1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Kelsey - My first line does fade a bit as the second line gets darker (1st line is oestrogen 2nd line LH) but still obvious. I will post a pick of my last peak stick and a high stick 2 days before peak to show you. I assumed the second peak would always be dark as the LH surge starts and it does seem to coincide (or next day) with +opks.

Whatever day you ov'd you have it covered with the bd so its just waiting now, finger crossed, I so hope you catch the egg this month!

Rachel - yay for increased 2nd line. I have such a good feeling for you this month, lets hope new job, new house leads to bfp!

Afm - feeling a bit better today, only got a little teary at a TV programme called 'Call the Midwife' based on memoirs from the 1950's! Looking forward to start poas for the cbfm tomorrow as that seems to make the days pass quicker. Oh has taken next Wednesday off so plan to do something nice and relaxing on what may be ov day!!

Top stick is first peak day the bottom stick was 2 days before peak. It shows 2nd line (LH) getting darker. Lines look darker in RL.

I agree with Sam. My 1st line fades as my 2nd line darkens. They end up balancing out to look the same color. The 2nd may actually be a bit darker. Although, i've only had one month of peaks. My 2nd month i never peaked, 3rd month never used CBFM because i set it at the wrong time of day LOL. So now this is my 4th. We shall see! My 2nd line has faded a lot on the stick since this morning, but i trust the monitor. I hope i peak in a couple days! If i don't, i'm truly going to be scared because that means i haven't O'd in 3 months. I mean, i may have but idk. Anyways, i'm going to think positive! I know it's going to happen.

Sam that sounds awesome and relaxing for Oing next week. I hope and pray we all can get a BFP for March!! This is my 6th month of TTC after loss. I am kinda worried but still have tons of hope and faith. OH and i did the NTNP for about... 4 years? We always did the pull out method though for the first 3 - 3 1/2 years. Then started kinda trying in the beginning of last year. Then fully started trying (i honestly dont remember when it was) if i had to guess... March/Aprilish. Maybe even earlier. This is all estimated. I could be totally off. Ended up getting pregnant in July. When i say we were TTC... i mean he didn't pull out. We never used opk's, cbfm, NOTHING. I ended up getting pregnant though! I was completely shocked. After the miscarriage is when we really really really started TTC. So i guess the happy/medium is us TTC but not charting. I tried that last month and it didn't work. I'm sorry... i'm sitting here talking in my head and typing lol. Sorry girls!
You all should go to a vineyard if you've never been! They're so relaxing! And if you don't like wine you're likely to find something you like during the tasting or find a vineyard with fruit winds...theyre a great way to warm up to wine :) that's what i did for my bachelorette party...so much fun and everyone found something they liked. My friend that visited this weekend didn't like until my bachelorette party and now requests we go to that vineyard every time she visits lol.

Kelsey - based on forays temp I vote you o'd on cd16. We'll see what tm brings! Would you feel better about it if you o'd on cd16? Don't be scared of mesinas reading its going to be great!
Any reading yet Kelsey?!?

The CBFM says high again today but the lines are looking a lot similar. They actually look like your peak day Sam. The 2nd line is just a tad bit lighter. So i say O is tmrw or the next!! I'm super excited. We DTD yesterday morning and i'm going to skip today and if tmrw isn't a peak i think i'm gonna skip tmrw too. I'm gonna try and savor them spermies LOL. i just hope i don't miss it.
I don't know what the heck to think of my sticks then---because my first line goes almost invisible and my 2nd line is super dark when I get a peak! I'm telling myself to not google it because I'll just find a bad story and freak myself out.
Rachael I so hope you're close to peak! I hate that we're so far away in our cycles now...it was always fun testing with somebody else. And no, NOTHING from Messina yet!! I'm a very impatient person so this is killing me! I really hope she doesn't make me wait until tomorrow!
Sam, I have a half day work tomorrow because it's DH's 30th birthday! I'm not much of a cook (AT ALL) but i'm planning on going home and making 2 of his favorite things (chilli and saurkraut (puke) and weiners and then a pecan pie. I think they should all be decently easy?? I'm excited because he appreciates things like that and he'll be surprised when he gets home. So cheers to us both having a great Wednesday!!
Lindsay-I don't know which I'd feel better about. I def. have BD'ing covered much better if it was CD16! Also, if I did OV on CD16 and I'm only 3DPO today, then that's awesome because my temp is super high (for me) for 3DPO. Because of todays temp, it makes me feel that I am 7DPO because I have really slow rising temps and this is much more the normal range of temps for me at 7DPO. I guess we'll find out this weekend if AF shows?!
Hi ladies - well it was nice to have the long weekend off but back to the grind again. Gosh, I wish these long weekends would come around more often.

