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1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Beach good luck tomorrow! I know what you mean about coordinating doc's appointment! Will be thinking of you x x x :hugs:
BABYDUST FX'D FOR YOU!!! Sounds like really promising symptoms!! I have a bit more CM than I'm used to, but it could be for any number of reasons. Temp still not the highest today.
Beach-they only did the one because they said his results were normal, but of course me I have to second guess everything and started doing research and found that 4% is the lowest it can be on the scale of normal. Filipenko like you though, they said his sperm count was great along with his other numbers so they weren't concerned.
And thank you for the reassurance confused, the cycle I was PG I had a big temp dip at 5 DPO, must be the lucky day :)
And Beach as for tomorrow, thank god your ultrasound is the first appt and not the 2nd, because that would be way too hard to wait that 2 hrs inbetween!
Any symptoms for you Filipenko??
7dpo! Waiting 6 more days to test. Gahh. I have an up and down rollercoaster ride going on inside my brain as to yes I'm preg and no you're not. I just want to be so bad. Time will tell i guess.

Korink + filipekno - any new 'synptoms' today?

How is everyone else doing? And where we at in our cycles?!
Hi everyone! Well listen to this for a yarn - I am quite over the moon! I had an appointment with a consultant today who specialises in recurrent miscarriages and immune systems attacking pregnancies and this is how it went.

So our appointment was at 5. We set off a 3.30 for an hour drive and got stuck in horrendous traffic. We were late for the appointment by 20 minutes! Dr S is based at Harley Street but we saw him at the Epsom clinic in Surrey. He was very welcoming and forgave us instantly. Best summarise the rest in conversation and cut to the chase.

Background info: High NK cells cause the immune system to attack any pregnancy and treat it as foreign.

Me (proudly): I have been following your plan, Dr S, and I have been taking 25mg steroids from ovulation along with aspirin.
Dr S (not pleased): Dr Google and taking strong medicines willy nilly is not something I condone.There's nothing I can do now as you've been ttc and have not had the NK cells immune test so I wouldn't know what dose. Also you can't have the test whilst on medication. I am not the kind of doctor who will treat empirically based on the off chance. If you don't have high NK cells then then there's nothing wrong there and no treatment will be given.
Me (shocked but not one to give up): Oh well I did have the NK cells test done after the 2nd miscarriage...
Dr S: Who did that for you?
Me: I did it myself, well a random clinic in Kingston arranged it for me. I wanted to get all the tests done possible and worked night and day to find this clinic but didn't really know what to do with this result...some girls following your plan on the forums said they looked high. (Yes I said this) Erm The Doctors Laboratory did them.
Dr S (not pleased clinic is allowing tests without doc supervision gave me a lecture about this too) We also use The Doctor's Laboratory to carry out our results, let's see...
Me: (shaking with anticipation) Speechless
Dr S: These are VERY high, the highest they can be. You will be on top whack protocol with 40mg steroids when pregnant and intralipid drips. So you took 25mg steroids from ovulation then and aspirin?
Me Yes
Dr S: Good job.

And then he proceeded to write us a very long presciption and spent an hour answering our questions. A very nice man!

So happy to have a diagnosis but horrible that my body attacks my own baby!! I feel secretly happy that I was a rebel and with the help of other steroid junkies on this forum and one very nice steroid lady in particular I treated myself and it was a good thing to do!! What y'all think?
Oh babydust I FEEL your anguish! I am sure you will be! :yipee: No symptoms for me - felt mildly strangely crampy earlier today but I am only 3dpo so nothing could be happening! Dreams have started. I dreamt my mum made me a massive pie with a delicious but green mixture in it!! Does this mean I will give birth to an alien!!
Good for you Filipenko!!! Sometimes we have to be the ones to take care of business because it's never as important to anybody but ourselves!! Sooo proud and sooo happy you now have a plan of attack! I can't fathom that your body attacks your own baby....thank God there's something we can do about it though....:wohoo:
No symptoms here either except a bit more cm than I'm used to. Then again I had more CM around OV too which is very rare for me.
I keep wishing I'd have all these obvious symptoms like I see others have....but nope. Still early though..I just can't help to think I'd feel SOMETHING if my 1 in a 100 made it to the golden egg!
Beach I'm silly and was thinking today is your u/s so I raced on the computer when I got home and realized DUH, it's tomorrow. I hope we have our first baby picture of the group!!! :baby:
Filipenko - that's crazy about those killer cells... and for you to be so high too!! Its a good thing you went and spoke to a professional about your test results!!! I hope now that you have everything under control your next pregnancy will be perfect!!!

