1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi ladies! Kirk and I have fallen behind in our little competition for the photoshoot...if you have any friends who would be willing to like the comment by my friend there is a direct link in my page. Thanks guys and don't worry its over tonight so this will be the last time I post about it lol.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY LOVES! I don't think we'll be doing anything special, usually we do it the weekend before or weekend after....sooo we'll see if we do anything exciting this weekend! how have I never heard of this Bonefish restaurant that you all rave about? Must not have one way up North here :)
Sam, your temps are still good, so I'm not losing hope. FX'd that white line turns PINK!
Rachael, you need to take a break unpacking boxes and tell us how you're doing! anything from the job yet?
Jessie---will you NTNP for this month and next, or NO TTC at all.
Lindsay I'll tell my sisters tonight to like your link! At least 1 of them should be able to!
AFM---still getting high on my CBFM, but yesterday and today my temps are super low, which they usually only drop the day of OV. I want to keep a day inbetween bd'ing, but I don't want to chance missing OV either. I hate how much I overthink BD'ing!
Okay okay Kelsey... i put down the boxes and decided to catch up ;) You know me oh so well! LOL.

Welp, i'm all moved in. I was so upset because before we started moving yesterday i went over to the new house to wait on the cable/internet guy to hook us up. His time frame was 10-12. Well he ended showing up at 12:10. I was about to leave! He's lucky! Well then we started loading up the truck at 1. Didn't get everything all packed up until almost 430. Felt like HOURS and HOURS. It was horrid! We had everything off the truck by 8. It took forever it felt like. Only had a tiny bit of help. OH and i did the rest. Thank God i wasn't pregnant because FUCK i probably would have died. I got my living room all done. Posted 2 pics on facebook of it. Now i'm headed to the kitchen. I have SO MUCH crap and no where to put it. Guess i'm going to keep brain storming....

I never did get a thermometer :nope: i'm sorry. I didn't even test on the CBFM today. I'm so bad. FML. It would be a low anyways. I just hope it doesn't mess with the monitor for next month since i just reset it.

Well, i hope you all are doing lovely. I don't have much more time to talk, but Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo
Yay!! So excited for you Rach!! Woohoo!!!! What a lovely Valentine's Day gift!! I hope you and DH will go out to celebrate extra tonight!!

Thanks Kelsey for the extra vote(s)! we're ahead again but not by much! this is getting stressful! lol I'm so glad it's going to be over tonight!

AFM - we ordered our crib today! it takes 6-8 weeks to arrive so I'm kinda glad we started shopping now, still seems crazy to me but I'm happy we did.
Hi Girls! Happy Valentines Day!!! :friends:

Omgosh Rach - Congrats on your job! I think this is going to be the start of a great year for you... New house, new job, now you just need to get prego. Maybe this month don't use any of the monitors and just go with the flow. Maybe it will just happen for you!

Sam - I hope AF does not come for you!!!

Lindsay - good luck with your photo shoot, I will ask DH to go on and like your post!

Kelsey - not sure what to do this month. Probably NTNP I guess. With the temping I'll know exactly when I O so I may try to be careful around that time. At least until I talk to the doc.
BTW - did you watch The Bachelor last night... OMG is that girl Courtney UNBELIEVABLE!!! She is absolutely nuts. I have no idea why Ben is keeping her, maybe just for a little "fun" in the fantasy suite!!!???
Morning girls!!

We won the photoshoot contest!! so exciting! Thank you all for "liking" it for me and Kirk!!

It's 5AM and I've been in the lab for an hour!! ugh! I left my house at 315AM this morning - crazy crazy, but I get to go home in about 10 minutes and sleep all day! but then I'm back at 10PM until 4AM. The life of a graduate student...lol

I hope you all are doing great! I'll check in on ya later :)
Lindsay - that is GREAT!!! Congratulations!!! When will you have the pictures done?
shortly after deliver! We are so excited!!

Sam - I see you had another temp drop today but I'm still holding out hope that it'll shoot up tomorrow and we'll see a nice pic of your BFP!!

Jess - When should you hear back from your doctor? They have all the info they need right? It seems like you could start and they should have an answer by the time you find out anyway...I guess unless you need to be doing something even during the TWW? We waited two cycles after my mc because thats what the doctor recommended but I always wonder if that's really necessary as I've seen so many girls here get pregnant again straight away and everything be fine. We were too chicken to try and I needed a little time. Plus, I seem to be like you and don't have trouble getting pregnant as we got pregnant the first try so I figured it shouldn't take too long when we went to try again. I hope they figure out everything for you this next time and we'll be back to comparing U/S's in no time!

How's everyone else doin?? Kels - looks like you're about to O based on your chart! You seem to have a temp spike before your dip, your chart is pretty interesting!

Rach - you getting nice and settled??

