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2010 Baby

Hello ladies
So my Dear Fiance will be down here next week. Im so excited, can't wait to see him. I miss him so much. The first day he gets down here I start to O so we are gonna go at it. haha!
Kess I hope it all turns out well! It absolutely sucks, how long you have to wait to get the amnio results so just keep your self busy, you'll be in our thoughts and prayers.
Kess I hope you get better test results soon and the baby is A-ok!:hugs: I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers!

Mrskcbrown please keep the faith, I know some ladies that don't register on hpt it takes a blood test so maybe your one of them :thumbup: I will be checking in on you!

Hope the rest of you lovely ladies are doing well! I have my appt for my blood draw to determine what risk we have for downs. I'm not ready too much into this as I know that no matter what God has in store for me we'll be good! I already informed them I'm not having an amnio so that's out.

so very tired will be back after lunch to see what's new.


Shey enjoy your young love!
Kess, I'm sure everything will be ok
Mrs KC as Csunshine said :hugs:
Berniep: u know where I am :hugs2:
sounds as though u have both been busy Kelly and Csunshine, take it steady both of u :D
Hey ladies.. so sorry it has been so long.. we didnt have internet for a little while there and then when we finally got it back hubby and I have been so busy gettting ready for little Jaxson. We have an apartment set up and will be moving in April 1st! YAY! My family has been in and out of town as well which has been taking a ton of our time... Some of them I havent seen in quite some time. I am really going to try to be on here more now that things have calmed down for now at least! :) I am currently almost 31 weeks and am just now starting to get really really nervous about all this.. We started out Lamaze classes and they are going well hoping they will help settle my mind a little bit!
Glad to see all of you are doing well! Kelly Congrats on a little man! That is so exciting!! I cant wait to find out about the rest of you girls! And those of you ttc have been in my thoughts and prayers! Hope that you see that bfp really soon!!!
Hey phychnut! Glad to hear you haven't abandonned us!!!! Yes little man for me and DH!!!!!! And look at you at 31 weeks pretty much. April first is DH's and my 7th anniversary of being together!
Hello ladies,
how are you all?
Kess, i really hope your further tests go well, my sister has just been thru what you are going thru now, so if you ever want to talk to someone i'm here or my sister is on BnB too just let me know, you are in my thoughts x
Psych, nice to see you back, i can't believe you are 31 weeks already, doesn't time fly, hope your keeping well x
Thank you for everyone's kind words me and hubby are doing ok, he left yesterday and its been quite strange in my house these past few days but we are getting there, i can't believe i am no longer a millitary wag lol, hope you are all ok, i'm going to nip to your journals this weekend when i get chance to catch up. Take care all of you and have a good weekend x
Hope all works out berniep! Whats your sisters used name? Just curious if I have seen her around.

We got the front room floored today so just a few touch ups along the far wall and the 2 bedrooms to be done. Should have pics up by end of next week. It looks good though. I am just beat and sore.
Kess I hope you get better test results soon and the baby is A-ok!:hugs: I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers!

Mrskcbrown please keep the faith, I know some ladies that don't register on hpt it takes a blood test so maybe your one of them :thumbup: I will be checking in on you!

Hope the rest of you lovely ladies are doing well! I have my appt for my blood draw to determine what risk we have for downs. I'm not ready too much into this as I know that no matter what God has in store for me we'll be good! I already informed them I'm not having an amnio so that's out.

so very tired will be back after lunch to see what's new.


Shey enjoy your young love!

lol not young love im gonna be 28 this year and he's gonna be 32 this year.
Hi Ladies! I see everyone seems to be doing well. Congrats to all the mommies to be on the board!!! Your babies are growing so nicely. Like looking at your tickers!!

As for me, no AF still. Going to drs on thursdays, hopefully she will do blood test. DH seems to think I am BFP, I do not have any hope in that. After the 3 BFNs that I have received I do not believe that I am. He wants me to take one in the morning and he keeps the results from me for 3 days????!!! I said are you nuts??? If I take a test I want to know ASAP, LOL. I dont think I am going to take one in the morning because if I see one more BFN I will scream!!!!

Anywho, hope all is well!
big :hugs: Mrs KC, I hope it is the elusive bfp for u

hope everyone else is well,

got another pair of 'fat pants' on friday that although are still a bit baggy actually fir me quite well by the end of the day :blush:
And am trying to track down an earlier emergency dentist appointment, than next monday, as I was about to leave the house this morning and half a tooth came away... it doesn't hurt on the tooth side, but my tongue now does and cos I have eaten funny my jaw now does :( all I can say is thank goodness my exemption certificate came last week, usually things like this happen the wrong way round for me!
have managed to get an appointment tomorrow, mid morning after a night shift... but at this point needs must as paracetamol isn't touching :cry: have just tried to get in touch wth my midwife to see if there was anything else I'm able to take for a short time but she isn't in, and I don't really trust anyone else midwife wise

How is everyone else?
I have put off having a filling redone cause I am pg. They said put it off as long as you can otherwise come in in the second tri. SO far so good, I just might make it the entire way through the pregnancy it has calmed done and rarely gives me issues now.

I hope it gets fix promptly and you feel better! Tooth pain sucks!
I had one on the other side that needed doing, but was put off as not that desperately... I now have ulcers on my tongue :(
May be the night shift is a good idea as at this rate I probably wouldn't be sleeping very well... so may as well get paid for staying awake....
Awww you poor thing!

I have posted something interesting in my journal ladies if you care to check it out.
well 2 hours of kip and was at the dentist, (was quite impressed with myself, even if it did take 3 phone calls from primed people to get me out of bed!) it is the tooth that I was waiting to have sorted, she has put a temporary filling in for now and am booked to go back in a few weeks... it is bliss, I actually enjoyed my breakfast this afternoon :)
Thats awesome!!!

Berniep where are you and how are you?
texted her earlier in the week, her mum's mum isn't well, so is spending a lot of time to and from the hospital I think atm, she is also waiting for things to settle at home a bit too... it has been another stressful few weeks for her :hugs:

(hope she doesn't mind me updating x will let her know that u are asking)
Hello ladies!

Mum thanks for the update I was wondering what had happend to Berniep!:hugs: to her and her family hope they catch a break soon!

Mrsckbrown hope it's a bfp I've got everything crossed!

Kelly hope your doing well!

Mum how about you?

How are the rest of the lovely ladies here at 2010 Baby????

I'm good today, if you asked yesterday I would have said dead, or trying to die :dohh: had such a bad headache! It's gone now!

Hope your all well!:hugs:

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