1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi girls, just a quick post and I'll catch up with the rest tomorrow. Ultrasound tech had me measuring exactly at 6 weeks, and at first said she just saw the gestational sac and yolk sac, but then when she zoomed in more, we were able to see the heartbeat! I asked her to see what the bpm were, but she said it would be really hard to do because at 6 weeks it's so little and so hard to get an accurate reading. She tried though and it was 103, a little while later it was about 99. Ultrasound tech said that was good for where I was measuring. Dr viewed u/s and after waiting about 55 min she came in to talk to me. She said I have a subchorionic hemorrhage right by my placenta that is causing my bleeding. She said it's fairly common, and most of the time goes away after first trimester, but that she said to be honest it can increase risk of miscarriage. She said if it got big, it could detach the placenta from the wall, but she didn't see that happening. She said that the heartbeat was on the low side, but it just started beating so that's why. I actually thought she was going to be thrilled with the 103 so I was kind of surprised when she said it was lowish. She said follow up ultrasound in 2 weeks, and I must have looked sad because she said ok, we can try next week---so we have a follow up next Friday. She wanted to do one just on my belly, but I pushed for an internal one. I won't feel ok until I see a good heartbeat, more than 120. My first ultrasound I saw a hb of 97, so I know you can see a hb and it still go bad.
Anyway, so, I guess it was better news than I expected! NO Blighted Ovum and no ectopic! Maybe after next week, HOPEFULLY, I can start bracing this pregnancy! I've been so detached from it because of how rough it's been.
Thanks for always listening girls, and being such awesome support!


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That's great news Kelsey! My doctor had me all freaked out at the beginning of my pregnancy with Isabela and everything turned out fine! Super excited for you!!! :happydance:
So excited for you Kelsey!! You're going to be fine!! Hopefully that Subchoronic hem will go away soon!! 100 is great for where you're at! Glad you pushed for a scan earlier than 2 weeks - that would have been an eternity for you! Hope you were able to sleep a bit better last night!

Sam - I totally know what you're talking about with feeling like you're missing out and losing your bond with B. I have the same thing with Oakley!! It makes me really sad when he begs me to pick him up or hold him and I can't because I'm busy with Miles or when I finally get a chance to spend time with him, sometimes he won't want me anymore :( I know it's just the age and the addition of another baby but it's really difficult to deal with emotionally! Yesterday, Miles slept for 3hrs after I picked Oakley up and we played play doh and puzzles and it was just great. Wish I could have those moments with him every day...!!
He's kind of rebelling against both Kirk and I though - when I'm with Oakley he tells me he wants daddy but when he's with Kirk he tells him he wants mommy. So, he's hurting both our feelings right now! I wonder if it would be harder on me if he really just wanted daddy...probably! But I feel so guilty whenever he doesn't want either of us, really sad!
Jess that's so sweet that she said mama!! Once they start communicating, it's just the best :) I remember being soo sad when Khloe move up to the next room, but I ended up liking it even better than her last room! She'll be moving to her next room too around January...I think things will be a lot different, even more structured, when she's in the 2 year old room. So, no AF? Any chance? I know you don't have time but maybe you had time just that one time at the right time??? :) As for brushing teeth, Khloe didn't really get any teeth I don't think until she was almost 1! So I don't really remember when I started with the toothbrush??
Sam you are doing awesome. With the boys being so close in age, you have a lot on your plate! Nursing just seems to always make a hard situation, ten times harder. Do you have any friends/family close by that can take 1 or the other more regular to give you a break? If not, that must be so hard. I depend on both our parents so much. I don't know how much they'll be able to help next year though because my sister and ryan's sister are due in april and June, so when this baby comes end of July they're going to probably try hard to really split time with their own busy schedules. I sooo wish we lived close and I'd be over in a second to come take one or both so you can have some time!
Lindsay, that lil Oakley is just too smart for his own good sometimes! lol :) Sorry, I know it's hurting your feelings, but he's just really smart and he's trying to figure out what buttons work to push with mom and dad. I think you and Sam are within a couple months of the hard part being over and you'll really be able to enjoy having both boys at the same time. How did Miles do with his bottle today?
Hi Rach---how are you hun??
AFM-yes, I think I did sleep a little better last night. I just hope to God next week we see a good heartbeat and then I'll feel better. I need to stay off google, because of course it explains all the worst case scenarios of the hemmhorage (late trimester loss or still birth). Now that I've read more about it though, I feel more prepared to ask questions about it next week. Just feels much more real knowing that there's actually a lil bean in their with a heartbeat this time. :)
Kels - managed to log on this morning to stalk but didn't get chance to post. Wonderful news about the scan I am so pleased you feel a bit better about this pg now and another great scan next week will hopefully mean you can relax more. I had red bleeding at 12 weeks with B and they think it was a sch, I think they are more common than we realise.
Linds - sorry you are feeling the same, it does get a bit easier but it still hurts when B goes to his daddy all the time (but if you remember he was doing that a bit before O arrived). I think now the tommee tippee bottle are helping and Kirk can feed Miles then you'll be able to spend more time with O. I haven't tried the new bottle/teats yet, keep putting it off I must be mad.
Hi Ladies!

