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2 ish dpo. Anyone out there too?

See for me although it's frustrating it took 7 years to get our daughter so although we are on cycle 4 now it's still bearable. Think our worry is that it may be a struggle again so it's deciding where we say enough and move on.
I wanted 4 but my dr will not do more than 3 sections. And honestly, some days I feel two are my limit. So maybe three will be good for us.
Same here Maggie, three is the limit. Although the thought of one terrifies me. People keep saying stupid things like 'at least you will have it easy this time' or 'I'd love a section, lucky you'. Because obviously my last traumatic birth and me and my baby almost dying leaving major abdominal surgery for my next birth makes me lucky doesn't it.
I think sometimes people just don't know what to say, so anything in place of silence is better which isn't necesaarily the right idea.
I'd rather silence :rofl: I'm sure the surgery is worth it though when you hold your baby. Can I ask, did you get to do skin to skin and straight to the breast? I imagine things work works little differently with a section. Just want to be prepared for if we do have another.
I did not. However, my husband was afforded that opportunity and it was a very special thing for him.
Granted, I'd say that hospitals are all different on that. You may still yet be able to.
That's lovely. I'd be ok with DH holding baby, just not everyone else. DH missed last birth as I gave birth unexpectedly in the middle of the night while I was staying in on the ward. 31 minute birth, 6 minutes of active labour and we live 45 minutes away so he'd never have made it. Would be nice for him to have that first hold this time around.

How you feeling today?
Wow I've never heard that side of sections. I've never been around anyone who's had one so I don't know much about it. Though I'm very stuck on V birth I want to go as natural as possible probably will take a little help with gas, I do want to experience as natural as I can get.
So today most pain has subsided I've got stomach cramps very mild like I usually do when AF comes even my bb's aren't that tender today a little to the touch but very mild. My CM has gone from dry/slippery to a small amount of creamy I haven't had heavy CM yet. Really not sure what to take of this. Hmmm

Only a few hours after CM has gone from a small amount of creamy to very wet. I'm feeling very wet 'down there' think I might have to wear a panty liner for the first time in my life lol. sorry for TMI I really don't know what to think of this it's very unusual for me
Sounding promising jords. Anything unusual for you is a great sign.

Since it's gone midnight in the uk I'm now officially back in the tww. Yey!!!!
1dpo and counting.
MaryAnne I would love to wait with you and compare symptoms or just talk each other through if your down!
Ooohhh fingers crossed for us Maryanne! Wouldn't it be so fun if this was the month for both of us. I'm loving the signs of abnormal for me I suppose it is good signs haha I cannot wait to test i think I'm going to test 10dpo 12dpo then 14dpo and then a week past AF if she doesn't show her ugly face because I'm so impatient lol. I'm close to the average implantation time so hopefully I'm one of those women that feel that lovely jab I'm getting so excited. I'm doing pretty good at not symptom spotting (mostly because I'm not really getting any except this CM it's so weird haha) o was feeling very doubtful as my body was going back to normal but this has given me a little boost of hopeful
Hey jords I wanna wait with you too! I love stalking all you lovely ladies 2ww so I don't think so much about mine!😂
Of course your more than welcome. I was stalking these ladies for a while before I joined I found it so fun going through the phases with them reading through. Makes me feel a little less insane haha
How many dpo are you again Jords?

Maryanne: feeling ok. My husband and I were out celebrating our anniversary together this evening. It was very nice to eat some food without sharing bites.

Regarding the ttc stuff, I guess I feel ok. I chose not to temp and not to get OPKs because I stressed myself out so much last month. I'm going to bd whenever I see EWCM and whenever I darn well please and see what happens in two weeks time. Since my period is obviously irregular,
I'm going to test in two weeks.

I'm estimating IM 1 dpo. I went from EWCM yesterday to creamy today. I've heard the last day of EWCM could be O day. If that's true, I may have a decent shot this month.
Maggie it's sound like you have a strong plan and I applaud you for trying not to worry about it to much. I think not being super stressed really helps!!

Thanks jords!! Love having people to talk to about this or even to just sit back and read!

So excited for everyone on here and I have every crossable body part crossed for bfp's all around!!!
I'm between 5-6 dpo can't be 100% sure. if I'm unsuccessful this month I think I'll go back to not trying and stressing again too though 6 months of it didn't work for me.
The body is so weird, dude. The month I wasn't trying I was pregnant like BAM. It took 7 months with the one I was paying attention to and symptom spotting and observing body signals. I could've swoooooore I had a chance this last time with all the "symptoms".

I'm embracing the fact this month that I clearly know nothing. Lol.
Our oldest was a surprise, we weren't even trying. My daughter took a long long time and my youngest son took 2 cycles ntnp and one actively trying. We have been ntnp since he was born and started trying properly 4 months ago. To be honest I didn't think it would take this long but it's ok cause I know it will happen when the time is right. I do think trying makes it more difficult though.

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