Eliza - how you doin hun?? you O'in soon yet??
YEAAHH RACHAEL!! CONGRATS ON THE JOB!!! :happydance::thumbup: So when do you begin? I bet you can't wait to tell your current job to kiss your butt :) You have your new lil place so cute, love the furniture! You'll have to post the kitchen pics once you have it all in order. Idk girl, this seems like a pretty good month for you, I think a BFP is in your near future!
Lindsay do another dance for you for winning!! :happydance: What a relief huh? Can not WAIT to see the pictures. Those are crazy hours for your poor lil pregnant self! Are those always the hours you work or else how does your body get used to that?
Jessie I like the NTNP approach, because then if you do happen to get pregnant, it was meant to be. If not, then it wasn't this month. And yes, the Bachelor is driving me nuts!! Courtney is such a CRAZY BIA!!!! Like really, I think she has bad blood because she's just not right. And I just want to slap Ben, I really don't like him, AT ALL. I wasn't crazy about him to begin with, and now I just find him an even bigger idiot. I really like Kacie and the other dark haired/dark eyed girl (they went on the date with him last week---I think they look so much alike).
And now that i'm on a roll, Rachael have you been watching the challenge? I'm getting so annoyed about them kicking people off! I was so mad they made Sarah go home and then when they made Dustin and Heather go home I was super ticked. When did the show turn into such softies.

Back onto TTC, today my temp went to the usual temp I get the day before OV, but my monitor still showed a high reading. This month I'm not 100% trusting the monitor so I'm BD'ing today and tomorrow. Take an OPK tonight and see what it says. I think I'll bawl if OV was yesterday cuz then I missed the day again....guess I'll find out by my temps tomorrow.
Sam---any update?
Mel---hopefully we're both OV'ing tomorrow! Are you still temping?
Eliza---where have you been!? Hope you're doing good---you're getting close to POAS time!
How's everyone else doin?? Kels - looks like you're about to O based on your chart! You seem to have a temp spike before your dip, your chart is pretty interesting!


Aww I love that you know my chart now as well as I do! haha And yes, I do usually have this temp increase before OV, but my temps have been wacky this month---what's with the 2 REALLY LOOOWW temps (I usually only get 1 day of temps that low and that's OV day)? :wacko: Who knows, just hope I didn't miss OV and it's coming tomorrow.
oh no no I don't usually work these hours. I have a crazy experiment my boss wants me to do (even though it's not even for my thesis - maybe if it's interesting I'll find a way to squeeze it in there...not sure how I would do that though). Definitely not looking forward to going in from 10PM to 4AM tonight. I just woke up from when I got home at 6AM though so I got some decent sleep, thankfully!! Usually the dogs will get annoyed with me being in bed too long and will wake me up but they got up with me at 3 this morning so they probably wanted more sleep to :p

and my chart used to be funny too, I'd have like waves of temps. it'd go up and come back down and on the second time it came back down it would spike and stay up. I thought my temps were just weird bc of the mc but they did that the other two cycles I charted too (I didn't chart before the mc so who knows if that's just something wacky that happened to me afterwards). but yea, I LOVE looking at charts for some reason!! haha Rach - you should chart too so I can stalk that too!! :)
Lindsey - fantastic news. YAY for winning the contest!

Rachel YAY for the job, more great news! Shame the move was hectic and tiring but the worst is over. Are you still going to get a bbt? It may still be worth givinig it a go.

Kelsey - I'd keep on with the bd everyother day plan. I use opk as well and I got the start of my LH surge the evening (7pmish) before my first peak therefore the second peak was probably too late which made me think my bd timing were not the best this month. Each time we learn and adapt more though.

Jessie - ntnp is a good idea although I'd find very difficult to do especially around ov time I'd be tempted to try more than prevent! I know my willpower would be severely tested as it was in Jan when I did not ttc.

Hi Eliza - hope you are okay

AFM -temp drop this morning and major pains and backache. Still no AF though despite running to loo to check all day but just went to loo now I am home and getting red tinged discharge so found her way here.So the FRER I did the other day and had a slight line (well after the initial time limit) was a coloured evap line - boo! I am glad AF here in a way as this longer LP has freaked me out a bit although I know I should be pleased. I suppose I knew it wasn't to be and just wanted to get on with it am start a new cycle. CD1 tomorrow methinks!!
Hi girls! :wave:

Lindsay - my specialist has no idea what went down after the D&C so I am really just going in to talk about what my next steps should be and if there is anything else he can think of to test. I don't want to get prego until I see him because I am not sure if he is going to want me to do something different my next TTC cycle like take progesterone earlier or something. I would hate to get pregnant just to have it end in another loss because there was something I could have done.
I am not sure about TTC in same cycle after MC because of the damage they cause in there. I did get pregnant (by accident) one cycle right after a MC and it didn't end well either so I would personally probably wait for at least 1 AF.
BTW - feel free to stalk my chart too anytime!!! :)

Kels - I can't wait for the "Women Tell All" show. I think Courtney is going to be the star of the show. I can't wait to see all the women unleash on her after they have seen on TV what she really did and said. Yes, don't trust your monitor this month. Keep BDing until FF shows O and I would do it for a couple days after just to be sure!