Kels - Hope you're still doing OK with the pregnancy! I can't wait for you to get to your scan next week and feel a bit better!! It's so amazing how much happens in one week! How are you feeling??
I noticed a big change in Oakley when he moved up to the 2's room - he advanced so much in his language and general knowledge - it was really great! I was so scared for him to move up because he went in as a toddler not as an infant so it was my first transition and now I'm really looking forward to him moving to the next room. The only downfall was he brought home all the bad habits of the older kids (spitting, hitting, kicking and sceaming NO) lol.
Got two bottles of 4-5 ounces into Miles yesterday. He still resists at first but once he starts taking it, he's typically fine. I have to walk around with him and bounce him a lot to get him to start taking it but it seems to work! Thank goodness! I just ordered a whole bunch of Tommee Tippee bottles on amazon.

Sam - If I didn't have to go back to work, I don't think I would be pushing the bottles like I am. Miles will take the bottle from me now but Kirk still struggles more than I do. I've read sometimes babies will either only take bottles from mom or won't take it at all - so I'm hoping he will take it from someone else. I suppose if I'm not around he wont' have much choice - plus I definitely have more patience than Kirk.

AFM - I've taken Miles off his reflux meds. It's peppermint flavored and I'm afraid it's making him worse at this point. I've had him off for a couple days and he has napped and still eaten well for two days. It's been such a relief, but I'm afraid his reflux symptoms are going to come back. I know they can outgrow reflux but I doubt this quickly. He has his two month appointment next Weds so I will talk to the doc about it.
Also - I've been spotting a lot, have any of you other ladies had problems with spotting during breastfeeding? I did about two weeks ago when I first started the mini-pill and now I am again. I know sex can cause spotting but when it first starts it's really red. I wonder if AF is working herself up! My face breaks out right before I start spotting too so it's definitely hormonal. The mini-pill is progesterone like mirena and I'm having some anxiety issues again - trying to figure out if it's all in my head or of it's really something to talk to the doc about. I would love to have something I don't have to take every day and hormone free but I'm kind of scared of the copper wire, which is pretty much my only choice beyond condoms or a diaphragm if I want to keep breastfeeding.
Hey girl just stopping in quick.

Kelsey I am happy with what you found out at your ultrasound! I think the Dr is just being cautious because of what you've been through. If that hemmorraging doesn't go away, I'm pretty sure they'll put you on bed rest your pregnancy. I am so excited for you! I didn't think it was a BO. II heard that usually happens just once. I can't wait for next week. What did Ryan say? What a great Christmas present!!

AFM still no AF, but the dreams are every single night. I have a dream that I can feel baby moving in my stomach. It's making me really miss pregnancy. Rowan will be 3 months on tThursday. Already in 6 months clothing. So hard to believe.
Hi Ladies!

How is everyone doing?? Doing good over here! It's flurrying outside - I'm still in denial it's winter :( I'm having more luck with Miles with the bottle but I go back to work next week for a week and then I'm taking the two weeks of Christmas and New Years off and then back in January more regularly so my dad has to be able to bottle feed Miles next week so I'm hoping with more practice this week, we'll get there! I'm only bottle feeding him during the day now and nursing him before bed, during any night feeding(s) and then once in the morning. Once I go back to work and he's good with eating from a bottle, I think I'll nurse him whenever I'm around him for ease unless I get in a good schedule with pumping. I just kind of hate pumping after going so crazy with it with Oakley.

