Thanks Cath - you've reassured me in more ways than one!
Alex has a huge trampoline in the garden, and he's one it for 30minutes minimum EVERY day. I wasn't sure about it at first, but he adores it, so I reckon it's a fantastic gift for Lottie too!
We've had to get rid of everything Gruffalo related though... Unfortunately, Alex had a hugely over-active imagination. If we play any kid of chasing games, he 'imagines' it's the Gruffalo chasing him and while he's OK at the time, afterwards he freaks out if he's left on his own at all (this is obviously a huge issue if I need to put Tom to bed or anything!) and comes screaming in, hysterical that the Gruffalo is going to get him.
I am going to google wipe and clean books now
Your pressies sound fab! So exciting!!
I read a thread on a little while ago about 'Christmas Eve Hampers' which I thought was wicked and have therefore adopted

It's basically a hamper you fill with various presents for your LO to open on Christmas eve. (any excuse for me to buy him stuff!) I thought things to help the evening and bedtime go smoothly would be particularly helpful - like new pyjamas, a new bubble bath or bath bomb, a new mug to have warm milk in, a new teddy, plus their stocking and a carrot for Rudolph and a mince pie for Santa... Anyway, I've been buying a few bits and pieces and am really excited about it all now!
Yes Cath, I do find I tell him off more when OH is home. I think OH gets him super worked up and hyper