Sam - sorry about AF :( I was really hoping this was your month!!!
oh I will definitely start stalking your chart too!! haha :) I definitely understand what you mean about wanting to be careful, when do you go talk to your doctor? Do you have an appointment already?
GAH i feel so bad because I feel like i can't have a conversation with any of you anymore because i've been so dang busy! Everything is starting to settle down though! I got my bathroom done. Just got to finish the kitchen sometime. Then it will be our bedroom. So get this, Andrew got accepted to become an Electrical Apprentice!! He had an interview for that almost 2 weeks ago. He thought he was done for, but God gave us another blessing! I just can't believe it. So much good news within 48 hrs! I just can't soak it all in!!!!! I am truly blessed, that's for sure. A BFP would definitely be AMAZING this month, but i won't hold my breath. OH and i need to go to the store tonight soooo... i will have to look at the bbt! Well, i'm so sorry but i got to start some laundry. Love ya girls!! Hope you all are doing great.
So i just went back and re-read what Mesina predicted for me and it seriously gives me chills. Basically she had said if i didn't get a BFP from November - December (last yr) that i would get a BFP in March. She had said he was a new soul which meant he's never been through the process of being born. She said he was afraid and needed the reassurance that things would be okay. Well, we just moved out, Andrew and i both are getting new good jobs, so i believe that's enough reassurance for our little man to come next month!!! I know it's a for fun type of thing, but i can't help but think positive about it. I'll repost what she had written me back on 11/3/2011.

Past: I have taken some time to relay this information to you as best as I can, because I am not sure how you will receive it. It is not bad news, so rest your energy there – however what I feel is somewhat “strange” perhaps if you do not hold the same beliefs. But I shall relay what I have felt and give it to you straight as I sense it.

You have a very nervous little boy who is trying to come into your life. I feel that the miscarriage that you had was indeed him and that he will be the same energy that comes to you again in time. I personally believe you have old souls, new souls and of course souls in between that development period. Your son is a new soul, someone whom I feel will be very new to this process and who needs just a wee bit of encouragement to find his way to you. I feel that this miscarriage was significant in that – the month of August feels strong for this child and thus I believe he is being given the opportunity to be born under that month – which would mean conceiving now. Please assure yourself this is not your body failing you, but rather Mother Nature doing what she does best and rejecting a pregnancy that did not have the strongest of starts. It is difficult, I can understand that – but you must make peace with what happened and put it down to a healthier pregnancy the next time round.

Present: Here is where things get a little more odd perhaps – I feel the chance for a conception now, yet I believe that your child needs that reassurance of things being ok. You must take care of yourself as best you can and if you feel ok doing this, I believe that speaking aloud (perhaps when you are home alone, so it’s less strange for you) and telling him that things will be ok and that he has a loving family waiting for him. Speak your feelings, tell him how much you want him to be with you and tell him that you can learn together.

I feel that August would strengthen his nervous energy and give him a stronger start in this life. Being born under the sign of Leo will give him many more leadership qualities and a certain independence that would serve him well. Yet he may still be a child who is very imaginative or sometimes needing an extra hand to guide him and help him find his way in life. He will do very well and feels to be a child you will love deeply and bond with instantly – but your instincts will always be to protect him and nurture him sensing his energy.

Future: If he chooses not to come between now and December – then I feel it will be March before you conceive. I know this is supposed to be a set in stone process, yet I feel there is more to it than simply “this or that” month. If you can work with him and let him know it will be ok, then I feel he will be more confident in coming and staying. When you know you are pregnant, it is important that you speak to your belly often and embrace positive energies about when he’s here and what you will do together – this will keep your stress levels and his low and invite a healthier pregnancy.

You are also destined for another child after him, an older soul who will be here to teach and guide him in many ways. Your first child will be strong and very manly in his ways – yet this second child seems to at times bring him the balance that he needs to not overdue it. This second child is so different to your first, they both bring you so many lessons and take you on a journey of learning. You will be very blessed.

I am also being told that you should get some Lapis Lazuli and keep it with you. I have quickly dug out some material and apparently (trust me I did not know this!) it was used in ancient Egypt to prevent miscarriages and ease pregnancy. It is an inexpensive stone to get a hold of and a piece may well be good for you to keep with you as a protective stone.

I believe this child will come in 2012 and I hope that you trust your body and know that the soul always knows best. It is hard when we lose faith in our bodies or worry about it happening again, but it is a natural reaction. I wish you and your partner the very best of success and feel this boy will come – he just needs a little coaxing bless him!

