1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

I am!! I kind of slept at the lab for a little while on two chairs - hurt my hips!! My hips have been sore almost every day when I wake up whether I use my pregnancy pillow or not, I'm thinking everything is shifting in there and I should take it as a good sign. I slept about 4hrs when I got home but I'm still really tired. I couldn't sleep anymore cuz I was SO hungry! Now that I have a PBJ in my belly I think I might be able to sleep a bit better.

I seem to be done throwing up for atleast a week now, maybe two! It really eased up around 13 weeks and then between 14-15 weeks it came back but only every few days I would throw up once and it was not nearly as intense as before. With the bathroom issues the doc said it was probably pregnancy induced IBS due to stressing and it should go away in a couple days and she was right! But now I have the other pregnancy related bowel issue of not being able to go but honestly I would take that 100x over the other way! that was terrible!!

I'm sure this won't make you feel better if you're anything like me and get something stuck in your head but when I got pregnant this cycle our BD schedule was: we did not BD -2, we did -1 and 0 but didn't for the two days after. I'm convinced the sperm that made it was the -1 day. and the first time we got pregnant we just BD'd whenever we felt like it - I had no idea about EWCM and temps and OPKs lol. I think I know when I got pregnant that time but our usual BD schedule anyway is usually every other day or two days on and a day off (although poor DH has been deprived a bit since I got pregnant since I pass out so early sometimes!!). So, I think if you got in -1 or +1 you should feel good about that! and who knows your temps may plummet tomorrow!

Rach - I love your reading, she's very good about being reassuring but not misleading!

Sam - sorry about AF hun!!

Jess - I can't wait to hear what your specialist thinks! When is your appt? or have you not made it yet?
Lindsay Sorry you're feeling yucky. It's for good reasons though! :) My friend who is due in 2 months said her hips are REAL bad. She is on bed rest because she had some bleeding 2 months ago that went down her leg. She thought she was miscarrying but the baby was fine. She had the same episode the other day. She was so scared but everything is okay. Anyways.. your baby is just making room and that's why your hips hurt. I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see more baby bump pictures!! When is your due date? I forget.. sorry.
Kels - Its hard to tell on your chart, I guess we will know more tomorrow. Ddi you start BDing on CD 10 like I mentioned? I know everyone O's differently but our cycles get messed up with the MC's. My doctor told me to start on CD 10. And like Lindsay said, the times I got prego I did not BD on the actual day. FX for you!!!

Lindsay - I did make an appt to see the specialists. Its on March 1st. It seems like forever!!! How much longer do you have to do the crazy hours? I used to work at a hotel and had to work crazy hours sometimes. It really throws your body out of whack! ...and the IBS, its terrible isn't it. Now you know what Kelsey and I were talking about, and we have it without being prego.
Yep Lindsay I think your hips aching is a sign that baby is getting bigger and you're going to have a big baby bump soon! yahooo!!!! :) Omg almost 17 weeks!!! eeekkk!!!
And yes Jessie, thank God for you gettin BD'ing earlier in my head. We actually started on CD8, so we did CD8, 10, 11 and 13 (this morning)--of course every damn day except OV day! Yes Rachael, SAME STORY AS LAST MONTH! god, I suck lol Debating if we should again tonight, and then again tomorrow morning ----unless me temps are up more, then I know OV already happened.
Have any of you OV'd as early as CD12?
Kels - even if you did O CD12 then you had the two days before and the morning after, I think that's plenty of coverage! But, we'll see what your chart looks like tomorrow :)

Jess - March 1st will be here before ya know it! Feb's a short month! I can't wait to hear what they say!

Rach - I'm due July 26th, 2012 based on my Ov date. Babies been measuring a bit bigger than that especially around the belly and head (oh boy! haha). but they keep my due date the same for now.

How is everyone else doin??

I just woke up again and I'm feeling more back to normal after getting some more food in me. My hips aren't too bad right now but I'm def taking them being sore as a good sign. I'll have to take another belly picture for you guys. We haven't done it in a while.
Kelsey - I think your BD pattern sounds really, really good. If I were you I would keep doing it just in case O hasn't happened yet... so tonight, tomorrow, etc.

