Hi ladies...16 dpo here...af was due today...I'm almost off to bed and the witch hasn't arrived Yet...no signs of her what so ever...iv tested but bfn.
I bet I have a nice supprise by the morning- not.lol
Sis glad you are able to take the cortisol without it causing any problems love.thats great.
Wow hubby going away for 30 days! ...to Africa!...wow your a strong lady...altho maybe the first week would be nice I would miss oh terribably by the 2nd .how do you do it .? Lol...
Wow what a CRAAAAAAZY cycle it's been.idk lol...I'm looking forward to putting it behind me so I can move forward and get some normality back again ...since re-writing the plan with oh I already feel so much more relaxed again...it's nice.
Altho...it's going to be very hard to change the mind set of ttc they way we was...
We just going to bd every other day and enjoy loving each other again...and then just hope for the best. I hope to wait the next cycle out till af due before I test...that's the real challenge lol...I guess if I buy no tests I can't do it.sounds like a plan -but sounds like and actually is are two different things arnt they lmao...
Gawsh the pressure we put ourselfs under eh...idk lol...
Hopefully this break can re charge my hope,will power,strength and serenity again.
How are we today ladies? Good I hopes.

EDIT: sis just seen your post...iv mentioned maca...it is great for sperm count and motility...is dh on zinc at all....and I hear lots of bananas- Daily -Do the trick too...
So glad no cyst...thats great news.phew...

Yaye for hallowed bfp...you go girl...so it's witch verses witch he he...get it?....I know - it was a lame joke...

that's me tho...lame! Haha...I hang my head in shame as I type lol...
Virtual e-slaps greatfully recieved lol...
Good luck sis...this is it...this is your month!...fx for you.