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2010 Baby

It must have been in the water or atmosphere.

It's gotta get better!

Berniep so sorry for you loss hun :hugs:
Just popping in to say hello to my ladies!
Hope things are getting easier for everyone.. I know things are rough here right now and dont seem to be looking up any time soon :( Oh well, we just have to keep pushing forward and see what happens!
Hope you ladies are doing good!
Only 49 days left for me, and to be honest I dont even think I am going to make it that long...
Exciting times psychnut, I can't even contemplate birth right now

Berniep how are you doing? I miss you on here you know. It's just not the same.
Hello ladies,
How are you all?
I've missed chatting to you but i really wasn't good company last week and tbh didn't have the energy to come on.
Funeral is 2moro it feels like alot more than just over a week since she died bless her, i've had a hectic week so i'll keep this brief lol on Tues the money finally arrived :happydance: and we've had fun spending Allan wanted a new tv and i wanted to book a hol so on tues we bought the tv and on wed i booked the hol :happydance:, we are going to tenerife for 2 weeks all inclusive on the 10th of april and we can't wait, i even bought a couple of bits for it today. We are also planning on decorating, getting new carpets and dividing the kids bedroom into 2. It was James' 9th birthday yesterday i can't believe how time flies he's so grown up :cry:, we went bowling with 8 kids and some friends/family i spent a fortune but it was a good day. Today is Mothers day so i got some nice pressies and we went to look round ikea at beds and furniture for the kids rooms and ended up having lunch there i love their meatballs although my diet isn't too keen on them lol i put 3lb's on last week :cry: and i've just weighed myself and i've put another 1lb on oops better get back to the diet and exercise i've a hol to think about now. Witch is due for me on Wed and as we've not BD'd at all this cycle she will be arriving, she is then due again while we are away so i'm going to have to take those tablets to stop it again (i always book holidays for when i'm due on :dohh:) so we can't ttc next cycle either but i'll be back on the ttc wagon after that i will get pregnant! at least i can lose a bit more weight first. Well thats about it for my update, will try to get on after work 2moro night, hope your all ok x :hugs: x
So good to hear from you berniep! I am glad the money came through and you got your holiday booked!

Dh and I booked our tickets home for may 7th till the 27th that almost 3 full weeks with our family and friends! I can't wait!
Hello ladies,
How are you all today?
Well the funeral went ok well as ok as any funeral can but at least its all over now.
The witch suprised me this morning by turning up early so i've got bad period pains 2nite, right i better go, i'll come back 2moro x
Berniep hope your getting rested after a full couple of weeks! So sorry that all this came about so quickly and all together! Yeah for the $ coming through! I think the idea's you have to split the boys room is wonderful and yes they grow up so very fast these days!

Hope the witch isn't to hard on you this month and can't wait to hear all about your holiday!:thumbup:

Hope the rest of you lovely ladies are doing well!:hugs:
Hey all! Hoping that you all are blessed! Bernie P you are in my prayers! I hope that the peace of God will be with you!

Hiya csunshine and everyone.

As for me, no af, but on provera. Im 26 days late. Hopefully Af will be here soon, so we can get our April BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone use preseed or conceive plus??? We are going to try it too and charting.
good to see u Berniep :hugs: wil txt u anyway, glad things should be settling down a bit now :flower:

No advice MrsKC, but have read that preseed is only really any benefit if u have very little EWCM to start with, I used it for a bit, but the depo must have still been in my system at the time, cos I soon started producing enough...

hi and :hugs: to everyone else

Hope your all doing well!

Mrsckbrown hope the provera get's the af flowing iykwim and on towards that April BFP!! I haven't used preseed or any other aid. I hear it doesn't benefit you if you make enough of your own, but that's just hear say so it wouldn't hurt to try right :thumbup:

Missing you all!:hugs:
well I have had a fab day, full update in journal, but I ended up being in the right place at the right time when I thought it was going to all end up being rather stressful antenatal check starting of with discovering that new MW is off for a month so no one to do it to ending with a full 3D/4D scan :yipee:
i can't keep up with all my threads anymore lol I think I subscribe to like 20! WIth all the journals!
Just feeling blah.

I have the same problem. I only get to catch up whilst at work and when I'm busy I can't get to everyone of them :dohh:

Hope your all doing well!
I am doing well, school apt went well no fists needed, details in journal.

Must do my patient research now.
Hello ladies hope your all doing well!

Berniep hope you doing well and not spending all that cash! LOL
No do spend it all and get what you need!

How are you all!

Kelly so glad the apt went well!:thumbup:

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