Kelsey - your chart is tough this month. Looks like O on CD 12 to me, but not sure. I guess we'll see the next couple of days. What did you think of the Bachelor last night? I think Courtney is bi-polar!!! I think he'll pick her.

Lindsay - the winery sounds fabulous. I have never been to one either. I am not a big wine drinker either but I do like a couple of the fruity ones and sweet champagne.

Rach - please go to you phone and write up a little sticky to put on it that says BBT thermometer. This will really help tell if you are Oing, and BTW, we want to stalk your chart.

Sam - how are you doing? Gearing up for O next week? I have everything crossed for you.
Jessie sooo bipolar! And I don't like her mom because she's been on all the gossip sites saying that Ben isn't good enough looking for Courtney blah blah blah. The whole fake wedding scene made me want to puke. I think he'll pick her too, and if he doesn't and picks one of the other girls---I'd be really ticked if I were his pick when i look back at all the situations he was in with Courtney!
Could today be OV day for you, with the dip in temp? I know you're not TTC, but it'd be nice to see that your body is doing what it's supposed to do....
Kelsey - I agree with Jessie your chart is tough to interpret but you have done what you can so fingers crossed. Happy OH Birthday for today!! Hope you have a lovely day with him and enjoy the cooking. The pecan pie sounds wonderful!!

Rachel - hope you get your peak today, but I think bding every other day will still be okay for his swimmers!!

Lindsey - We visited a winery for the first time in Lanzarote last year but couldn't sample as I was pg, typical!

Jessie - not long till next week and your appointment. I wish I could watch your TV programme it sounds very interesting.

afm - I am going to book the both of us for a massage next week. I got vouchers for a salon for Christmas so will use those so that will be nice and relaxing for ov time. I have gp appointment this morning to chat about my just above normal thyroid results but I doubt anything will come from it.
Ugg...so I got my reading and I'm so discouraged and wish I hadn't read it at work because I feel awful now....Here it is if anybody is interested...

I do feel that you may struggle with some obstacles in having a child together – however, Spirit are suggesting that the road is not as long as it could be, indicating that things will come together with divine timing and I see you having to wait less than a year for a conception that will come to be a full term pregnancy. However I see you emotionally hurting and there is some news up ahead for you both that may prove difficult to hear. Spirit want you to trust and not lose your faith with regards to children – I do see and feel two children in your energy that I believe will come into your lives together. It is a road that you can anticipate to be difficult and it will be in some respects, but it will not prove to be an impossible journey for you and it will come to a child.

The child I feel coming to you is a boy, I sense a lot of male energy around you now and believe a son will come your way. I feel a strong pull toward the month of October and believe that this child may well be conceived within that month. He does not feel a Libra to me, but rather a summery energy indicating a birth during the summer months. He is a very grounded child, one who will be successful in life and seek a career and stability in life. He is a natural leader and will be a very fair and strong child and adult. He is a loving boy, one whom I feel will be close to you as a youth and I sense a very deep bond between you both because of the journey to bring him to your lives.

I believe that a girl follows him after a few years down the line – conceiving her doesn’t seem to be quite as much of a worry, but my feelings are this is down to you already having a healthy child, the intense desire is there, but not in the same way as having your first together. I feel she comes with more ease, more natural means and seems to be just a joy to you all. I do keep feeling it may take about a year from deciding to conceiving – but I am not convinced that you are trying for all that time – I feel that there is another factor from the point of agreeing to try, to actually trying. She may take about 6 months to conceive - she is a bright and sweet energy. She seems to bring a huge strength into your life, having this connection to her will be just a blessing to you. She is very much like you in many ways, she has a very intelligent mind, a very considerate energy about her – always looking out for others and ensuring everyone is ok. She seems to be very energetic and bright – she is likely to be quite the chatterbox and have quite a lot to share with others! I cannot see the month of her conception at this point, but I do suspect she may be a Spring baby in birth. She just has that energy about her.

