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1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Thanks ladies!

Filipenko - I'm about 6+2 based on LMP but I think that I might be a couple days behind that due to late OV.

Korink- My DH had a SA. I will have to look at it tomorrow to see exactly what it said but from what I remember he was on the low end too but doctor said it was Ok and it has not been an issue. I think as long as you have good timing and you use the legs up in the air method, those little guys should get to where they need to go (see my video in previous post) :thumbup:

Well off to bed, chat with you ladies tomorrow!! :wave:
Hey beauties!!

Lindsay wow!!!! That is some really really good news. I am so glad and so happy for you. It all sounds really good and promising. I am so happy and want to jump up and down for you LOL.

Beach that is awesome news too. I am so happy for you as well. I wish you the best. As far as 'symptoms' i have a really bad headache just like last time. Every now and then i feel little uncomfort in boobies and i been really really moody.

Tmrw i will be 6dpo. That's when implantation may occur woo hoo. I am.going to watch that video right now.
Yay for potential implantation day rachael! I know your cbfm won't let you down this month! Can't wait to see your bfp :)

How's everyone else doing today? I've been pacing outside the bathroom at work willing myself to not throw up..ate a snack and am doing better now. I know its a good sign just not sure how I would explain it to coworkers as I really don't want them to know...ohwell haha I'll figure it out!
confused I'm sooooooo glad you're being sick!! Wonderful wonderful x x x
Yes Beach, I hope to have time to watch that video after work tonight! And if you get a chance to check your husband's SA I'd appreciate it.
Confused, how bad but how GREAT for your morning sickness! Sucks to have it while trying to work, but it must be the 1 time you think to yourself you're happy to have it! Especially if you didn't have it last time.
Filipenko I see you OV'd same day as your first Peak! So it is possible! FF has me Ovin'g the day after, but because I've been charting for so long and my temps usually give me indication of OV, I really think I'm 3 DPO instead of 2DPO, but I'll go with it. I had a lower temp today which pisses me right off but hopefully doesn't indicate anything for this cycle.
Korink your chart looks great! I almost always had a slight temp drop right after my temp spike..dont think about it too much..I'm sure it'll keep rising from here and you'll get your bfp :) and yea I'm thrilled to have ms I just had no idea where to go at work haha. Thankfully i ate something and it helped. I ate like a monster at lunch today, yikes!
That video was insane! Its so damn amazing that that's what happens after each ejacuation and then implantation time is just a miracle. It almost seems impossible to get pregnant. Its a blessing! I am feeling 'down' today. I woke up this morning feeling extremely tired again. I felt like i was beaten. I'm still tired. Everytime i go to the bathroom i check the toilet paper to see if there's any blood from implantation but nope not yet :( i was in such high spirits that this is the month but now I'm completely doubting myself. I am 6po so i got a long ways to go before testing.
beach I watched the movie! Just amazing.....:spermy:
Babydust did you have implantation spotting last time you were PG and that's why you're looking for it? Last time I was checking my cervix and realized I had pink cm I'd never seen before (didn't realize what it was) but if I hadn't actually went in there digging I wouldn't have even known I had it because it never was on my undies/toilet paper. Also, I had my temp drop at 5 dpo but didn't have the pink cm for I think 2 days or so...
I'm not feeling too positive myself about this month...:nope:
6dpo is a tough place to be babydust but just to let you know, i've never had implantation bleeding before, don't give up hope :hugs:
Hey girl hheeeyyy!!! :holly: <<<<Don't ask me what it is, but it made me smile. I think it's a boobie shake though!
Filipekno thanks for the advice. I don't remember having implantation bleeding but yet i never looked for it when i was pregnant.

Korink - thanks to you as well. Makes me feel better to have you girls! I really am so miserable today. People on my facebook are joking with me about stuff and i have NO tolerance for it.
Hi ladies :wave:

Korink – do you have specific numbers on your DH’s SA? I have mine in hand. It looks like my DH’s morphology was a 65% (it says that is normal, but does not give a range. Looks like his Motility is low at 48%. It doesn’t sound like you should have too much to worry about since you’ve already been able to get pregnant. If you want to compare any other numbers let me know. Also regarding your temps... I read that its normal to have a temperature drop right after OV. I looked it up because I had this too last month and it freaked me out. It was a good sign for me, FX that it will be a good sign for you!!! Positive thoughts!!!! See below:
Most women experience a drop of temperature just few days after Ovulation. This is mainly due to the fact that the progesterone level are not getting stronger yet against the dominance of the Eustrogen. Most women experience a drop of temperature just few days after Ovulation. This is mainly due to the fact that the progesterone level are not getting stronger yet against the dominance of the Eustrogen.
Also, your second drop could be implantation.

