cba to sort my ticker atm so sienna can remain that age till i cba
its tooooo hot were all irritable and sweaty here, have sent the girls up for their bath while sienna is having a kip, registering Luca in the morning.

he pee'd all over me earlier, almost had a mouthfull

he's peeling all over, ( even down to inside his ear and round his bits, ) not a bit of body without peeling skin, have been using olive oil since day one anyway as advised, but was told i may need something from doctor as he has cuts all round his wrists and ankles etc.
another brill day, i was moaning i was bored this morning,

off to hoover living room, dinner then only me luca and sienna left to bath before i flake on the sofa with dh when he gets in.

kinda feel mean cos i coudlnt even bare to sit near dh when preggo, he reckons its a bigger change having me back to myself than having the baby lol, i mealt when dh is sat cuddling Luca
rightoooo where's these babies ladies? lol xx