While I understand this journey for you two is longer than for some – it is not quite the difficulty for you that you might be expecting. Take things in stride, trust Spirit and know that there are two lovely beings out there waiting to come when the timing is just right.

Have you any scar tissue or abrasions on your womb? One image that they keep showing me is this and also that you may need to consider the lining of your womb or something similar to that. I feel just that it needs a little help!


Kelsey - I know reading that it may not seem all that positive to you especially the time she suggests it might take to conceive but I read such lovely words for your children (plural!) that I can just imagine you with them. The journey might not be as fraught which hopefully means you'll conceive naturally without going down the iui/ivf route. And whatever you may come up against, as she hints at, you will get through it to hold your own LO. Also this is just a guide, not a definite version of the future so anything can happen sooner than she predicts. :hugs: I am sure when you reread later it might not seem as negative as you perceive it just now.
Kelsey - I know reading that it may not seem all that positive to you especially the time she suggests it might take to conceive but I read such lovely words for your children (plural!) that I can just imagine you with them. The journey might not be as fraught which hopefully means you'll conceive naturally without going down the iui/ivf route. And whatever you may come up against, as she hints at, you will get through it to hold your own LO. Also this is just a guide, not a definite version of the future so anything can happen sooner than she predicts. :hugs: I am sure when you reread later it might not seem as negative as you perceive it just now.

Aww thanks for the reassurance. I think because she said my 2nd child would be conceived more naturally, it makes me think the first will have to be with iui/ivf (HOPEFULLY IUI BECAUSE I JUST LOOKED ON MY DR'S WEBSITE AND IT'S $22,000 FOR IVF!!).
I found it so interesting that the boy she described is my DH's total personality, and the girl is my total "chatterbox" personality! also, saying that she sees issues with my lining being thin seems so spot on because I've worried about that because of Clomid! Also, the scar tissue in my womb---I wonder if she's picking up on my D&C?
Idk, even if I don't really like the things she had to say, she sure seemed legit.
All I know is that when AF shows, I'm not dealing with that bitchy nurse anymore. I'm going to insist on meeting with my Dr and doing some more testing.
Kelsey, wow what a reading. I read so much positivity in it besides the whole 'taking time' process to conceive. I know we all don't want to hear that. I know i certainly don't, but she seems to feel that you will get your rainbow, plus a little girl! Picture perfect family to me. Boy then girl! Awh! You also have to remember, this isn't 100% accurate. You may be pregnant RIGHT NOW and she didn't pick up on it! What she said is for 'fun'. Don't ever think she is completely right. I did the same thing and thought for sure i'd get pregnant in November like she said but i didn't. She said March would be the next time if things didn't work out in November. So we will see if she's even right about that with me! She definitely has a 'legit-ness' to her. She definitely takes her time and is very thorough. All i know Kels, is yeah it may not be exactly what you want to hear, but it's something to KINDA look forward to. I say kinda because like i said it's for fun. She was wrong about another girl who is on here. Completely wrong. So don't think she's right or feel pressure. Just keep doing what you're doing but let them beautiful babies of yours be in the back of your mind! You're going to get there sweety. You may already be pregnant! Don't give up. I almost feel like writing her again and pretending i never wrote her before to see if she predicts the same shit.
Hi girls! :wave:
Sorry, I meant to post last night but I had an IBS episode so I was not feeling well and then went to bed early.

Kelsey - not sure what to think about your reading. I like what she said about how your family will be but I don't like the timing either. Seems like more incentive now to prove her wrong don't you think!!! :) $22K for IVF!!! :shock: OMGosh I hope none of us have to go that route! I have a friend who had to do it 3 times and were completely unsucessful. After they gave up they ended up getting pregnant on their own. How are you feeling this month by the way. Are you due for AF this weekend? I think you and I are a day apart this month on our cycles but AF is due for me on March 2nd.

Sam - can you book me for a massage too!!??? That sounds fabulous!!! Lots of :dust: coming to you this week!!!

Rach - Hope you are getting in a lot of :sex: Every other day is good, then day of OV and day after. Remember to keep doing it until you are for sure that you have O'd. Don't stop early!

Lindsay - How are you feeling? Have you started to get your baby room ready?

Mel, Eliza - Hope you girls are doing well!!!

