1 DPO- (2nd Jan) 30th Jan

Dahlia- Aww well i hope your body just decided it wants to play games and ovulate late instead of no ovulation at all :hugs: and there was a girl who got the test done and she hadn't ovulated that month but she still got pg :wacko: so don't know how that happened but it still gives you a bit more of a chance, goodluck hun! :hugs:
h0peful- Yep i ovulated a few days ago (check my ticker) really hoping this is the cycle for all of us! there were 2 bfp last cycle on this thread so lets hope it at least keeps up that rhythm then we should all have bfp in the next few cycles :happydance:

oh good - we are sticking together, Lupine - it looks like I may have ov'd yesterday. just two more days of temps to confirm but it looks good.

a few more days and then you are ready to go, Hopeful.
I saw your ticker after I had asked you lupine! :) I've added ticker to my signature now too.. makes me feel more legit on here! :haha:

Yes let's keep the rhythm going.. I'm feeling more "hopeful" this cycle :) than I have before so let's get those bfps together! :happydance:

I'm SO glad you kept with it Dahlia and found out that you ov'ed!! I have wasted at least a couple cycles in the past by giving up on trying too early in the cycle before I realized that I just ov later than the average person!:dohh:

I'm hoping to get a +opk by friday...!
Hi girlies! How are you all doing? Anybody getting close to testing? I am going back to Dr tomorrow after finishing 100mg of clomid Thursday. Wish me lovely large follicles! (but not too many) :haha:
hiya girls - I think I'm 7ish dpo today - I've honestly forgot. I love when I forget about it for so long. yeah, Aries - hoping for some big healthy follies!
Aries- Wishing you some lovely large healthy follicles but not too many :haha: Not testing yet but AF due 11th so we will see if she comes :)
Dahlia- Glad u forgot it :happydance: me too! Only way I will know is by looking at ticker and I know AF due 11th good for you for forgetting for so long :hugs: hopefully it will help you get your bfp! This cycle has gone really fast :wohoo:
ASFM- Got no CM, CP is high, firm, closed and keep getting cramps and think AF come early but so far so good, not really been as focused on TTC this month as had a lot of other stuff to think about! Hoping for my bfp this cycle but not sure we dtd enough :shrug: time will tell! SIL waters broke last night, took her to the hospital and they monitored her then sent her home cause although contraction were at 43 she was still not feeling them. She had to go back to hospital this morning to be induced they inserted the gel at 10.30am and will be putting her on drip at 6.30pm they will be doing C-section if baby not born by the morning! Really excited can’t wait till he/ she is hear and to know what they going to call him/her it’s a choice between Dexter & Ethan for boy and Isabelle & Amelia for a girl :D
Hope you are all doing well, have you been doing much non-ttc wise?

Lupine-Congrats to ur SIL! :baby: Hope everything went well with her delivery. I also hope the :witch: stays away from you!!!Dahlia- Good thing you have forgotten..it definintely makes the days go by faster when it is not always on your mind! I also hope the :witch: stays away for u!

ASFM, I went in for ultrasound today and had ONE follie at 17.5mm..needs to be a little bigger but they told me to :sex: and to take opks. The Opks make be bonkers:wacko:. When i come home from work and test, there is barely a line there and then when I test at 8:00ish, it's almost positive! So confusing!!!
Hey Aries!! Yay for the one follicle! You never know it might be the one. :) Are you only doing opks or also taking your basal temp every day? Best of luck to you!!! :thumbup:

Congrats to your SIL lupine!!! :hug: do you have a brand new niece or nephew yet??? :baby: do tell! :)

What CD is everyone now? Anyone getting close to testing?

I FINALLY ovulated yesterday (CD 25!) or at least I hope I did. My temp did not go up too much (97.72 today) but I did get a +opk day before yesterday. We DTD the last two days so hopefully it paid off. I hate my long cycles! If today is 1 DPO for me, then it means this will be a 38 day cycle.
Aries- Did you ovulate yet? Hope you get your bfp soon!
h0peful- Yes i have a little nephew (not completely decided on name) but i think he is called Dexter :cloud9: They also asked me and OH to be godparents :cry::cloud9: So very happy he is the most beautiful little baby i have ever seen i am completely in love :kiss:
AFM- CP high, closed, half soft half hard :wacko: CM- Creamy/Watery Definitely out this cycle, but there is always another one i suppose... AF will be here tomorrow! Will let you know when she comes!
Is anyone testing early, if so then when? Goodluck to you all :hugs:

awwwww CONGRATULATIONS lupine! You may not be a mother YET but you're already a godmother! :hugs: That is very, very special indeed. I wish someone around me would have a baby soon so at least I have a baby to play with! :baby:

One friend of mine is due around end of April, so can't wait for her :baby: to arrive!!! It'll be almost like having a nephew. Another friend of mine told me last night that she's preggers!!! I'm so sincerely happy for her... but I also feel a bit jealous because they actually started trying after we did. In fact we played a big part in convincing them to have a baby so our babies could play together! I feel like I'm a horrible person for feeling even that little bit of jealousy. :blush:

2 DPO for me today.. long way to go before I can test. Somehow fertilityfriend is not detecting ov on my chart yet. :wacko: I'm attaching an image of my chart so I can get your opinion! Thanks!! :) Good luck to all you ladies!! Hope :witch: stays away from you!!!!!!