Baby dust – isn’t that video crazy!!??? I can’t believe that only about 100 sperm make it to the end!!! Don’t worry about implantation bleeding, I have never experienced this in the 4 times I have been pregnant.

How is everyone else doing today?
Well his morphology was ONLY 4%!!!! From what I read 14% is where they want it to be----65%?!?!?! Holy crap Mr. Fertile!!! lol His motility was 70% and everything else was I think pretty much where it should be. But 4 fricken percent?! I keep telling myself what you said---that I've been PG before....thanks for looking that up for.
And also I think it's soo sweet that you took the time to look up and copy for me the explanation of the temp dip! And then looking at your chart I see you had a dip at 3 DPO too, so that gives me a LITTLE more hope.
Can't tell you girls thank you enough. You've all picked me up or made me laugh when nobody else quite could.
And I also couldn't believe only 100 sperm made it! when watching it with DH I said too bad we can't go in there and shave all that off in there so it's just smooth sailing for your lil guys! lol
BEACH---2 DAYS UNTIL YOUR ULTRASOUND!!!! I hope you've got lots planned these next 2 days to make them fly by. What time is your u/s?
Hey girlies!!! I'm not sure if I'm making this up or not but VERY faintly tonight I've felt achy boobs. It comes and goes but for a split second. Not even enough to mention. Just about 20 mins ago i started to get very faint light cramps. Now its in my lower back. I hope its a good sign and not trapped gas!! Cause i been farting a pooping A LOT!!! Lol. Fx'd please please please.
Hi ladies - I am throughly enoughing chatting with you too. Glad we ended up with such a great group!!! :friends:

Korink - Is that the only SA he's ever had? Maybe you could get it checked again, just to see. But I wouldn't worry about it too much, it just means his little swimmers are just oddly shaped! :) They still have been able to reach the destination before, they can do it again!!!

Glad you feel better about the dip, I had it too and kinda freaked me out because I thought it was too early for implantation. So hoping its a good sign for you.

Babydust - I have all my crossables crossed for you!!!

Filipenko - hope you are still getting in a lot of :sex:

As for me, just waiting patiently for my U/S tomorrow. The specialist I go to is actually in a hospital so everything is so seperate that its kinda annoying. My U/S is at 1:00pm and my doctors appt is at 3:00pm. I am trying to get them closer together because I will be leaving working for the appointment but they said sometimes radiology takes a couple hours to "write up the report" from the ultrasound. Ughhhhhhh!!!
That video was insane! Its so damn amazing that that's what happens after each ejacuation and then implantation time is just a miracle. It almost seems impossible to get pregnant. Its a blessing! I am feeling 'down' today. I woke up this morning feeling extremely tired again. I felt like i was beaten. I'm still tired. Everytime i go to the bathroom i check the toilet paper to see if there's any blood from implantation but nope not yet :( i was in such high spirits that this is the month but now I'm completely doubting myself. I am 6po so i got a long ways to go before testing.

Rachael - I've never gotten implantation bleeding, so don't let that get you down! :hugs: Any other symptoms today?? 7DPO - getting close to testing time!! I started testing at 9DPO (BFN) didn't test the next day and got my positive 11DPO, and I think beach didn't get her positive until 13DPO - so don't get down on yourself then either! can't wait for everyone's testing days!!
Hi ladies - I am throughly enoughing chatting with you too. Glad we ended up with such a great group!!! :friends:

Korink - Is that the only SA he's ever had? Maybe you could get it checked again, just to see. But I wouldn't worry about it too much, it just means his little swimmers are just oddly shaped! :) They still have been able to reach the destination before, they can do it again!!!

Glad you feel better about the dip, I had it too and kinda freaked me out because I thought it was too early for implantation. So hoping its a good sign for you.

Babydust - I have all my crossables crossed for you!!!

Filipenko - hope you are still getting in a lot of :sex:

As for me, just waiting patiently for my U/S tomorrow. The specialist I go to is actually in a hospital so everything is so seperate that its kinda annoying. My U/S is at 1:00pm and my doctors appt is at 3:00pm. I am trying to get them closer together because I will be leaving working for the appointment but they said sometimes radiology takes a couple hours to "write up the report" from the ultrasound. Ughhhhhhh!!!

So excited for your scan tomorrow!! That is a long time between doctor's appointments - is DH going with you?? otherwise if you can go on bnb on your phone, we can all entertain you imbetween :)

Korink - don't worry about the temp dip, I had one at 3DPO and an even bigger one at 5DPO. I worried about the 5DPO one but it turned out fine :)
Hi everyone! :wave: funny picture Korink and loved that vid!! Korink my DH's morhology is 3% but because he has a very high sperm count they say it's completely normal!!

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