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2 ish dpo. Anyone out there too?

Hi Maggie! You and Catmum hold your heads high and don't forget your not out! Put a smile on! I'm crossing everything possible for all of you lovely ladies!!
Catmum mine are 5,3 and 1. They are also all girls and I really want a boy before I'm done making babies so hopefully if I do conceive ill also get a boy. Jeez I want a lot huh? 😂
Welcome other newbies 😌 I'm New too and everyone here is so welcoming and nice ❤
Welcome to everyone new!

Yes I'm ok thank you Maggie. Home this morning and got a positive ov test so I'm gonna BD even if it kills me :rofl: I'm excited about being back in the tww.

Im sorry your still in limbo. Do you think you ovulated the other day? Or was it just random ewcm?

Anyone heard from hopeful? Hope she's ok.
Welcome to everyone new!

Yes I'm ok thank you Maggie. Home this morning and got a positive ov test so I'm gonna BD even if it kills me :rofl: I'm excited about being back in the tww.

Im sorry your still in limbo. Do you think you ovulated the other day? Or was it just random ewcm.

I'm going to say I o'd very late in the game. My originally 2dpo my app told me may not have been that at all. So. I held the OPKs in my hand to buy, but finally just decided to let fate happen. They stressed me out a little bit. So now I'm maybe like 1 DPO or something. And we bd'd like once during EWCM. My boys have been on a streak where they are up at night and I'm too shot to BD lol. I figured with my first I got pregnant one time so. It could happen again. Last month was too stressful.
We are only going to be doing it once this cycle during fertile times. Not that we BD that much anyway, we would both rather sleep :rofl: Aiming for tonight but then that's me done. Still feel ill and we have a heatwave over here so just not feeling it though. Plus my daughter is still awake multiple times a night. My youngest sleeps through but given up hope she ever will. It only take one swimmer though! Looks like we will be testing at similar times again.
Oo exciting stuff again ladies good luck this time.

Afm this heatwave is killing me!!! Pleeeeaseeee let it be cooler tomorrow!!! Kids r crazing me running about upstairs when they are supposed to be in bed lol!!!
Got to love them lol x
Your in the uk aren't you catmumof4. It's been unbearable here. We are in Wales.
Yh I'm in Norfolk... Think I might be dying lol!!!
We are having a heatwave. 34 degrees here which may seem not that hot by other countries standards but we aren't used to it. Went to run out to the car to get something earlier and The pavement was so hot it burnt my feet, proper blisters. We don't have air comdioners fitted in most homes over here as we very rarely get hot weather so my house feels like an oven tonight. Had to send DH out to buy fans.
Good lord. That seems awful. Bless your heart. We run about 95-100 F in the summer down south, but we are set up for it. Our air unit went out a few years ago in the heat of summer and we nearly died. I mean it was so hot the devil went back home. I feel for you. That's too hot without air.
I do love this weather, and if our house was cooler if be loving it but a brick house with no air conditioning is like being in a furnace. Plus I'm very very fair skinned, think Casper and then go a shade paler so it's not like I can go out in the sun for very long to escape the heat in the house.
If you don't mind my asking, what is typical weather of your area? It's hot like most of the time here. Last winter I think we got 1 snow that was just a dusting. It stayed in the 40s-50s most of the winter and it stays like 75-100 F from March to October.
Typical winter weather can be anything from -4 to 10 degrees with the odd warmer day of your lucky. Summer we usually stay in the late 20's. Plus it rains a lot. And by a lot I mean a lot. Weather here is one of the reasons why we are planning to emigrate.
We have looked at lots of places. I've always wanted to move to the states but DH is against it while trump is in office. No offence intended if anyone is a trump supporter, he's just not. We have looked at Canada and Australia but New Zealand is coming up tops at the moment. Just need to check policies on home schooling before making any decisions.
Yeah... Regardless of political affiliation I think Trumps election was a pivotal move in American politics. It's the weirdest election I've ever seen.

New Zealand is on my list to visit. I've always wanted to visit the set for The Lord of the Rings. I'm an English teacher--or was before staying home-- and JRR Tolkien changed my life and made me a fan of British literature.
We have just had a very strange election here too, another reason for wanting to leave.

New Zealand does look Amazing doesn't it. DH is a big lord of the rings fan. He's read the books too many times. I'm more into classic literature and Shakespeare. I actually am a proper nerd :rofl:
Haha. Kindred spirits then. I love fantasy, literature, superheroes, and I have a myriad of artsy hobbies. Love to write and draw. My students often told me I was a big nerd. Haha.

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