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1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Jessie, you should really have lots of rest now and chill after that stressful experience. Love your picture!! :happydance:
Oh yeah, and in all my excitement I forgot about the bitch part. Tell her to mess with a pregnant girl again and you'll :grr: her!!!!
Yeah I'll second that!! Makes me sooooo angry to have nearly spoilt a nice experience for jessie with a happy ending.
Thanks ladies!!! I now have some hope!! Yeah that radiology tech had me so pissed, I thought I was going to be scheduling another D&C. As if I wasn't stressed ENOUGH!!! Ugh!!!

Anyway, I asked them to schedule my nerxt appointment upstairs in the OB office so they did (I'm not really an OB patient there since I see the specialist) but they did it :happydance:

Kelsey - I did get to see the flicker on the screen. I think she said it was 118 beats per minute which she said was in the normal range (I am going to check). The U/S tech upstairs said there should be a big difference in a week so I'm excited. My next appt is Thursday at 9:00am. The people at work are really going to wonder why I have all these doctors appts... I'll probably have to go for another after my cruise. :shock:

So how are you ladies doing? How are the sypmtoms coming along?

Lindsay - can't wait for your scan on Monday!!
118 is a PERFECT little hb, especially if you're measuring closer to 5w6d!! Once you see that strong hb you're soo good to go. Have you gotten to the hb stage yet??
I was waiting for your result jessie but now it's past midnight here so i'm signing off :sleep: :sleep: Will sleep well now everything's gone well for you! :hugs:
Kelsey - This was my first time hearing a HB. Every other time I've gone for a scan its been bad. My first pregnancy did make it to 8w2d but I was supposed to be over 11w6d and that was the longest one so I think I will feel better when I get to that point. My doctor told me to take it easy and no :sex:

Thanks Mel - Have a good nights rest. :sleep: You probably need it after the couple days of craziness you had!!!
yayyy jessie!!! so exciting!! I love the picture and love love love that you heard the HB!! can't wait to see the next picture!! :) :)
Jessie - what a terrible first trip to the doctors. I would have told that bitch where to stick it!! I HATE people who hate their job and take it out on the customer/patient. Its RUDE!! My hospital visit for my MC was the worst experience of my life!!! I'm so glad everything turned around. I'm SO happy everything is good!!! I'm so so very happy. You deserve it!!!! Xoxo

Mel - where you at in your cycle again? Sorry!

Kelsey - having any symptoms yet? I hope we both get a bFP. I think cbfm is the best invention everrr.

Lindsay - hope you're feeling and doing good!!!

So i can't calm my nerves. I just wanna test test test. I took a cbfm stick and peed on it. Trying to convince myself that if its dark then that's good news. Pfft i peed on it an hour ago and the lines are basically invisible!! So now i feel like I'm not preg. But my headache is coming back and my cramps are by my hips. UGH. Think i may go out and buy a frer. I'm driving myself insane.
Jessie - what a terrible first trip to the doctors. I would have told that bitch where to stick it!! I HATE people who hate their job and take it out on the customer/patient. Its RUDE!! My hospital visit for my MC was the worst experience of my life!!! I'm so glad everything turned around. I'm SO happy everything is good!!! I'm so so very happy. You deserve it!!!! Xoxo

Mel - where you at in your cycle again? Sorry!

Kelsey - having any symptoms yet? I hope we both get a bFP. I think cbfm is the best invention everrr.

Lindsay - hope you're feeling and doing good!!!

So i can't calm my nerves. I just wanna test test test. I took a cbfm stick and peed on it. Trying to convince myself that if its dark then that's good news. Pfft i peed on it an hour ago and the lines are basically invisible!! So now i feel like I'm not preg. But my headache is coming back and my cramps are by my hips. UGH. Think i may go out and buy a frer. I'm driving myself insane.
I love that we're using our names on here! Happy Friday everyone! :)

I feel pretty crappy again today :) yay! Haha but I'm starting to get really nervous about Monday. I just keep hoping and hoping everything will be ok. Have to remind myself to think happy thoughts! my brother and his wife are visiting this weekend and we have an ugly sweater party tm (have to think up a flood reason why I'm not drinking...I always have a glass of wine in my hand) but atleast I'll be distracted.

How's everyone feeling today? Rachael - if you want to test you should but don't get upset yet if its not positive as its still really early :) FXd for you hun
Hello lovely ladies,
Rachael, Kelsey, Mel, Jessie and Lindsay, Its nice to know your names my name is Eliza. I feel like i have missed so much on here. Jessie i LOVE your ultrasound pic yay first pic of your little bubba. Im sorry u had a bad experience but glad it was good in the end and u got to hear the heartbeat, its the best sound in the world.

Rachael, Mel and Kelsie i cant believe your nearly at testing stage woohoo bet you cant wait hey. Racheal headaches are a good sign i think. Do u girls have any other symptoms and how many days till your testing.

Lindsay i cant wait to hear how your appointement goes, think happy thoughts your pregnant all is good. Maybe your could put some water in a wine glass might look like your drinking white wine lol. As far as being sick i know it sucks but just try and keep something in your stomach all the time. The only thing that made me feel better was sucking on lemons actually i was eating them lol.

Ok so as for me im only i think cd9. Im so behind you girls. I ordered some preg tests off ebay i got 25 for $5. They arrived today my Dh says he bets i use them all this month and even if the first one is positive i will still use the rest to make sure. But i dont care they were cheep i just hope they work. last month i ov cd21 so i hope its not as long this time. Think were gonna do the deed twice a day around ov.

Come on some more BFP for chrissy
Lindsay - I drove myself nuts the night before mine. Its hard not to after losses but it turned out OK so I'm sure it will be the same for you.

Also regarding the drinking... last year I was prego at my work Christmas party. I did not want anyone to realize that I wasn't drinking so I just had DH go up to the bar (away from my friends) and order virgin drinks that look just like what I like to drink. Do you ever drink mixed drinks or just wine? I'm not sure if they make a non-alcoholic wine but maybe you could pick up something that looks like what you like to drink and pour it in a regular wine bottle. :wine:

Rachael - don't worry about getting a BFN if you decide to test. I got 2 BFN before I got my postive on DPO 13. FX!!!
Hey girls now that i know your names, how old r your all. Im 32
IMG_1292.jpg I thought i would share a pic of my little Maddy Moo this is when she was 22 weeks from a 3d scan we had done
Eliza - i love your 3d picture. She is precious. Xoxo

Thanks for the support girls. Can you believe that i used walmart's version of frer and i peed on it this morning and it was a dud? It didn't do anything. Grrr i am so mad!!!!
Thanks Ladies for your support!! I was thinking of putting pomagranate (sp?) in a wine glass and saying it's red wine lol. We'll be at a friend's house this weekend, so mixed drinks might be tough but we could try to think of something lol.

I've been munching on cheerios to keep the nausea at bay - works pretty well. That and gatorade is my best best friend these days :)

Love the U/S pic Eliza! Beautiful!

So excited for everyone testing!! it's coming up so soon!!

I'm 27.

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