Hi ladies
2dpo here. How are you all feeling?
Nothing much to report here except for a temp dip. But I'm going to attribute it to waking an hour earlier and more broken sleep. Lol. stil bloated and occasional tingle in bbs. That's about it.
Hope you all have a great day.
I haven't been very good about temping this cycle...I feel guilty about that.
But I do know that today I have been EXHAUSTED! Yawning alllll day! And I couldn't have my usual Cafe Mocha or 5-Hour Energy, since I'm off all caffeine. But I've noticed some pinching and pain in the right side of my pelvis., and my boobs have been tingly like yours! I don't wanna symptom spot...I refuse to.
I am peeing like crazy. It's driving me nuts! Also my boobs feel super heavy. Remember when I said I wasn't gonna symptom spot?! Ugh!! I think I will be aware of everything but I won't assume anything is pregnancy symptoms because it's probably not!!!
How is everyone else?? Anything new??
I'm the same way! I'm trying my best not to symptom spot! Doing everything in my power to stay off of Google(I've been successful so far!
) and spend more time with Hubby. Like I said above, my boobs are tingly and I have a pinching feeling in the right side of my pelvis. Other than that, nothing really out of the ordinary for me! Still at peace and staying hopeful!
I found out after long suspicion that my acupuncturist is pregnant. I knew she was and I asked the nurses if they knew. They suspected it, as well...but I totally nailed it! She's 17 weeks along now. We talked and I mentioned that I had a MC back in June and DH and I were TTC again and I was in the TWW, and her eyes got sad and she told me that in May she had a MC of her own. She had announced it on Facebook, told everyone, had the room painted and everything. She lost the LO at 10weeks.
I never imagined someone in such perfect health as her could lose a LO. She about 5'3 and weighs no more than 120 pounds. She's beautiful and healthy. She's a Naturopath for cripes sake! I didn't think that was possible. But it makes me feel like I'm not alone. Like it happens to every type of woman, the young, the old, the thin and the overweight. It's not what we do, sometimes things happen and we can't control it. So, again, I have peace. Knowing that it wasn't my fault back in June, and that it happens to more than just the "At-Risk" ladies. So, maybe some of her fertile glow rubbed off on me. And I'm rubbing it all over you ladies! *pours bucket of fertile glow over my TWW Buddies* Heehee!
So, does anyone have any ways they'd like to announce the BFP if it comes this time? I have such high hopes for us, ladies! I have faith and I have peace!
If I get my BFP, (I speak this into being RIGHT NOW in the name of Jesus!) I think I would bake cupcakes. Decorate one to make it look like a man's cupcake that says "Daddy", one that looks feminine that says "Momma", and and a mini cupcake with yellow frosting that has a baby face on it, with the rest of the little ones with letters on it, spelling "We're Expecting!"
What about you, ladies?