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2010 Baby

I think it depends, ou hv and mw don't tend to have a permenent base as such, there office/reception is at a different health centre to the one my GP is at so they do more home visits I think, with a weight clinic session somewhere else that u can pop into as and when...

I have had such a bad day, funnily enough I hadn't realised how much better I had got until that woman stirred stuff up, it is almost as though I have started grieving again if that makes sense.
I hope your day gets better!

So guys I Have a job fair interview and now I don't know what to do about being pg, do I tell them or not till after I get hired? I don't want to lie but I don't want to not get the job cause I am pg!
I hope your day gets better!

So guys I Have a job fair interview and now I don't know what to do about being pg, do I tell them or not till after I get hired? I don't want to lie but I don't want to not get the job cause I am pg!

I would tell the truth. I went to an interview when I was BFP with my DD and I was about 7 months. I was offered the job, but I didnt take it in the end, but I would say be upfront. GL!:thumbup:
Hoping for a 2010 baby as well!!! Time has run out for an October baby....so I'll be happy with a November or December blessing!!

Hello ladies,
sorry i've not been on, my internet is playing up again, i actually typed out a long messege to you all yesterday and then internet went off :dohh:.
I'm still fed up, will talk more later when i have the energy, just feeling so down at the moment, hope your all ok x
:hugs: Berniep, u know where we are and my number (although am not sure I would be the best of company either...
Hello ladies,
How are you all?
Hope your all well x
I'm off with my sister for her detailed heart scan 2moro (the babies heart not hers), she's been told it may take upto 2 hours so quite a detailed scan then, hopefully everything will be ok, this is her last scary hurdle, wish her luck x
Hi girls, is their room for a lil one?
Im really hoping for a Nov/Dec 2010 baby :cloud9:

Baby dust to us all xxxx
welcome pink bow!

Berniep I hope all is well let us know how it turns out!
how are you all?
just popped in quickly to say the scan went well, they have ruled out anything major been wrong with the babies heart but can't rule out small holes but apparently these aren't too bad, so she should sail thru the rest of her pregnancy.
Hope your all ok, i've alot on my mind at the moment and have got a headache so i haven't the energy to type loads, will pop back 2moro x
welcome pinkbow, lovin the edward picture. Huge twilight fan myself xx
Thats awesome news berniep! I am glad she can relax some now! I hope you are feeling better to. It's been quite on here without you popping on all the time. I am not sure where the others are.

Has anyone heard from Psychnut at all? It's been a while for her to.
Hello ladies,
i'm still feeling fed up Kelly, i've got a lot going on at the moment not only am i annoyingly not pregnant, but Allan is poorly at the moment plus he has a appt 2moro to see about a pension, also he leaves RAF on thurs and is depressed about it and to top it off my great grandma is dying so pretty bad week, so to moan so much ladies, hope your all ok x
:hugs: Berniep

so glad to hear about your sisters new!
I know your feeling down just remember we're all here for you if you need us!:hugs: Sorry about your grandma it's a tough time.

welcome pinkbow hope your stay here is short but sweet!

Hope the rest of you lovely ladies are doing well.

afm very busy getting my rental house ready for renters by Monday:dohh: will pop back on later :hugs:
Hi Ladies. Im still hoping to get my 2010 BFP but so far its looking very slim. My AF is missing but I just dont think that I am BFP. I was going to test today, but after the BFN on last weds the day before AF and the BFN on this past saturday, Im kinda chalking it up that my AF is just absent. Seems so strange that I ovulated but BFN. I had the same symptoms that I get every single month, and I get AF every single month. The DR told me to wait another week, test and then give her a call and they will move forward from there. I guess I will test before friday, but I have no faith in getting a BFP.

Thanks for reading my rant. I hope all of you are doing well with your BFPs and grace to those who are waiting!
Hugs berniep!

Hang in the there mrsbrown.

I am studying again, got another exam tomorrow. Then one tuesday right after our 18 week scan then another on march 11th. I want them to be done already!
Hello ladies.
I'm not so well lately. We just had our scan and it gave us 1:5 risk for down syndrome and I'm just going crazy. I'll have new test next week, which will tell for sure (well, after a week or two waiting). Still, it's a hell of a high risk and I'm just terrified. Can you keep your fingers crossed for my baby? Because I just don't know what if she really has down?

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