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Temps look good h0peful! I have been temping and they have been low. Took trigger shot last night so hope the temps gp up tomorrow! Had a large 22m follicle and 660 estrogen. Wohoo!
lupine- how long is your LP? Maybe the clomid would help lengthen your cycle? Hope the :witch: stayed away!
Temps look good h0peful! I have been temping and they have been low. Took trigger shot last night so hope the temps gp up tomorrow! Had a large 22m follicle and 660 estrogen. Wohoo!
lupine- how long is your LP? Maybe the clomid would help lengthen your cycle? Hope the :witch: stayed away!
Goodluck with testing when you do h0peful! And Really hope you catch that eggy Aries! CD1 for me today ladies, but i got little dexter to keep me happy and i didn't try much last cycle- lets hope it will be this one... gotta try find a house so we can get doc wherever we go, pointless starting out at one then moving far away and having to start over!

Thank Aries & lupine! I found out that FF waits 3 days after temp is high before confirming ovulation so I was worrying for nothing. Hey, 22m is a really good size isnt it Aries?? That's great!! Are you trying IVF? I'm sorry I'm so ignorant with this stuff!

Sorry to hear about the :witch: lupine. You're right, better to get a place before going to a doctor. In the meantime, try not to stress too much over all the wedding planning etc. :)

Haven't heard from dahlia in a while. Hope she's doing well!
22mm is bigger then last time and my estrogen is much higher too! i hope that is a good sign. We are not doing IVF..hope it doesnt come to that. right now timed intercourse with clomid and trigger shot which makes me ovulate. i have pcos..so my cycles are all crazy!:wacko:

Makes sense about moving and the Dr Lupine..i find that since I go regularly..it is nice to see the same familiar faces and they know your situation. Enjoy your nephew! I have two and It is so much fun!:flower:
hey - I've been crazy again - sorry to be gone. Sorry to hear you're out Lupine - hate to say it (cuz it might tick you off) but you are so young...I pray that that fact helps you out...meaning, you have a lot of time to let it happen naturally (me - not so much ha). anyway, doesn't mean you still don't deserve a baby right now either! just try not to be discouraged. although you certainly sound upbeat - so good!

trying to find your chart hopeful - I wanna see those temps!

Aries - hi!!!

nothing for me - first cycle I've absolutely never thought about - it's great!
hopeful - found it! wow, that's a good ovulation jump! do you have an updated one?
:wave: dahlia! It is definintely nice not to stress! I find with each cycle get less upset. Finally coming to terms with it being a long road. We just hit the 1 year mark and I know women (including yourself) have been TTC for much longer. Infertility is upsetting no matter how long it has been. I also agree with your statement in your journal of it being a silent killer and robbing you of the joy. I am naturally a happy person and try to look at the positive..some days though it is too much to handle! God is in control and I know all of our times will come!!
Dahlia- Aww look at you trying not to offend me :haha: Don’t worry I know I am young and I know what you mean that makes me feel better also glad I started this young so I have plenty of time if I want more. Would rather have problems now I got like over 30years of baby making time left :happydance:
That’s another reason we haven’t rushed to doctors and also they possibly only take it from like when I turned 18 which doesn’t make it a year yet which is frustrating because it makes me have to wait longer for SA and basic bloods etc will prob wait until after I’m 19 cause then it will be a ‘year’ if they look at it that way I sure hope they don’t :dohh:
Aries- Do you think they would give me clomid even though I ovulate regularly and don’t have pcos (to my knowledge)? I suppose I should get my butt in gear and find a house so we can move out, get to doctors :haha:
h0peful- I'm not stressing at the moment, forgot to tell you change of plans- even more exciting for me but alot of people think differently, as you know we having this wedding then a big fancy blessing in a few years but now i gonna choose everything for wedding- dress, suits, hairdresser, makeup artist etc but then my OH wants to keep the date secret from me, book everything up and then wake me in the morning and tell me we getting marries :haha: So it not gonna be as stressful for me and i think it will be good fun doing it his way :happydance:
AFM- CD2 as you know, still in lots of pain and drugged up, which means I haven’t held Dexter for last 2 days as painkillers are strong and they make me sort of hazy and I keep just randomly dozing and I don’t want to be holding baby when I do sort of thing. The pain and amount of blood is horrendous- I use a mooncup and even emptying it hourly (they last up to 8) I still need to wear a super heavy night time pad (they thicker than SIL maternity pads) it’s a nightmare. I’m sure this is way TMI but I like to moan when I feel like this… Also faint when on AF so I think its because of the amount of blood I’m losing it can’t be normal, went to doc a few years back about it and he wanted to put me on the pill (defeats the object of ttc) and he said cause I didn’t want that I would just have to deal with it & I think he thought I was being your average drama queen about the blood cause I just said there was lots I didn’t have a measurement- maybe this is linked to not being able to conceive? Sorry just going off on a rant cause I’m hazy and just typing what I’m thinking :haha:

lupine..sorry your feeling so terrible. I'm not sure what the dr would do but there are other girls on bnb who were put on clomid after a year of ttc with unexplained infertility. Also with AF as bad as yous perhaps endometriosis? I am no dr and don't know much about it but sounds like your AF is super heavy. Feel better!!

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