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1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Filipenko- I think you should celebrate Thanksgiving too with the rest of us, I mean who doesn't need an excuse to indulge!!! LOL
Totally agree Filipenko---celebrate on Thursday with eating all the good food you can think of :)
I just started thanksgiving a little early and broke into my honey baked ham :) mmmmmm so good!!
Ohh I am going to do a big thanksgiving food shop on Thursday morning then and indulge away! Oh and give thanks of course. That's such a nice tradition to have. I have heard of it on tv programmes like Friends but never really knew when and why. I think it's great! :munch: :munch: :pizza: :wine: :munch: :munch: :sleep: !!

It's Wednesday 6.25pm now in London. What time and day is it where you are so I know when to celebrate?
It's Wednesday 1:06 pm here in Wisconsin! I'll be with the DH's family tomorrow for lunch and my family for dinner.
And Confused you break into that ham all you want girl!! :thumbup:

P.S-I get such a kick out of you girls---love our little group :kiss:

Maddysmum---how you doing hun, hope you're doing ok....
Yeah hope maddysmum is ok!

Yeah! We have a great group!

So you're about 6 hours behind us. You know it goes dark here now at 3.30 pm. I went for a run around the park at 4 yesterday and it was thick fog with black spindly trees and cold! So wintry. What's it like weather wise in Wisconsin now? x x x
its 245pm wednesday here. Just woke up from a nice 2 hr nap :) I am hosting thanksgiving tomorrow and it looks like everyone will be showing up around 1PM for "dinner" between 2 and 3. there will be multiple rounds of eating. My in-laws will be staying over and we'll be heading down to their place on the water (where we got married) on Friday morning after decorating the house for Christmas :) So excited.

Weather-wise: it's pretty chilly here but really only because it's windy today. Temperature is getting up to 60 today which is warm for this time of year. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and in the 50's. I live in Maryland - get a nice range of seasons here without it getting too too cold. I'm not good with cold, I should live in California haha.

love you girls too :)
Yeah it's dark here around 430-5. Usually it's freezing and snowing here already, but tomorrow it's supposed to be 50 which is unreal for here! Why I live here I have no idea, I don't like the cold and it's cold for about 9 months of the freak'n year. Although the first snow fall is always pretty---just wish winter was only a month or 2 max...
Ugg...oh well. Maryland sounds MUCH more my style :)
Confused and Beach does your family all know already or when are you telling everybody!?!? Beach did you have another blood today---when do you get those results? Probably not until next Tuesday huh...
Well London's quite pretty in the daylight with the autumn trees and everything in the parks and it is warmer in London than most of the UK, for most of the year for some reason. We have hot summers and the spring's warm. But i'm with you girls about the cold!
Hi ladies! I am really enjoying our group as well!!! :hugs:

I am in Florida and it's about 4:00pm here right now. Got to leave work early today so I am ready to start the long holiday weekend of eating!!! You guys are going to probably kill me to say this but its about 77 degrees here today and sunny. Although I wouldn't mind seeing some snow occasionally. Hopefully if the weather stays nice for the weekend DH and I are going to head out on our boat for the weekend. :boat: We haven't been about to get out much with our sick kitty and I feel like I need to get away. :sad1:

Filipenko - I love the Thanksgiving smilies I expect you to be fully celebrating tomorrow!!! Wow 3:30pm sounds so early to start getting dark. I guess its getting dark here now about 5:30-6:00pm

Confused - I would be breaking into the ham too if I had one. We are going out to eat this year... I have a small family and nobody wanted to cook this year. I usually do Christmas so I wasn't about to take on another large dinner!! I started setting up my Christmas tree last night (fluffing branches) and tonight I will probably put the lights on. Christmas is my favorite time of the year!!!

Korink - How about a move to Florida!!??? Its only cold here a couple months out of the year! By the way, are you getting ready to do the dance???

Well I did have my blood draw today and spoke to the nurse, she said she would give my my hcg levels without having to have the doctor view the results first so I will call her on Monday since they are closed the next 2 days. Still no word on the insurance about my meds, they were supposed to fax some authorization form to the doctors office today so I might call them in a few minutes to see what's going on.

This time around we only told our parents and I told 2 of my close girlfriends. It was too heartbreaking the other times, it seems like right after we told people we had to go back to them and give them the bad news. I think if we get to a successful scan we might tell a few more family members but that's about it until I get to about 12 weeks.

So how's everyone feeling today? I am so tired. I have been hardly able to stay up post 9pm!! I don't know how I am going to do it tomorrow for my early Black Friday shopping!!
Hi ladies!!

Beach - Florida sounds nice!! I do always enjoy the first snow (if I'm home) but I wouldn't mind living in Florida! haha. :) Glad you're getting another set of bloods today - I did too! I find out on Monday as well since they're shutting down for thanksgiving. Oh and the ham is delicious!! I'm hosting thanksgiving tomorrow but basically all I have to do is clean the house and set the table. My mom and mom-in-law bring EVERYTHING! Including the turkey! and my mom bought the ham for me today :) I think if I had to cook everything I would want to go out too!

Korink - We have only told immediate family and two of my girlfriends that begged me to tell them right away after the last time. it's actually been nice to have someone to talk to about it. I had someone at work figure it out after a phone call. If anyone asks me, I'm not going to lie, ya know? I think we'll feel more comfortable telling people when we hear a heartbeat. My SIL is my U/S tech too so it's hard to not tell her right away. I'm glad everyone knows that's coming to thanksgiving so I don't have to fend off wine the whole time (my family knows I'm a big wine drinker - I'll be drinking sparkling cider tomorrow :)

Fili - London sounds nice! I would love to visit sometime! I've never been to Europe at all :/ Definitely something I need to do!

How's miss maddysmum doin??? miss you!
Heygirls, glad to see everyone is doing well. Thanks for clearing up about thanksgiving as i have always wondered what it was myself. So the witch showed up today. Im actually not that upset strangely. Im just glad mu body is getting back on track i was a bit worried it was going to take months. I think im happy too because i can go into ttc next month knowing that i have the results from the hospital and dont have as much doubt in my mind about what went wrong. Also Filipenko the doc did tell me about taking the low dose asprin so i have started that now too.

Its thursday here now, so i will b thinkin of u girls celebrating thanksgiving, I might have to have a bit of a feast here in Oz too. Its been really hot here bit of a heat wave. thank god for air con. I cant imagine having a white xmas, also its daylight here at 430 am and dark by about7pm
Hey girls! I posted a week or so ago. Haven't had the time to keep up with this thread. Hope you all are doing well. I will be 1DPO tmrw! Can't wait for the next 12 days to fly by.

Have a happy thanksgiving to you all!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving girls!! Me and DH have stuffed ourselves with sausage and bacon sandwiches for breakfast (we usually just have cereal) so we have made a start!! And we are having a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings tonight. Hope that's the kind of thing to eat!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone :wave:

Good luck babydust!!!

Filipenko - that sounds like a great meal! What are you having for dessert? Most people like to have the traditional pumpkin pie dessert for Thanksgiving but i'm not picky, I'll eat cookies, ice cream, whatever! :icecream:

I just got up so your sausage and bacon sandwiches are making me hungry!!!
ohhhhh pumpkin pie! Sounds yum but you know what I have never had it! If anyone finds a recipe will you link it to me and i'll give it a go!

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