Always good to have better coverage just in case... and I am sure your OH won't mind... he's probably loving all this :cloud9:
Kels - I see your temp went up again - weird!! I kind of expected it to plummet. well I still think you should keep DTD just in case the clomid is making your temps all crazy and are not so indicative of what is really happening. and if you did O - I think you had enough coverage! Weird that your CBFM gave you a peak today - did you do an OPK too? If both of those say you're O'ing today then I would think the clomid is making your temps crazy.
Omg I know, this is nuts. And since I got the peak on my monitor, FF isn't give me an ovulation date. If I take the Peak out, then it gives me an OV day of CD12. Ugg...idk Clomid has never messed with my temps after I was done taking the pills, and from what I get from DR. Google it shouldn't affect your temps after you stop taking the pills. I don't have any OPK's left, maybe I'll get some after work. But as of last night, the OPK was still NEG. The stick from my CBFM was blaringly positive, so idk. We didn't BD this morning, but we will tonight and probably tomorrow JUST IN CASE. Probably Sunday too actually....But after temping for 15 months, I'm pretty sure I OV'd on CD12. I realized that if I did OV on the CD12 I'd have a EDD of my grandpa's birthday, and that'd be awesome. It kind of gave me some encouragement, like it's meant to be.
Jessie, looks like you're getting close to OV! BD or no BD?
Mel, how have you been feeling? Did you OV yesterday??
Eliza, where are you hun?!?! I'm confused if you're close to testing time or if you're at the start of your cycle?
Lindsay lets see that cute lil bump!!
Rachael---I hope you picked up your thermometer! How's the house coming---and when is the first day of the new job (sorry if you already told me)?
Well, TGIF!! any big weekend plans?
Hi ladies,

Kelsey - it certainly looks like you ov'd cd12 but you didn't get your peak till today? I think your bd pattern will have everything covered for you.

Rachel - hope you are settling in well. When do you start your new job? Get temping so we can start chart stalking!! Loved reading your reading, I so hope it all works out they way she predicted as it sound wonderfully positive. My first pg came from a drink fuelled stupor, I read somewhere that alcohol can help thin the blood for easier implantation but I don't think it something to do a a regular basis when ttc though!! And for the cbfm I really hope you get a peak just to show they are not duds!!

Lindsey - the hip girdle starts to stretch to allow for growth and later on birth so its all good but better if it wasn't so sore for you.

Jess - March just around the corner, so it will be here before you know it for your appointment.

afm - Bit quiet and sore with AF. I am having a bit of a mini meltdown. There used to be a lady that worked in reception were I work that left to work in gynae. She was there that day I had my ERPC which was upsetting in itself as I was hoping to avoid seeing anyone I knew. Anyway she popped into see the girls in the clinic on her way to her late shift today and just seeing her brought everything back and I had to walk away and burst into tears. Just hearing her voice brought everything back and I thought I was doing so well. With a puffy, red, blotchy face they let me go home early.
Sam, i'm so sorry you had a bad day. I know it's not easy. And just know that you ARE doing very well with everything. There's just some days that are worse than others. I hope you're doing better now. If you need to talk, you know where to find me!! <3

Kels, ooooo temp rise?!?! I bet Mesina is going to write back and say "i see you conceiving this month". YOU WATCH!!!!!! Wouldn't that be something!?!? Oh man! I can't wait until Monday to read her reading LOL. I keep thinking about it. I still haven't bought a damn BBT. can you believe this?!?! I went out yesterday and the day before and totes forgot both times. I don't remember until bed time. That's when i actually 'think' LOL. Anywho, i start my new job on March 5. My last day at my current job is Feb 26. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! I'll get a week vacation inbetween the jobs. woot woot. I hope the new job has babydust on it because right after i start i'll be getting AF.

Lindsay, i love your due date. I love summer birthdays. My ideal baby dd would be around my birthday (june 12). I think it would be so awesome LOL. idk why! Seems like your dd is forever away but it will be here before you know it.

Jessie, how are you doing sweety?
Latest bump picture attached - just took it this morning. Grey tank is today and blue tank is 14wks2days.

Hope you all are having a nice weekend! Does everyone have a long weekend?? My good friend from college and her boyfriend are coming to visit this weekend - I'm so excited! The house is cleaner than it's been in a long time! Feels good!

What is everyone else up to this weekend???


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Omgosh Lindsay... you look so adorable!!! I love the pic!!!

Kelsey - It looks like from your chart you may have O'd already but I see that FF has not given you the line yet so I hope you are still BDing just in case.

Sam - so sorry you are having a tough time :hugs: I really think all of this that we've been through only makes us stronger. I think this will only make our "happy ending" even better after what it took us to get there.

Rach - Hows the unpacking going? If you don't pick up a BBT thermometer soon one of us is going to need to mail you one!!! :)

Eliza, Mel - Hope you girls are doing well.

As for me, we were supposed to take the boat out for the 3 day weekend but the weather is not great (rainy and windy) so we decided not to go. Instead we headed out and did some shopping today. After getting home we watched the movie The Back-up Plan. Not sure if you girls have seen it but I was thinking of you guys and that conversation we had a couple months ago about putting our legs up in the air after insemination. LOL The movie was good, but definitely left me feeling like I am ready to have a baby. Just wish it wasn't this difficult for us. :(
Lindsay SOOOO CUTE!!!! I LOVE IT!! You're a gorgeous pregnant woman! You look great!! Wish i could come rub your belly!!!

