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2 ish dpo. Anyone out there too?

I'm pretty spiritual as I'm pagan so love the outdoors and nature. But I love classic literature and music, I used to belong to a Shakespeare performance company and as I'm a qualified ballet teacher obviously the love of music comes from that. We love superheroes too though, we do family trips to conventions in matching costumes. Yes we are one of those families lol.
Really? Don't think anyone has ever described me as cool. Usually just as an odd ball :rofl:

Being a teacher must have been rewarding, plus gives you a great advantage with home ed. We pay a teacher to come in a few times a week to work with zack. He's autistic so needs a little extra help.
It was. I loved teaching. I taught predominately 15-17 year olds in an academy of oddball students, so I bonded very well with them. And I completely understand with your son; I have a brother that is special needs. He has a condition known as angelmans syndrome.
I love hearing and watching you ladies going through the same insanity cycle that I'm going through haha. Today symptoms have subsided quite a bit I have a bit of energy today my bb's are a little tender (which is still so weird for me 5 dpo as I said only usually lasted 24 hours after O) but cramps have subsided except the little pinch here and there on the right side and CM is still quite dry but slippery also. I'm guessing I'm probably out. How's everyone else doing?
I wouldn't change my son for the world but it is hard watching him suffer sometimes. I have heard of angelmans syndrome, does he manage ok with it?

Jord 5dpo is super early, don't count yourself out yet. It's the symptoms after 6dpo to 12dpo that you really need to take notice of because that's normal timescale for implantation. Anything before that usually isn't pregnancy related. Crossing my fingers you get your bfp. I missed a lot of this thread while I was in hospital, have you been trying long?
I mean I know it's way to early to consider myself out or in it's just a feeling I have that maybe I didnt quite do the dirty on time my partner works away so I only get weekends or some weekdays to do it last week was the first time he was home when I believed I O'd had all the signs so we went for it lol. I have only been actively trying for 2 months but I got my implanon out about 6 months ago to start trying and decided we won't go full on an just if it happens it happens but we're both getting antsy so we started actively trying and I started following O
Good luck Jords. I'm doing my best not to symptom spot. I slipped in one more BD at the tail end of this EWCM stuff so we will see if it amounts to anything or not.

Maryanne--I understand that completely. Is he pretty severe? Autism is quite a spectrum. My brother is 24 but functions on about an 18 month old level. Predominately nonverbal, and he needs help with all his self care. No social awareness of acceptability. Lots of behavioral issues (pinching, spitting, OCD behaviors). We help him manage, to answer your question. :)
I'm so sorry. It seems so unfair sometimes but sounds as if he's supported by a great family. My son is mid spectrum. He's verbal and can now walk but his anxiety and OCD controls his life. He has little to no fine motor control so simple tasks are difficult and we have to put in place strict timetables to manage his anxiety as he can't cope with changes to his routine. He has no social awareness and he's severely agoraphobic so getting him out side is no easy task. Mentally he's only around 4 years behind but physically me daughter who's not two yet is more independent than him. It breaks my heart as it's becoming clear he will never live independently.
I'm pretty good at not symptom spotting when I'm working but if I'm Not I will symptom spot all day google every question about pregnancy there is on earth 10 times haha. I'm also terrible for testing early and getting myself down until I'm ready to do it again next cycle haha.

Maryanne I'm so sorry to hear about your boy! But at least he's in a loving family to take care of him.
Jords you just described my life lol.

Maryanne. I get it. It's frustrating sometimes. My parents are pretty well tied down in life. And baby bro has a normal life span so I'll have him one day. Willingly, mind you. I don't want him in a home. I wrestled with the whys for a long time and the concept of unanswered prayer. We don't all exactly love it but we love him and I think our family has made peace with it.
I'm determined not to symptom spot this time. I drove DH nuts last cycle (or this cycle If I ovulated late). I'm trying to take an approach more like my personality: haphazard and nonchalant lol. Maybe it's like the whole pretend you don't want it thing and it'll happen lol.
Haha that's what I'm trying to do now. Just tell myself iits not happening this month so when it doesn't happen I won't be so upset and if it does what a wonderful surprise. I've been reading through stories of women who do the symptom spotting and go insane with the TWW and then on the month they get their BFP they've noticed they didn't feel much from 3-4dpo onwards so maybe this body going back to normal could be a good sign haha. Here's hoping
Not sure I'm at the accepting point yet, still in the angry at life phase but it's getting easier. And my boy is so wonderful, I wouldn't change him for anything.

I'm aiming for a more relaxed approach but I'm guessing by 6dpo I will be on countdown to pregnancy symptom checking and ordering tests from amazon hoping hubbie doesn't find out. I drove him mad too last time so I've promised him I will try and relax a little.
I drove my partner insane last month with the yeah I'm definitely pregnant these HAVE to be pregnancy Symptoms to turning into tears saying I can't be then back to yeah I have to be and so on until AF showed her ugly face. He's told me now i don't want to know anything just tell me when you pregnant hahaha although he's been checking with me everyday asking me if any things happening so I think he's trying to symptom check on me haha I love that we drive our DH's mad with us
My DH is kinda used to it as it took us so long to conceive our second. We have spent most of our married life either ttc or pregnant. Think that's why we find it so hard to commit to how many children we want. We just say lots lol
Aww I can't wait until I have a family. I think we are going to spend the early part of our lives TTC or pregnant (hopefully) we want at least three but I absolutely love children and would probably want to go for more haha
Maryanne-- been through that phase of life too. While I can't place myself completely in your shoes, I can empathize through my own situation and appreciate how you feel. And--Lol. Lots. That's a good technical number.

Jords that's precisely what my husband told me too.
Haha we have 3 and now we are going for 4, we would love 6 but since I have to have sections now we couldn't do more than that. Which I think is fair enough anyway as 6 would be more than enough. Some days i think we are crazy but it's lots of fun, I love my family.
That still sounds like a pretty good number to stop at if you have to. Everybody tells me and my partner we are insane for starting early but we know we want a big family and I don't want to be 35-40 and still trying. I want to get it all done before chances dramatically drop. My happiest number would be between 4-5 children I think anymore would be a little to much for myself to handle. I just never thought that it would be so difficult to get pregnant everybody around me gets pregnant almost Instantly and by accident

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