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2 ish dpo. Anyone out there too?

So today pretty much all symptoms have passed I still have slight cramping as if AF is coming and CM feels like its wet still, but not much else. But last night at work was so weird I got this big nauseous feeling even my co-work was like you've gone completely white sit down it only lasted a few minutes and I had a couple of moments after that I felt a little sick. Never threw up though it was so weird but I completed my night at work I have no clue what that was all about haha

How is everyone else?
Jords do you get sick around OV too? I found that it's normal for me. Much to my dismay.
No I've never been nauseous around that time well at least I haven't noticed it since I've been tracking symptoms on my cycles, that's why it was so weird for me.but it could have been anything really. To be honest I was pouring some wine for a customer and the smell put me off and I think that was it. I haven't had a drink of alcohol in over a month so I'm guessing because I haven't been around the smell for a while it just put me off lol
Ok so smell can be a thing though too. I am a HUGE coffee drinker and both of my pregnancies I couldn't handle the stuff.

I was bringing my daddy a coffee one day and had to drive with it out my car window because the smell was making me so sick.
I am a HUUGE coffee drinker I'll have 2-3 in the morning a couple at work then maybe one or two at night. I know it's terrible for me and it's quite the addiction and probably isn't helping with my chances of getting pregnant. I really hope when I do I don't get turned off coffee I love the stuff I've had two this morning so I haven't been turned off yet. But yeah that smell of wine was horrid (new bottle so it wasn't off or bad) I had to stop serving it my self and got my co-worker to do the wine sales. And don't get me wrong I love my wine haha I wouldn't think sensitivity to smell would kick in 6-7dpo would it? It is odd that I got so sick from the smell but it could be also that I haven't had a drink in over month. But even then I had no problem with the smell until last night I serve wine on a daily basis I've never been bothered by it lol
Around 6/7dpo most symptoms are progesterone related which can cause that nausea but I've had hg in every pregnancy except for my last and my sickness starts really soon after implantation. Some ladies are just very sensitive to hcg in their system so it could be a pregnancy thing. The smell thing I've never had till after a bfp but I've seen so many ladies say they had it before s bfp.

I used to be addicted to caffeine as well. But for me it did cause problems with ttc and it raises the miscarriage risk quite a lot so I try to keep it well under the 200mg guideline. It's hard though as even now my body still craves it. I'm currently trying to get DH to cut down. He drinks too many energy drinks.
I am quite sensitive to hormonal changes in my body when I first got my implanon in when I was 14 I was down and out for about 6 months while body got used to the change and when I got it replaced last year it only stayed in for about 6 months because I was all out of whack (it affected me everytime I got it replaced) but the 3rd time was too bad I had to get it out. And then finally having no contraception for the first time in 7 years my body just collapsed on me I've only just started to feel a bit normal in the last few months. The only times I feel down and out are during AF and O again it only lasts usually 24-48 hours tops but I believe I am very sensitive to hormonal changes, but usually it's all different types of feelings tender BB's cramps headache sore body and extreme fatigue, currently I have none of those feelings it was just the sick feeling last night that only lasted a few minutes each time. It could be a sign it could be not haha I definitely don't 'feel' pregnant. So I'm not sure what's going on haha
Will cross my fingers for you.

Im only 2dpo now and I'm feeling restless, want to be further along so I can symptom spot lol. I'm dreadful in the tww. This month would mean a baby due on my birthday though so I'm hoping we have managed it.
Ooh that would be exciting! Let's hope it's the month for you. I'm actually loving not having any kind of symptoms because I'm not going crazy symptom spotting. And in fact makes me feel out this month which is somewhat good because I won't be heart broken if it comes up BFN but pleasant surprised if BFP haha on the other hand in my crazy googling a lot of woman say that they didn't have symptoms or really didn't think they were pregnant when they got their BFP. So perhaps that small amount of nausea and the lack of symptoms could be sign haha still way early to tell anything but here's to high hopes haha
With my youngest son I didn't get any symptoms until I was late. I didn't get a bfp until 15dpo and the day before I felt dizzy and ill in the car but that was it. I assumed I was out that month as with my daughter there was loads of symptoms before my bfp. The only thing I did have before was a weird pinching pain that lasted all day on my left hand side. Must have been implantation, but at the time I disregarded it. With my daughter I had sickness, headaches, implantation bleeding and heartburn that started at 9dpo. With my angel daughter I had lots of symptoms too. When I carry girls I seem to get lots of symptoms early on. Shows how different it can be though.
So perhaps there's still hope then haha I've never been pregnant before so I am beyond clueless what to look for haha so I'm writing everything down so I know what's normal for me every cycle haha
Even if you have been pregnant before you can still not know what's going on. Look at last cycle for me. I've been pregnant a lot. Yet last cycle totally took me by surprise. I don't think you can ever say your an expert at this ttc malarkey. I've just finished my fertility awareness course which I took as a side course with my doula training and honestly even they said every woman and pregnancy is different so there's no norm in early synptoms. Makes things very confusing :rofl:
Hahaha that it does. But I thank god I found this thread otherwise I would probably be in a mental institution by now haha.
The main reason I cut down was because obviously we were having loss after loss and one recent study showed women who drank above the guidelines while ttc were almost twice as likely suffer a loss. The study was only carried out with 344 women so although it's not concrete evidence it was evough to make me rethink how much I drank. I still have the odd coffee or two though, just not the 6 or so I used to have.
Shoot. That's definitely made me re-think the amount of coffee I have. Maybe I'll try cut to 1-2 a day and maybe completely cut it out later on. That's crazy
I honestly had no idea either. I didn't think I was drinking that much till I sat a thought about it added it up. Some days I was drinking three times the guideline. I bought a smoothie maker and juicer then so I swapped my coffee for a smoothie which still gave me that energy but in a more natural way. I still do love a coffee though, can't lie. But I enjoy it even more now I drink less. It's more of a treat.
I usually do 4. As we speak actually. Maybe 2 would be better...

Reminded of an odd pregnancy symptom I had – obviously this is coming Maryanne from your comment that symptoms are all different:

One of the first things that I had issue with was the color red, but only as it pertains to unnatural haircolor. I had died bright red streaks into my hair right before I found out about my pregnancy or shortly after I can't remember. I had to re-dye my hair because every time I looked in the mirror at those bright red streaks I would get sick to my stomach and want to vomit.

To this day I still cannot look at red hair – that is very very brightly colored – without getting sick
Definitely making tomorrow a 2 coffee limit haha I'm not sure I can cut down more than that right away coffee is a real addictive thing. Wow Maggiemarie what a surprising symptom, I hope to god I have nothing like that I have very bright red hair I'm a natural brunette and love my red hair haha
Definitely making tomorrow a 2 coffee limit haha I'm not sure I can cut down more than that right away coffee is a real addictive thing. Wow Maggiemarie what a surprising symptom, I hope to god I have nothing like that I have very bright red hair I'm a natural brunette and love my red hair haha

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