Jessie, LOL you guys might have to mail me one. I went to the store TWICE yesterday and it NEVER crossed my mind. Ughhh. I think i'll have to make a 'grocery' list and put it on there. Hopefully i'll remember to look at the damn list! I've never seen The Back Up Plan but i wanted to! Was it good? I'm more than ready for a baby too. I was walking around Walmart yesterday and saw so many fresh newborns. It made me so sad. I walked into the baby section after because i need to buy my friend something for her baby when he's born but i just felt too depressed. I hope this next try is the winner!

AFM, been using my CBFM. At least i can remember that. LOL. I'm actually kinda excited because the 2nd line on my sticks are actually looking a little darker. Last month it obv never did because i was dumb and programmed it for the evening. I hope i ovulate soon! If my sticks keep getting darker like they SHOULD i think ovulation should be in like 4-5 days. Today i'm CD12. Anyways, got to get to work. Today is my Friday. woot woot.
Sorry you didn't make it out onto your boat this weekend! I have some friends in town from NJ and they brought us some bagels! I've missed the NY area bagels so much! I'm waiting for DH to get home with the cream cheese so I can start munching!!
Aww Sam, sorry to hear you were having a tough day! At least we can all say we fully understand, because we've all had them. :hugs: I was shopping yesterday and their were pregnant ladies/babies everywhere and it just made my heart hurt.
Lindsay LOVE the belly pic!!! There's no denying it now, YOU ARE PREGNANT!! :cloud9: Your skinny little legs will start looking smaller and smaller as your belly grows. Love it. How was the weekend with your friends? Did they actually stay with you guys? It's so fun to catch up with old friends.
And Jessie, yes I watched that movie. Thankfully I watched it before I was in hardcore TTC mode. Only 11 days until meeting with your FS. Hope to God he has some answers for you, because you've been through soo much.
Rachael yeah for a peak being near!! When I study all my sticks, it looks like when I'm near a peak both of the lines go kind of invisible...you'll have to let me know if that's how it happens for you too.
Eliza I'm really wondering where you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mel, hope you're doing ok. You must have Ov'd already?
AFM, I honestly have no idea when I OV'd. I was thinking it was for sure CD12, but then what I thought was 3DPO my temp dropped (not a huge drop, but the lowest it's ever been at 3DPO). That temp drop coinsides with the peak on my monitor so idk.....maybe my monitor knows what it's talking about....then I guess I would have OV'd on CD16. IF that's the case, we've been BD'ing since CD13 (and yes Jessie, again thanks to you pushing us to keep BD'ing we are still Bd'ing or I would have stopped too early!!!). Who knows, I guess I just won't know until the end of this cycle when I OV'd because I almost always have a 11/12 day LP. Hopefully I get something back tomorrow for Mesina, although I'm so worried to read it in case she says something bad!!!
Hi girls,

Thanks for the support, it has been a tough few days, almost like after mc's. I have been crying at any little thing and have felt so sad at what should be and isn't. I am feeling a bit better today, maybe helped by the fun BD this morning (although I still couldn't help but think of a waste of :spermy: How bad is that :haha:).

Lindsey - Love the belly pictures. You look just wonderful, no mistaking that lovely baby bump. Hope you had a nice weekend with your friends.

Rachel - yay for 'friday' and nearly 'weekend'. You have had so much going on just no no wonder you keep forgetting to buy a bbt. Fingers crossed you see a peak this month and hopefully if you can see the second line appearing then it must to VERY soon!! Both my lines get dark, especially the second line, when peak is here. Is OH working when you are off? You can grab him anytime then if you get your peaks.

Jessie - I watched that movie before the ttc. I have Due Date on the pc ready to watch but just can't bring myself to watch it just now.

Kelsey - It is difficult to tell what is going on with your temps and cbfm. I am glad you continued to bd and then either way cd12 or cd 16 you'll have it covered. Where do you get a reading from Messina that you guys have mentioned before? I'd be the same a bit frightened of not hearing something good but I am sure she will only have positive predictions for you!!
Kelsey - what are your thoughts on your chart now?? you think you'll spike even further and your O date will switch?? I see it gave you crosshairs - or did you put those in yourself?? it's keeping you in total limbo this cycle!! Atleast it's still up and not completely confusing us!!

Jess - We're getting close to March 1st!

Sam - I hope you're doing better now!! I know how hard all of this can be :hugs:

Rach - I hope you're nicely settled in your house and getting through those last days at your old job OK!!

Eliza - how you doing???