As for me, I am not sure what is going on with my temps this month. I am all over the board. Maybe you girls can take a look. FF doesn't show OV yet so not sure what's going on. I know I am not trying but I did want to make sure things were working right after the MC. I have also had a lot of CM this month. :shrug:
Oohhh nnooo Jessie, IBS!!!! I feel your pain, although it's been awhile since I've had one I still remember them quite vividly! Are you feeling better today?
If I OV'd on the 12th, then I'm due for AF this weekend. So I guess we'll see if she shows her face. After my reading, I'm not feeling real awesome about this month. And if I did get PG of course I'd be all worried I'd miscarry because of that stupid reading. Actually maybe it (the reading) was a good thing for me, because I kind of feel like just relaxing with the TTC grind these next couple months.
Idk what to say about your temps, but it doesn't look like you've OV'd yet...I can't see any of your old charts, but if I remember you always had a pretty consistent temp? My first cycle after D&C my body geared up to ovulate normal time, but then my temps never shifted, and then 4 days later I actually ovulated and it was like CD20 or something like that.
Sam, how was your day yesterday with hubby?! CBFM peak yet? What about you Rachael?! Did you get a peak!?!?
I think Mel left us again, and I'm not sure where Eliza is?!

Hmmm, I am not sure why my past charts would not show up. I will take a peak in FF to see if some setting needs to be adjusted.

Hopefully you won't think about the reading too much, I know its hard not too, but try to think of it as fun. I don't know what to think about all that psychic stuff anyway.

How was your dinner for hubby last night? Was he surprised?
Jessie - I can only see this month and Oct. It is difficult to say what your temps are doing and I agree it doesn't look like you have ov'd. :hugs: IBS. I don't have it but my Mum does and know what she suffers.

Kelsey - it is just a waiting game now and if this month you get your bfp, nothing will be altered by mesina's predictions. Whether or not you had read that you will be nervous and anxious about your little bean regardless. I am on my second high, I don't expect ov/peak till next Wednesday and that is when we are booked in! How was your OH birthday meal?

Mel - is in my other thread but just popping in as she is just waiting till Dr appointment/AF before ttc again next cycle.

Hi lindsey and Eliza
So i have a dilemma. It's not baby related. You remember me telling you i got the job? Well, they just called me and told me to fax them my signature saying it's okay for this other job i had on my resume to send my info. Well, one problem. This 'job' i never really worked at. I lied. I DID get that job but i never showed up for orientation. So now what do i do? I know they have every right to fire me. Idk if i should just give them my signature and PRAY that it miraculously turns out good in my favor or if i should just tell them i lied and get it over with? I'm so scared i won't be considered for the job anymore. I know it was dumb and immature of me. I will never do it again! I never ever had a job do a thorough background check. The job that i lied and said i worked there really doesn't have a whole lot to do with the career this new job is. I said it was 'seasonal' which it was. I said i worked there 4 months.... GAHHH
Sam - thanks for looking at my chart. I guess when you don't have the VIP membership with FF you can only share 2 charts. Last month I didn't temp so that's why I picked this month and my previous cycle to show.

Rach - Oh gosh, I really don't know what you should do. If you tell them you lied you definitely won't get the job. I don't understand why they are checking your references now that you've already been offered the job. I'm not sure how it is where you live but I did not think employers where allowed to give out very much info when someone calls for a reference. I think they are only allowed to confirm employment dates and whether you would be rehireable. they can't really say any good or bad things. How long ago did you say you worked there? Maybe it could be possible that they don't keep good records...?
Oohh Jess you have sucha pretty FF ticker now! So that's why sometimes I can see only 2 charts but more with others! They had some special a cpl months ago and I splurged and bought the Vip.
Dh's dinner didn't go exactly as planned because I didn't realize it was fricken Ash Wed. and we couldn't eat meat! We're not huge religious ppl but that's one thing he wont do. Sssooo he loved it that I did it but we went out for fish with our families and had my stuff tonight. Pecan pie was so easy to make!
Sam I'm sucha dummy I thought it was yesterday you had off (I did wonder how you thought you would be OV'ing so early)! lol. And you're exactly right if I got a BFP, regardless of that reading I'd be a nervous wreck! See that's exactly why I love you girls so much-you all are my voice of reason!
Omg Rachael I have no idea what to tell you-i think its one of those situations where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. I think id just give it to them and hope they don't call them!
Lindsay?!?! Are you ok? Working crazy hours? Tomorrow is your appt -so excited!

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