I hope this hasn’t come across too strange, but I feel once he has decided to come again you should not experience another miscarriage.

Good luck to you both, I wish you all the best!


Rach - that is crazy! I hope what she says is true and you just need some positive vibes for him to him. You definitely have a lot of postive going for you so keep that energy going!! Get that BBT so you can start temping.... March needs to be your month!!! Congrats to your OH on his job too!!!

I haven't been on FB in a while, its been so busy with work etc, but I will soon, I need to check out the pics of your new place! :)
Lindsay, are you done with your crazy hours now? Hope so! Get rested :) How have you been feeling, still throwing up? What did the Dr. ever say about the issues with the other end, or did that just go away on its own?
Sam, sorry to see AF started! After my MC though, the first couple AF's I just took as my body getting stronger for my next PG.
Rachael that's good you're so busy, that takes your mind off TTC! I wish I had something busy going on in my life, so I wasn't constantly analyzing my chart and wanting to do OPK's! Your reading was my final push, and I contacted her to do one for me!!! I can't believe I did it, I'm so nervous about it being a scam and stealing my credit card info or something, but I read a lot of reviews and a lot of people on here had good things to say about Mesina---and you obviously didn't have problems, so I'm trying it. I just hope she doesn't write back and say, yah, you're screwed, no children in your future or something! She said it would be 3-5 business days, so I don't expect to hear anything until mid next week. Eeek!:wacko:
AFM----I don't know WHAT THE HELL is going on with my body. Today my temp went up, when I expected it to go down for OV. If it goes up again tomorrow, then I know I must have ovulated on CD12 which is nuts---I usually OV around CD17! Clomid has so messed with my cycle. CD12 seems wayyyy too early to OV when I'm still spotting from AF until around CD 6/7. Doesn't seem like it's possible to make a good egg between CD7 and CD12! Ugg, I could just cry. Because on top of that, if I did OV on CD12 we missed OV day again as far as BD'ing. I did an OPK last night, and it was negative, and I'm still getting highs on my CBFM and the lines on those sticks have never been close to my usual peaks. UGG!!! I hate how difficult this has to be for me! I just hope my temp drops tomorrow to indicate OV tomorrow....
Jessie, thank you for the kind words! I hope she is right and i get my little man next month! She never did say if i'd get pregnant in March or if i'd find out i am pregnant in March. If i find out i am pregnant in March then that would mean i get pregnant this month. Very exciting.

Kelsey, i don't think you've ov yet. I'm not positive. I swear, if you did that is just so CRUEL because it's the same story as last month. Just try and stay positive hunny! I don't think you've missed it. Just keep testing in the evenings with a opk just to make sure. omggggosh waiting on your prediction feels like it takes FOREVER. When she did mine the wait was 3 days but she had it done the 2nd evening!! I don't think she steals your money. I really feel like she 'tries'. She gives you a HUGE reading for only $11 something. Last week i believe i got scammed by this other 'psychic'. Her site said it would take up to 4 days but never any later. Uhhh well... it took 5 days and i had to contact her several times because i saw she said her name was Skylar but her paypal account says Patricia. I called her out and said i want my money back LMAO. She told me i'd either get pregnant, get a BFP in July... OR have my baby in July 2013. She is off her rocker. I know it will happen sooner than that. (i hope). I have a lot of faith that it will. She is out of her mind. I think she got my last pregnancy mixed up with it or something because i got a BFP in July of LAST YEAR. I've had 3 readings total and Mesina is by far the best. The other girl told me i'd get a BFP or get pregnant in January... OR have a baby January 2013. Pshhh. Yeah right! Anywho, Mesina takes alot of time to give you a reading. The others i had done were just one sentence. All of them said i'd be having a boy though. I am VERY excited about that, but if it ends up being a girl... i'd be happy with that too!! I can't wait to hear what she says back!!! I'm so excited LOL.

AFM, i finally used my cbfm this morning. I'm CD9 but i have it programmed as CD8 because my AF came late in the evening. Anywho, says HIGH. WTF! lol. I swear these sticks i have are cursed. I bought them off ebay and every single one i've taken from the box was high. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I'm actually serious when i say they're defective. I'd be pissed. I'd be even more upset if something was wrong with me.. such as PCOS that makes my hormones all messed up. I just know it's goin to happen very soon. I can feel it. I'd feel dumb if i was wrong.. LOL. I prob just feel like that because i've had great luck the last 3 days. Alls i know is i was drunk last night and OH and i DTD and i don't remember anything about it. Oh lord. If relaxation is what i need to get pregnant... last night def was one of them nights LOL. Well... i'm DEFINITELY getting a bbt tonight. I know i keep saying that but i'm serious!

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