1 DPO- (2nd Jan) 30th Jan

Aries- Still not been able to make doc appointment cause we have 2 docs at our surgery and only 1 we like to see so we have to wait for him to be on and its really hard to get appointment so we just have to try everyday till one comes available :dohh:
Dahlia- I tried bbt charting but I keep forgetting to do it cause OH wakes up and turns alarm off without making sure I am awake :haha: and then I get stressed out cause its ruined… I am going sort of natural this cycle okay, I just typed everything and decided its not so natural :haha: but it is for me, I am not taking epo this cycle neither which I think it says on my signature.
ASFM- AF is finally gone :happydance: so onto another cycle :D Moving house in the next few months so that will keep my mind occupied especially with college work and wedding planning on top :haha:

oooh, wedding planning - exciting. moving - not as much! but it is fun to be in a new place - once all the hard work is done anyway.

did you have any side effects to the soy? I took my first dose last night and I'm doing 160 mg.

I hear ya about bbt temping being stressful...once you get in the habit of it it's ok, though. I actually stopped doing it in the 2ww b/c it was so upsetting - when it would go up I would be super excited and if it dropped then I would cry. I did it for many months until I was overly confident that I was ovulating regularly.

good luck getting in with the doctor yo!
Hi Girls! Hope everyone is good and staying busy until the big OV day :haha: Good luck getting thst DR appointment Lupine!

I am CD 7 today and am going on Thursday for ultrasound to check if follies are growing! I am hoping the clomid works better this time. Dr did confirm OV last time but I feel like it was a strong OV..if that even makes sense! My friend is having her baby as I write this and as much as I want this also for my DH and I, I couldnt be more thrilled for her! Children are gifts from god and I know his timing will be perfect for a child in our lives!
Aries28 you are so right!! Congratulations to your friend. :) And to ttcmikeandme!!!! :dance::dance:

I'm so happy that you all are planning to stick together for another cycle. I need the support! I got a bfn last cycle and I was too bummed to come on here and say it. I do believe that whatever happens, happens for the best so I'm sure that we'll each get our wish:)baby:) when it's the right time for us. :hugs:

@Dahlia and Aries.. how does soy and clomid help??

This is our sixth cycle and if it doesn't work this time, I'm thinking of going to see a doctor. I know it's still early, but I feel like it couldn't hurt to go talk to someone. What do you girls think? :help:

@lupine.. if you're period is like clockwork, chances are you don't have pcos. I'm totally keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!

My cycle was 37 days long!!! :growlmad: Day 11 for me today... time to start having some :sex:! ;) What day are you all on?
Dahlia- Yeah moving is gonna be well stressful! Lol! Moving into a big 6/7 bedroom house with OH sister, her oh, her baby, his mum and his stepdad so gonna get a big really nice house and all chip in cause OH mum and stepdad are both ill and need carers and its easier for us to look after them and have them living with us and it will work out cheaper in the long run :) I get what you mean with the stress of it going up and down I used to get really upset when it went down and then hopeful when it went up so I just quit, might try again next cycle see what doc says… finally got through and he is on holiday until next week! I’m sure he goes on holiday like 15 times a year :dohh:
Aries- Aww congrats to your friend! Let us know how the ultrasound goes! I totally understand your feeling my SIL is coming up for 37 weeks now its so exciting can’t wait for her to have her baby! :cloud9: Will be even better when its me coming up to 37weeks though :haha:
H0peful- Aww don’t feel bad about telling us we can give u lots of hugs and make u feel better :hugs: Can’t wait till it’s the right time for all of us! This is a lucky thread :D got 2 bfps last cycle and there not that many of us really (ttcmikeandme & pugmama22) Yeah I thought that about the pcos but I’m more concerned about endo cause my AF has me bedbound :( and thanks :hugs: You could go and let docs know you are ttc and they will prob send you away and say keep trying but will possibly give you some good advice and they will know you are ttc :thumbup: Sorry your cycle was so long that’s not very nice :(
ASFM- Well I’m CD 12 only DTD on CD9 this cycle so far- will be doing it every other day starting tonight though as I usually OV about CD 16 probably following SMEP this cycle… having a pretty chilled cycle more so than I had decided I will be doing SMEP, CM, CP, Mooncup and Preseed and that’s about it really :shrug: had a busy few weeks and just want to relax with the TTC for a while till docs have done testing not taking any tablets though :)

h0peful- This is my second round of clomid. I believe it works by sending signals to your brain that help the follies to mature. I have PCOS- no other symptoms other then cysts on ovaries and irregular cycles. My first cycle, I had a 19mm follie and a 30 day cycle which is a miracle in itself! I hope I can ovulate and also get my BFP this cycle. I know it is hard to get a BFN but we are here to support eachother! This thread is such a good outlet for me. I dont have to drive everyone crazy talking about my struggles and you all understand!

Lupine- get to :sex:! Have you done preseed in the past? This will be my first cycle trying it.I have heard good things! What CD is everyone? I am CD 10 today.

Good Luck ladies!!!
Aries- Yep I did it last cycle a word of advice would be to only use half the amount it says on the box or its very messy although on day I am actually ovulating I use the amount it says :D I think I’m CD 13 I have to post this to see for sure cause I keep track by FF :haha: I hope it works this cycle, I already have fertile CP but no +OPK so :shrug: maybe it will just help me get a bigger stock of spermies :blush: I don’t usually OV till CD16?
This cycle seems to be going really quickly for me can’t believe it nearly OV time again already!