Korink - if you doctor didn't make a big deal about the SA then you shouldn't even think twice about it. I'm sure all those number work together to make one collective result and it sounds like everything is good. Besides, even if they have a little trouble swimming, with the "uterus slide" they should get right where they need to go!!! LOL

Confused - yes DH will be going with me. I still may do a little internet surfing while I'm waiting but I plan to make it very clear to those radiology people that I need to get into my next appointment sooner so I can go back to work so the faster they can write up that report the better!!! :grr:

Well I really am starting to stress a little about my scan tomorrow. I really don't feel like I have any symptoms. My boobs where sore but they aren't really anymore. I feel tired but I am not sure its as extreme as it was a couple weeks ago. I don't know maybe I am just reading into it too much. I keep trying to just tell myself that I had a high beta just last week. Ughhhh!!! I think I'll go pack for my cruise and try not to think about it. :shrug:
Filipekno - i agree with the above. Its crazy your body attacks the baby but like korink said 'atleast you can do something about it'. Good luck with everything hun. I am glad you got answers. Xoxo

Korink - i wished i had the obvious symptoms like everyone else. I sit here and 'feel' stuff but then i won't so then i start thinking 'am i just over analyzing everything? Do i really even have any symptoms?'. I swear i hate the 2WW esp the last week. Hang in there sweety.

Beach - i am thinking of you darling. I can't wait for your appt tmrw. There will be answers to all of your questions. I will say a prayer. I hope everything is okay! I'm sure it is! Let us know asap.

Ugh i have a killer headache that won't go away. Its been 3 stinkin days now. I hope the next few days go by fast. I wanna know if there's a bean or not!!!
Korink - I didn't have any symptoms at 4 DPO at all, I only started getting them really close to when i got my BFP and DH was convinced I wasn't pregnant so that had me all in tears the night before my BFP and slightly convinced him I was lol.

Rachael - sorry about your headache!! that's a good sign though!

Fili - those crazy NK cells!! good job doing great research and starting yourself on a plan!! :) that's the kinda thing I do every day at "work/school". Kinda...haha

Beach - Glad DH will be with you! So, I've found the more worked up I am about something, the less symptoms I feel. When I was freaking out about my corpus luteum cyst, I had practically no symptoms and I think it's because of the adrenalin keeping you going. I bet as soon as your done with that U/S today your boobs will start killing you :)

I'm super nauseous this morning and dreading getting in my car for fear I will actually puke this morning...although it still hasn't happened yet (maybe it never will!). Gonna go sip on some ginger ale and head out..hope everyone has a great day!!

By the way - I know Rachael knows my name but my name is Lindsay if you'd rather call me that instead of confused haha.
Beach PPLLEEAASSSEE don't stress about today's appt, just look forward to it with excitmement, everything will be just fine. And just like Lindsay (so much better than confused :) --and mine is Kelsey by the way) said the symptoms are probably affected a bit by your nerves and adrenalin and when you get the all good you'll really enjoy and feel what your body is going through.
Rachael One of my symptoms last time was headaches!!! And you seem like you've been getting them a lot....FX'd!
Lindsay I hope you didn't get sick in the car or have to pace around the bathroom door at work, but so glad you're feeling nauseous! Only 4 more days to wait for you, and 2 of them are weekend days so it sould fly for you!
As for me, I'm so anxious to take my temp that I've been waking up about an hour before I should be and then toss and turn thinking about my temp. I hope that's the cause for my temps being lower....ugg.
Hi everyone,

Well i have just recovered from the shock of my body killing my babies! I am over it now, onwards and upwards!

Beach thinking about you, let us know how you get on, I think you're going to be one happy lady! :happydance:

Korink - my symptom spotting has begun! TMI alert! I have ooooooooodles and tons of creamy cm and I mean loads and I did at this time last time i was pregnant! Are you still the same today? Also I'm not sure it matters if your temps not sky high yet, but i could be wrong! Mine are much higher than before ov and it was high this morning but that was 4 hours later than normal (I completely overslept after all the excitement of yesterday!)

