkin pie! Sounds yum but you know what I have never had it! If anyone finds a recipe will you link it to me and i'll give it a go!

Your meals sound delicious!!! if I had a pumpkin pie recipe I would send it but I'm a horrible baker! :dohh: Definitely a much better cook!! :) off to cooking I go!!

Have a great day ladies!!
Good luck babydust!!!!!!! I am CD 10 so another 2 weeks before I start testing! :dust: for you
Hey girlies! Well, finally home after a long day of lots of food and driving around!! Don't want to bring this thread down, but it was also such a hard day because when I was PG last time I remember thinking "Omg, I'll be huge by thanksgiving" and now here it is, and I'm NOTHING. Ugg....ok, my rant if over.

Got my first high on my fertility monitor, so hopefully OV will be shortly, although I'm CD 13 and I usually OV around CD 17. Filipenko I see you had a high already yesterday!!

I hope everybody had a great day, besides my little feeling sorry for myself like a baby, I had a great day with family :)
Aww korink it's really hard, i'm sure we all think like that regularly - i do! :hugs: x 1,000,000to you It will happen for you there's no doubt about it x x x
Hugs for you korink. I know its tough but trust in that cbfm! It's going to give you that rainbow!
Hi ladies - Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Filipenko - what did you end up having for dessert? i don't have a pumpkin pie recipe either unfortunately. But if you find one, you can always make it and try it for Christmas.

I had a great day with the family (a lot of driving around too though) and came home stuffed! Today is Black Friday so I think I may head out to fight the crowds and do some shopping!!! :happydance: I was going to go out last night but got waaaaaaay too tired.

Filipenko and Korink - didn't realize you BOTH were both entering your fertile window. Yeah!! Lots of :dust: for you girls this weekend!!

Korink - sorry you are feeling down :hugs: I think about it too as I had the 3 MC's in the last year. I should be over all this already!!!
Yeah Korink! We need to catch those eggies!!! :hugs:

Beach well we had Banoffee Pie with :icecream: which I love! I am going to make the pumpkin pie soon though! Hope you're doing ok x x x
Korink's been MIA!! :haha: I have just had a look on her ovulation chart and I think she has better things to do right now than post on b&b! :winkwink:
:haha: Oh you girls--have you fear I'm bbacckk!!! Yesterday was a looonnngggg day of raking and bagging leaves! Still no snow here, so today we're going to tackle christmas lights! LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!!!
Well Filipenko---I got a PEAK on my CBFM today!!! Weird though, because my temp also dropped today which for me indicates OV, and I thought we're supposed to typically OV the day after our first peak?! Idk, we'll see if we did enough, but we only BD'd on CD 13 and 15 (today) and if today I really did OV, we might have not done enough! But, I'm going to think positive and hope we did it just in time :) You must be pretty busy yourself girl...:sex: yyeeeahhh girl.
Confused and Beach, how are you both feeling? Hopefully the morning sickness is staying away! Do you both get blood results back on Monday?
Oohhh and Filipenko I thought of you when I woke up today (not to creep anybody out!LOL) because I was dreaming last night of being at a water park and going down water slides with water gushing everywhere. Hopefully that water dream brings me some luck :thumbup:
Babydust---how's your TWW going so far?!
Raking leaves ey Korink? Is that what you call it? :haha: Yeah! I have been busy :sex: We are up to twice a day from now until next Tuesday so my eggy has plenty of dates to choose from!! It's exhausting though :sleep: I just think Oh please hurry up! as I have to put my legs in the air for 40 minutes afterwards each time and it's uncomfortable and boring!! I just read my book though while the :spermy: :spermy: swim. That's exciting about your 1st peak!!! I would be so excited to see that!! :yipee: I am not sure about your ov timing and the CBFM as this is my 1st month using it. So maybe if I let you know how it worked out for me timing, temp and peak wise would that be helpful? Yay for the water dreams, they are supposed to be lucky. It could mean that you're preparing for implantation for your little bean by the lining building up :dust: :dust: I hope so! We could get our bfps at the same time (ish) :yipee:
Oh Filipenko you dirtttyy girl you!! lol
You've given me an idea, we usually don't BD 2x a day cuz I worry about depleting his army, buuutt I think we'll BD again tonight. 12 hours must be enough time to rebuild, right? And it is exhausting because of the whole having to sit with your legs up for another while! While I lay there I think how great he has it because he can just run off and do his thang while I'm stuck with legs in the air counting down the minutes. I know I should know this, but what CD do you normally O on? Hopefully we will be testing right around the same time! :dust:
Hi ladies :wave:
Filipenko - Your posts are sooooo funny!!
Hope you both are having fun doing the BD!!!! The doctor told me on my last visit that we could not do any of that until he see's me on the 1st. :shrug:

Korink - I think you should be ok to do it every day when it gets close to OV. Also do it a couple days after. I couple times I think I was reading my chart wrong and stopped too early.