Kels - how you doing?? I'm looking forward to seeing that scan picture Friday!!

Rach - when do you think you guys will start trying for #2? I'm sure you guys wouldn't be upset if you actually were pregnant :)

Sam - how are you doing?? Tried those bottles yet? Miles is VERY particular about his bottle - temperature has to be perfect and he will only take the Tommee Tippee's!
Hi girls--hope you all had a good weekend! We sent shopping and spent WAYY too much on xmas presents. it's so hard because her birthday is a week after christmas so it's a big expense all at once. Thank god for Ryan---he reigns my spending in a little.
Oh gosh Rach, I hope I don't have to go on bedrest! I wouldn't have enough leave for when the baby came then! I'm feeling more and more pregnant everyday. I'm at the STARVING stage right now, all the time. I can't even imagine what I've gained. But I get pretty sick feeling if I don't eat something. I'm trying to find a creative way to tell the family on xmas, but I'm not good at that stuff. I found a really glittery shirt yesterday that said "best sis ever" so I think i'll have her open it on xmas and see if people get it right away.
other than than, Lindsay glad that Miles is getting better with the bottle! How much are you able to pump a day? My friend said she had a lot less supply with baby #2--concerns me because I don't think I had a huge supply with #1! I can't believe it's already time to start going back to work! It's so nice that your dad will watch him. Ryan's mom was going to watch baby #2 until closer to like 8 months, but now that ryan's sister is having a baby she won't be able to do that. His sister might not be able to afford daycare so I have a feeling she's going to try and help them out as much as possible.
Aww Rowan is such a big boy! Must make it kind of hard to buy clothes ahead of time. Khloe was always right in line with her age---thankfully because every year at the end of a season I buy a bunch of clothes on clearance for the next year. I just hope she's at that size when the time comes and so far she has been. So is he a really happy baby and less fussy? He alwaYs looks so happy in his pictures.
Sam anymore luck with the bottle?
Hi Jessie---how's beautiful little Isabela doing??
Yay for feeling more pregnant!! I'm so excited for you and I love the idea of Khloe opening the shirt on Christmas!! So cute!! :)
Ugh, I really hate pumping but I'm pumping about 6-7 ounces from both boobs every 3-4hrs and first thing in the morning I can get up to 8-10 ounces total from both boobs when I'm super full. My production is much more in line with what I need it to be unlike last time - with Oakley I consistently overflowed 5 ounces bottles from EACH boob every 3-4 hours, so I was producing about 14-15 ounces total every 3-4 hours but I went CRAZY with pumping because I couldn't directly feed and was paranoid about not making enough so I pumped constantly in the beginning making my body think I had triplets or something haha. So, yes, I'm making less than last time but I let Miles set the tone for the first 6-7 weeks by himself and it's only been lately that I've pumped. Since about 2-3 weeks I have pumped after the morning feeding to keep the production up and to get something in the freezer but that's it.
Kels - glad you are feeling more pg and getting some reassuring symptoms. I love the idea of Khloe opening up the sis t-shirt, would be interesting to see how long it takes for people to realise. As for producing less bf number 2 I think I am the opposite. I don;t pump but the times I have done with Oliver I have gotten more out and I just feel overall I am producing more.

Linds - I really LOL about the pumping so much your body thought you had triplets!! Glad Miles is taking the bottle better and hopefully the more he gets used to it then other people can feed him. I tried on friday ith the new bottle and he did suck it a bit better than the othe bottle but he still didn't take much. I tried again on sunday, he had 4oz like hes always had a bottle. However today was a disaster, choking and gagging which ended in him crying.

Rach - wow 3 months old already where does it go? Are you sure you're not pg?

Jess - Loved the father christmas pic of Isabela. She is sooo cute.
Hi Ladies!

How is everyone doing?? Kels - getting close to Friday!! So exciting! Hope you're feeling well!

Sam - The whole bottle feeding thing is just not fun in general. I wish I could be around all the time for Miles but it's just not reasonable. Hope you'll get a break soon too!!