@lupine.. "Will be even better when its me coming up to 37weeks though" :haha: that's so true!! :haha::haha: I'm glad the cycle is going fast for you lupine! It's probably all the moving and wedding planning! :) [When is your wedding?] Wow, you're gonna have a big house, and a full house too. It's nice to have family around, as long as your family doesn't love drama, hehe. I love my family to bits but I could not live with them anymore!! :nope: anyway, good luck with getting hold of the doctor next week!!!:thumbup:

Thank you for all the support guys. :) I feel bad complaining because it honestly hasn't been that long for us ttc. I am such an impatient person in real life, and it's so frustrating that no matter how bad you want it, or how hard you're willing to work, at some point you just have to leave it up to God and just hope and pray!

@Aries, best of luck to you with using clomid :hugs: I'm trying to google what a "follie" is but I can't find it.. hehehe. I feel like I know nothing about any of this! I'm not even sure what the O in OH stands for! :dohh:
Thanks for the advice lupine! I have also read about taking half. Hope it helps!! Hehe h0peful! Follie means follicle! Unfortunately the longer I am TTC the more abbreviations and TTC lingo I come up with! Hope u never learn it!!:wacko:
H0peful- Yeah that will be whats making things fly :haha: and yea they tend to be a bit chilled we trying to get one with 3 reception rooms, 3 bathrooms etc cause then it will like only be kitchen we are really sharing :thumbup: wedding is 25th November :happydance: Oh and OH- Other Half :haha:
Aries- What time is your appointment? Let us know how it goes :hugs:

Anyone getting close to OV yet? Lupine- did you get your pos opk? :thumbup:

Went to Dr today and follies still have a ways to go :shrug: My biggest measured in at 12mm and I think it needs to be around 18mm at least. Going back in Sunday am for another ultrasound..if dont have pos opk by then.

What are everyone's plans for the weekend? Have a friends bridal shower/ bachelorette, some R&R and most definitely some :sex: :haha:
sorry to be mia girls - been SOOOO sick - bed rest for last week. will catch up soon but I'm prob out this cycle due to all the meds messing with my ov schedule.
Hey Aries!- Thought I got my positive OPK yesterday but had a really positive one today so going by today as I usually go by nearly positive ones as I don’t usually get a proper positive but I have this time (definitely rambling :blush: )and DTD last night but not sure how successful it will be as it was spur of the moment so didn’t use preseed or mooncup and didn’t lay with legs up after or anything and had to stand up and went toilet after :blush: but will be DTD again tonight and tomorrow though so hopefully that will be okay :D What CD do u usually ovulate? Hopefully you will get your positive opk tomorrow :thumbup: I am having a lazy weekend just spending it with OH and animals :D Sound like you have a fun weekend ahead :winkwink:
Dahlia- I wondered where you went :hugs: I hope you feel better soon :hugs: Hopefully a relaxed cycle will help you!
Oh btw gonna put u 3 in my sig Aries, Dahlia & h0peful that is :hugs:

oooh, yeah - Lupine I will get you into mine as well. good for positive opk! I am back to temping myself - mainly just to have something to do ttc-wise. Been bd'ing but still not sure what is going to go on with my cycle due to illness and all the meds. hopefully we'll still have a chance. no opk'ing for me this month b/c I keep forgetting and now it's too late...oops! anyway, I should ov any day now - I think it's awesome that our schedules have kind of stayed together. cute. and next we will all bfp together?!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully you ovulate soon and yeah its pretty cool we are staying with the same cycle :thumbup: As long as you been bd'ing you still have a good chance! I sure hope we do get bfp together that will be nice, being ttc buddies then bump buddies :happydance: (this cycle seems like a good one for it to happen :haha: ) I might try bbt next cycle, if i manage to remember haha

awwww lupine thanks for adding me to your sig! :hug: you are so sweet. and thanks for telling me about OH... i'm so clueless :dohh: lol.. and thanks aries! I also hope I stay mostly clueless too. I'm thinking about visiting my home country (pakistan) this march but I won't go if I become preggers so I'm hoping my travel plans work as a jinx!! :haha: isn't it funny how the mind works? I have also started to make deals with God.. like if I can get pregnant this cycle, I won't be upset if the Ravens lose!!! :haha:

I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well Dahlia.. make sure you rest up and get better SOON! :hugs: We all have to get our :bfp: together!!! :)

I have a work happy hour on Friday and that's about it. I ov late (around CD 21!) so hopefully lots of :sex: in the new few days for us. Have fun at the bachelorette party Aries!!! Don't do anything we wouldn't do! ;) :haha:
Hey girls! Looks like I may be a little late oving. I went for another u/S and still not a large follicle so dr is putting me on 100mg clomid right away..it is a different approach then the norm so going innext tues and hope to see something then. Did I mention I hate clomid???:cry: I am still rooting for you gals though!!!
Aww Aries :hugs: so sorry to hear that! Hopefully the different approach will give you a super egg for a bfp :thumbup:

sorry Aries! I hope they figure it out soon.

I am on cd 16 and looks like a no ov or a late ov. I usually don't ov late so I'm gonna go with no ov being that it was a month of drugs for me.
Best of luck Aries! :thumbup: I just read up on chlomid and follicles so it all makes more sense now. I hope you have tons of follicles and a :bfp: real soon! :hugs:

I'm on CD 18 today.. DTD yesterday even though no +ve opk yet. I usually ovulate around day 21/22 anyway so just waiting to see the smiley face! How about you lupine? ov yet?

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