Hi Lindsay - yeah that sounds better than Confused! I really hope you get as sick as can be!!! :happydance: :hugs:
Babydust, are you still getting sore boobs? Hope so! But you know some of these symptoms come and go. Anything goes really, my sister never had sore boobs at all for any of her pregnancies! :holly: :haha: (thanks korink)
Oh what a positive thing Filipenko if that's the same symptom you had last time!! No, today I'm back to normal CM, so I'm sure it was just flushing out after OV. I'm back to zip for symptoms. Although my boobies are sensitive if I poke or grab them, but if I wouldn't be poking/grabbing like a weirdo I wouldn't notice any sensitivity with them.
Beach - I hope you're out celebrating your great sonogram with DH! Can't wait to hear about it!
Beach PPLLEEAASSSEE don't stress about today's appt, just look forward to it with excitmement, everything will be just fine. And just like Lindsay (so much better than confused :) --and mine is Kelsey by the way) said the symptoms are probably affected a bit by your nerves and adrenalin and when you get the all good you'll really enjoy and feel what your body is going through.
Rachael One of my symptoms last time was headaches!!! And you seem like you've been getting them a lot....FX'd!
Lindsay I hope you didn't get sick in the car or have to pace around the bathroom door at work, but so glad you're feeling nauseous! Only 4 more days to wait for you, and 2 of them are weekend days so it sould fly for you!
As for me, I'm so anxious to take my temp that I've been waking up about an hour before I should be and then toss and turn thinking about my temp. I hope that's the cause for my temps being lower....ugg.

I was OK today! Just felt nauseous all day but not so bad I had to pace by the bathroom haha.

Your temps are looking beautiful Kelsey!! I've got a good feeling!!
Beach - I hope you're out celebrating your great sonogram with DH! Can't wait to hear about it!

I've been stalking like a crazy person till I hear the good news! My thoughts are also thinking you're out celebrating :happydance:
Hi Ladies! :wave:
BTW my name is Jessie! I like this name thing much better!
Sorry for the delay. I was so anxious to share my news with you all but it was nuts at work today. Well My doctors appointment did not start well but it did end well... I will try to keep this short. Got to my appt in the radiology dept (as I said everything is so separate at the hospital) well after waiting about 25 min I went and said something to the lady at the desk to be sure they had my appt for the right time. Well she went back to get the radiology tech and when she got me she was already not in a good mood. She had absolutely no bedside manner!!! Never said anything about what she was going to be doing (if this was my first time getting a vaginal ultrasound I would have been kinda freaked). She said absolutely nothing during my ENTIRE procedure but kept making all these contorted faces when she was taking my pics. I could not see the screen and when I asked her questions she said she couldn't tell me anything because she was not a doctor. So I'm now really nervous and thinking the worst based on her facial expressions. I asked if she saw a heartbeat because she never turned the volume on and she said it was faint0 She never gave me any pictures to take which also made me think things are bad and sent me on my way. Now I'm stressed and my blood pressure is probably through the roof!! I marched upstairs to see my doctor and told the nurse about the experience and they decided to see me right away (instead of waiting until 3pm). They got me in for another ultrasound up in their OB office and this time my doctor came into the room too. Much better experience!!!! Got to see the heartbeat, they answered some questions, pointed out some things, said everything looked good, and printed out 2 pics for us to take. The lady at the downstairs place also told the doctor that she saw some bleeding but when they checked me upstairs it was a small spot about 1cm that they said was probably just the implantation spot and sometimes it bleeds a little as the uterus stretches (I guess this is why people get some spotting). Anyway, I felt much better. The baby is measuring a little smaller than my dates 5w6d when I should be about 6w5d based on LMP. My doctor said that this is still OK and could be just off slightly due to late OV. They said the HB also looks good. They were going to repeat my U/S in 2 weeks but since I will be on my cruise then they are going to repeat 1 week from today just to make sure things are progressing well before I get on a boat.
The doctor also did say that my progesterone is low for a pregnant woman so my nurse stocked me up with a bunch of samples of progesterone since my insurance is being difficult about this.

Here's a pic below... soooooooo tiny!!!


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G_d Beach your post just made me soooooooooooo angry that you were treated that way, especially given all you've been through :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
But I am SO happy for you that it all ended well and you got to see the heartbeat, you must be over the moon!!!!!!!! :yipee:
OOMMGG!!! SOOOO GREAT!!! What was the heartbeat!? Did they let you see the flicker on the screen?! SOOOO EXCITING!!! Glad they're doing it again in a week, I don't know why they'd make us wait 2 weeks, you can tell in 1 week that the baby grew and the heart got stronger. :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

So is next thursday the follow up scan?

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