Miles had his 2 month appointment today. He's only 26% for weight down from 48% last month and 64% when he was born so they're a little concerned but his height keeps going up - he's up to 86% for height so they're not worried about it as long as it starts to plateau at 4 months. I'm not surprised because Oakley dropped down to 25% and stayed there for a long time and then eventually made his way down to 5% but they haven't been that concerned about it. They just want me to make sure I offer more than he eats during the day, so if he finishes a bottle I have to offer more, which is fine.
He dealt with his shots pretty well but refused the bottle when we got home so I couldn't deny him a direct nursing session - breaking my rules for today!
Hi all!

My brother-in-law's wife is two days overdue - I need everyone to send labor vibes her way!!! She's 3cm dilated and 60% effaced but has been that way for over a week now and is more than ready to meet her little man as are the rest of us!
Just quick stopping with an update. Appt went good but still not out of the woods. Baby measured 7 weeks and hb was 136. Dr said she was slightly concerned because the hematoma area hasn't gotten any smaller but she said the density of it is different so she's actually thinking it was a twin that didn't make it which is actually what I've felt since the beginning. Ryan also has felt strongly it was going to be twins this whole time. The U.S. tech said I ovulated from both sides and also because my HCG was doubling so quickly the dr is thinking the lost twin route. Anyway, she said if it was a twin then no concern and it will go away but if it's a hematoma we really won't know the outcome until after 12 weeks. But she said she thinks 80% it'll be ok. 20% miscarriage chance is too high to feel any relief yet.... She's going to do weekly ultrasounds but just with a crappy portable scanner and it will only see the baby it won't be able to monitor hematoma area. She recommended doing the downs testing so that we can then see if the hematoma went away. Do you guys know, does it test for chromosomal problems too or just downs? Did you guys do it?
Glad baby is looking good! I did the 12 week testing and it tests for other chromosomal problems too when combined with the blood tests. I may be wrong but I believe the scan only looks at the fat/fluid behind the neck that indicates downs. When is your next scan?
I had that testing done. They tested for downs, spina bifida, and I believe trisomy 18. I can't remember the last one for some reason. Everything came back great. I had mine done around 16 weeks before my surgery. I hope it is just a twin. I know its still hard because you could have had two more babies, but it will help with the anxiety later on in pregnancy. I am happy things are sounding good for you Kels. I have a good feeling about this!!
I have written 2 posts over the last 2 days and neither or on here?

Kels - that's reassuring news about your scan and I am positive all will be well. Sorry about the missing twin but maybe that means the little bean will be growing twice as strong. I had the scan as well as the blood test but over here I think it is just downs and nothing else unless other things suspected.

Linds - as I had posted before sending lots of labour vibes to your SIL. Any news yet?

Rach - how are you doing, how is baby Rowan.

afm - Managed to get Oliver to accept a nuk bottle with latex teat. I have been giving him a bottle of formula once a day since and he generally takes 4-5oz. However he still wants a feed again after 2 hours so the formula isn't filling him up as much as I thought it is supposed to. I was hoping to rty to extend the times between feeding a little but hes not going to let me. I am starting to get into a better nap routine for him but he still wakes after 20 minutes.

Loving B's new words and sentences and his growing understanding although the NO and MINE are pushing it!!
Still no baby#2 for my brother in law 😕! I feel so bad for Kirk's sister in law! She has an ultrasound and non stress test tomorrow and is scheduled to be induced on Tuesday. I hope she'll go into labor tonight and won't have to worry about any of that anymore! She had a really rough delivery with her first due to the cord around the baby's neck so we're just hoping and hoping she'll have an easier delivery experience this time - it was really stressful last time!

Sam - great news about the bottle! I have Oakley formula and it took a good couple weeks of him on it before I saw differences in times between feeds so be patient with it. Good that he'll take the formula. I remember that being a battle with Oakley. I came down with mastitis on Thursday and the doc is warning I may have to stop breastfeeding again if my body can't handle pumping again. I have a plan to try to prevent it as I always get it in my right boob so I'm going to focus on direct feeding miles from that side especially at night as that is when I felt the clog was first thingin the morning after feeding from the other side in the middle of the night, so hopefully if I feed him from the right in the middle of the night and first thing in the morning I can avoid it and keep breastfeeding. Otherwise I guess I'll be formula feeding.

I go back to work for a week tomorrow, I'm so dreading it. It will be really good for me but man do I have anxiety about it!
I have a new nephew! Born yesterday 8lb 5.5 ounces :) no name yet. Much smoother delivery this time thank goodness!

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