AFM - My friends left this morning :( So sad. It was so nice to have them here!! We went over to a local vineyard that we like to go to and they drank some wine while I ate crackers and cheese :p It was really nice! Somehow even pregnant I can't seem to stay away from vineyards! I have an interview in DC today with the place that I won that fellowship from that I might have told you guys about - wish it was a true day off but after that I'm going to go get some more maternity clothes - yay! I have another scan on Friday so FX'd that cervix is staying nice and long and shut! It was even longer than before at my last visit, so hopefully we keep goin that way. I think I'm going to start yoga tonight - I'm tempted to skip it because we had house guests all weekend I'd kinda like some alone time with DH but we'll see how I feel later!

Hope you all are having a lovely President's Day (If you're in the US and actually get the day off!) or a lovely Monday (If that's possible!).

<3 you guys!
Kels!!! OMG have you heard from Mesina?!?!?!?!?! I hope so. What's the latest you'd hear back from her? I'm soooo anxious. Thank goodness Jessie pushed you to BD! I think you did good girl. I have everything crossed that this is the month!!!! woot woot.

Lindsay, can you believe i've never been to a vineyard? LOL. I never even really had wine. I remember whatever it was that i drank for my first 2 times i HATED it so i never picked up another wine drink again. I guess i'm needing to. Yay for maternity clothes shopping! sooo exciting!! Do you have any set in stone names yet?

Sam, i can totally understand your pain. Some days are just so much worse than others. You came to the right place to vent about it. Are you doing any better now? we love you!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

AFM, Had to pee in the middle of the night so i had to use my CBFM on 2nd morning pee. It was still another HIGH but the 2nd line is certainly there! I think it's going to be 2-3 days until O. I'm CD13 today! I am just SO excited because it's been 2 months since i've saw anything remotely close to 2 lines on the CBFM stick. I am just sooo excited LOL. I got my 18 preg tests all ready ;) tehehehe. I am just pumped up. I don't even know why lol. I did wake up to OH trying to stick his weewee in my peepee. So we BD today. I'm going to save those swimmers until a peak day. Anywho... got to get stuff done today. I'll talk to you girls later!
Hi girls,

Thanks for the support, it has been a tough few days, almost like after mc's. I have been crying at any little thing and have felt so sad at what should be and isn't. I am feeling a bit better today, maybe helped by the fun BD this morning (although I still couldn't help but think of a waste of :spermy: How bad is that :haha:).

Lindsey - Love the belly pictures. You look just wonderful, no mistaking that lovely baby bump. Hope you had a nice weekend with your friends.

Rachel - yay for 'friday' and nearly 'weekend'. You have had so much going on just no no wonder you keep forgetting to buy a bbt. Fingers crossed you see a peak this month and hopefully if you can see the second line appearing then it must to VERY soon!! Both my lines get dark, especially the second line, when peak is here. Is OH working when you are off? You can grab him anytime then if you get your peaks.

Jessie - I watched that movie before the ttc. I have Due Date on the pc ready to watch but just can't bring myself to watch it just now.

Kelsey - It is difficult to tell what is going on with your temps and cbfm. I am glad you continued to bd and then either way cd12 or cd 16 you'll have it covered. Where do you get a reading from Messina that you guys have mentioned before? I'd be the same a bit frightened of not hearing something good but I am sure she will only have positive predictions for you!!

Sam I hope you're feeling a little better today....it sucks to be down in the dumps...makes TTC go even slower/worse!!

This is the website that has the info on Messina:
Omg Linds I have no idea what to think about my chart. I've changed the method of how it detects ovulation and each method I put it to changes it from either CD12 or CD16...so idk. I'm really thinking because of my BBT that it's CD12 and if that's the case I already feel out this month because my temps SUCK. I really won't know until AF shows, if she shows this weekend around the 26th, then I know CD12 was OV.
I have off today too, but yet I've had 2 appointments already and now I'm running to my 3rd one now! So I haven't even gotten to stay home and get some much needed housework done.
Can't wait until your scan on Friday!! Sounds like you had fun with your friends---we don't really have much for vineyards around here, and I've always hated wine until I discovered Moscato. I LOVE Moscato!! Rachael, you should def. try it!!
Rach I still haven't heard from Mesina, she said 3-5 days, so Wed. would be the 5th day. I looked on her site and her time it's 9 pm so I probably won't be getting anything today. I just don't want to get the reading while I'm at work, because I'm afraid to read it in case it's bad news, but yet if I know it's there I won't be able to leave it until after work. SO i was hoping it'd be today when i'm off anyway....
Oh CBFM girls---when you get a peak do both your lines get dark? My first line goes away and the 2nd line is just dark. Sam I think you said both your lines are dark?
FX'd RAchael you get your peak this week! Can't wait!

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