As for me, DH and I just got back from spending the weekend out on our boat. Its so nice to get away sometimes, even if it's not that far from home. We also ended up booking a cruise today that leaves on December 10th. Its very last minute but we've had a rough year between the miscarriages and our sick kitty so we felt like we needed to get away on a trip and recharge our batteries.
I'm feeling a little dizzy this evening. Hope it's nothing but I am getting ready to go to bed an hope its better in the morning.

Have a good night all! :wave:
Hey girls, You all crack me up. I didnt know about the putting your legs up for 40 mins. Is that something i should b doing. Im glad confused and beach that u guys are not feeling sick.

So i would have been 39 weeks today i cant believe i would have been a week away from having maddi. Im dreading next sunday but we have decidied to spread some of her ashes at my parents farm then. I know the farm will always be in my family so there is no chance of selling and not being able to have her around us. We have a tiny little urn with most of her ashes that we keep at our house, surrounded by her little teddies and some pics of her hands and feet . Plus my best friend who is due to have her bub in a couple of weeks (tough for me and her after i lost maddi) bought me a memorial butterfly necklace which we will be able to put a tiny bit of her ashes in and i can have her with me all the time.

Sorry i hope no one is offended by me talking about this, unfortunatly its my life.

Well Beach and Confused i hope your getting to relax, and Korink and Filipenko good lick getting busy busy busy lol and keep those legs up hehehe.
Hey girlies!!

Oh my gosh - 2x's a day for a week? You lucky girl! My OH has a hard time doing it 3 days in a row! LOL. I def see a huge opportunity for spermies to swim and meet with eggy!

I am CD20. Had a dream last night about a baby. No idea what it was about but i know it was a positive dream. It was like a reassurance that things will be okay or something. Yesterday i noticed 2 symptoms that i had when i was pregnant. I know i am only 3dpo. I wasn't even symptom spotting. I was just acting this way and remember 'oh yeah i was like this when i was pregnant'. The 2 things are being very very moody and miserable. I snapped at everything anyone said. The 2nd thing is i was VERY forgetful. I forgot where i put anything. Also i kept smelling coffee all day yesterday. It was so weird. I don't want to get a big head over all this. The egg wouldn't have even implanted yet. I just hope its all good news. I have this feeling but yet i have before and was wrong. Just feels a little different this time.

How are you all doing? Has anyone decorated for christmas yet?
Maddysmum - if you don't mind me asking, what happened to maddi? I'm really sorry your 39 weeks is approaching. Its all very difficult. I can't even imagine. Hugs and prayers sent your way xoxo
Korink - I am CD 13, had a positive opk today :yipee: my temp hasn't risen yet, and will let you know if i get my peak later! Will keep you updated

Yeah I actually fell asleep for the night with my legs up in the air and woke up at 2am this morning like that!!!!! For those of you wanting the technical details of how to do this I put cushions / pillows under my bum and then my legs go over our quite high bedhead. Works everytime!

maddysmum - i hope we're all going someway to ease the pain for you, I can't imagine how difficult it is, and absolutely no offense taken at all!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

beach - dizziness is a great pregnancy sign, i think it means your uterus is expanding so it puts pressure on your arteries! :yipee:

Did I mention that the other week i shouted 'uterus' in my sleep and woke DH up?!!!

babydust - sounds really promising!! i'll be symptom spotting with you soon! I hope this is it for you!

As for twice a day we need about 12 hours apart for my DH to gear up again. I make sure he gets his vitamins on these mornings and sneak Vit c and extra zinc into a protein milkshake i make for him. And i make a bit of an effort to look the part myself (and i never do at any other time of the month!!) Oh dear does anyone think my DH will start to feel used?! :awww:
Morning ladies!

I have never heard of putting your legs up in the air either. Makes sense though!! What have I been missing out on!!?? :winkwink:

Maddysmum - so sorry again about your loss of Maddy. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. Thanks for sharing feelings with us. :hugs:

Babydust - FX for you on those symptoms.

Filipenko - that great that you "look the part" to help DH get in the mood. Its so hard to do but I'm sure that helps a lot that he gets an extra treat! O:)

Well I started my Christmas decorating a couple days ago but never finished so I hope to at least finish up the inside of my house today.
I got my peak!!! :yipee: :headspin: :yipee: I am so happy! I love the CBFM! So Korink, I am CD 13, with low temps still, positive dark lines on opk's and a peak and feeling like I want to :sex: all the time!!

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