havnt eaten anything dodgy, infact id eaten next to nothing, cos was sick of the piles and it was bad enough going with regular stools the day before. then i got hit in the face with this,

it cant have been a build up cos even with the piles and agony i was still going loo, (if but extremely painfull) i dont get constipated ever.
anyhow it finally stopped, though i do feel like there could well be more brewing.
i didnt with chloe my waters went and labour followed minutes later
Leila i had one very very very bad clearout, and as got up from loo she was on her way as was an ambulance.
Sienna i had loose bowels for a few days or possibly a week even, each time the cramps were worse, till on theday i had her had one final one and then timeable pains.
I thhink this is baby related but not labour related if that makes sense.
I'm not ready and the next neighbour that says ur not going to make it to that scan date ill
feeling rather fine this morning other than a sore bottom as to be expected, and dh has started the every 5 mins phone calls and texts, even though if something did happen hes over an hour away

i know he worried bless, but its constant texts off everyone without him bothering me
dh also announced last night, he deffo doesnt want to call baby Alex,

i will still pressure him, however it looks like we'll be here in June still trying to find a name
