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2010 Baby

Hello ladies,
i miss you all too, just don't seem to get 5 mins these days and when i do the internet connection plays up. I'm supposed to be getting ready for work but thought i'd quickly pop on and see how you all are. Hope you are all ok x
Mum2b did you get my reply text about next week? cause i have dark purple put in my hair underneath it runs in water for a week or 2 so i don't think i could risk swimming. i did contemplate a swim cap like i had to resort to when i took the kids away last March but because we would be swimming close to home i might see someone i know and look like a right wally so i'm def not brave enough for that lol. Have you got pics of your scan then? take care x
Kelly, i'll have to try and pop into your journal after work and see your recent bump pics its been weeks since i last saw one i bet its coming on nicely, hope your keeping well x
Csunshine, how are you? i hope your keeping nice and busy at work and keeping your horrid boss off your back. How are you feeling these days? take care x
MrsKc, i've no advice for you either i tried preseed once cause i don't produce a lot of ewcm but to be honest i didn't notice a difference and it certainly didn't help us conceive that cycle but maybe if i'd used it over a few cycles things may have been different, good luck with your April BFP x
Psych, Kess, Shawnie and anyone else i've missed hope your all well x

Well i suppose i should get ready for work, this is my last Saturday to work i'm swapping to Sundays from next week which means i can start meeting up with my mum every couple of Saturdays which will be nice. I'll try to pop back on after work, bye for now xxx
Ooops double post, i missed you all that much i felt the need to tell you twice lol xx
I fif thanks Berniep, no worries, am thinking friday at the minute, but have just discovered that my friends 3 week old is still in hospital after going in witha pneumonia and has been diagnosed with a hole in the heart and the pulmonary blood vessels are the wrong way round, so have offered to go down, just waiting for a reply. Her family has no luck at all, her 18 year old brother died in a horrific car accident 4 years ago and now this, they will be beside themselves :(
Thats awful Mum2b i hope your friend's baby gets better soon, just let me know nearer the time x
I hope the baby pulls through to, that is so sad.

I was standing in line at tim hortons today thinking about my boy and that he would be safe and nothing bad would happen to him cause I wouldn't let it. Now I am not naive and know stuff happens but it was a nice though.
am going to see them tuesday or thursday Berniep. so friday should be fine Berniep.

I know what u mean Kelly, I think that is what hit me about my friends LO, there are just somethings that u cannot predict though...
Hey ladies,
Sorry to hear about your friends baby mum! It is so hard to get news like that...
I have two friends who just had thier baby girls on Thursday! They both had sections so they knew that they would be born then :) They are so precious and make me want my little guy to get here already! haha.
Cant believe that i only have about 5 and a half weeks left! I am so ready though...
I got a letter from my bestie on thursday! I was so excited!! He is doing great at basic, he just misses me and jax alot and hopes that Jax holds out til he is in Tech school so that I can call to let him know when he is here instead of a letter.. We just have to wait and see now..

Gotta run, tons of things to do today! Hope all you ladies had a lovely weekend! The weather is beautiful here, been outside a ton!
Berniep so glad to see you on! :hugs:

Mum2be prayers and thoughts going out to your friends little one! I completely understand the fears. Two weeks before DD turned one she got RSV but thankfully I caught it in time and she didn't have to go into the hospital but it sucked big time!

Kelly good thought only if we could be with them 24-7 every day of their lives!

psychnut sounds like you got a bunch going on! You are getting so close!

Kess???? how are you:

Shawnie hope your getting majoy snuggles with Kaylee!

Mrskcbrown hope you got your question about preseed answered. GL

afm getting movement on the outside these days, well yesterday once but nothing since:dohh: but getting more and more excited about it!

Hope your all doing well! :hugs:
thanks Csunshine, I am going to see them tomorrow as they are a little bit closer atm... they are hoping that she will be transferred back to their local large hospital at the end of the week...

:yipee: for movement too, I'm still waiting for definate kicks....
Whats rsv?

Hurray for outside movement, it's much more fun when you can feel that, I constantly have my hand on my belly now!
RSV is like a common cold to you or me but to a baby it can be horrible and even life threatening. Here is what I found about it

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is a viral disease of the lungs. It is one of the most important causes of lower respiratory tract illness in infants and young children.
RSV is spread by contact with droplets from the nose or throat of an infected person.
Persons with mild infections usually get better without treatment. Severely ill children often need to be hospitalized.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent RSV infection. The best ways to prevent the spread of RSV are to cover coughs and sneezes and to wash hands often and well. Intravenous immune globulin treatment has recently been approved for use in high-risk infants.

Premie babies actually get shots to ward this illness off for the first few years of their lives.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Tuesday!:thumbup:
Oh thanks! Can't say I have ever heard of it. Unless I've heard of it under a different name. Doesn't sound like it's pleasant at all
Oh thanks! Can't say I have ever heard of it. Unless I've heard of it under a different name. Doesn't sound like it's pleasant at all

Nope :nope: scariest week of her 1st year! We will chat sometime and I will tell you what they do when diagnosing the baby's with it someday pissed me right off but that's what they do.
Hello ladies,
Sorry i've been awol for a couple of days again, i seem so busy at the moment, but i do think about you all when i'm not on. Hope your all ok, will try to get on longer 2moro x
Glad to hear from you Berniep!

Hey ladies I'm doing a poll in my journal to determine the gender. I go next Wednesday and find out so please come chime in your predictions.

Hope you're all doing well!:hugs:
Hello ladies,
How are you all? hope your all well x
Kelly, nothings up just seem to be rushing round loads lately, i never seem to get a min to myself. How are you? i'm nipping to your journal next to see recent bump pics x
Csunshine, how are you? have you any bump pics on here at the moment? i don't want to guess the sex till i see a bump lol x
Mum2b, it was nice seeing you again today, your scan pics were lovely, whenever i come away from meeting you i think i spoke loads and hardly let you get a word in, sorry i'll be quieter next time x
Hope everyone else is ok, i'll pop back on 2moro x
not at all Berniep, we didn't have enough time :D
it was good to see you and catch up properly :D
Hey ladies, sounds like you are all doing well. that makes me smile...
Afm.. I have been busy still looking for a place to move into :( not going so well, but keeping my chin up. Everytime I think nothing is ever going to make me smile again I get a letter from the bestie at basic! He is doing so well I am so proud of him.. I got his second letter today and it makes me cry but in a good way. I realize just how much we mean to eachother and how hard this is not only on me but him too..
Only 5 weeks left for me, I think he is going to come early, as I have said before.. I have been having tons of Braxton Hicks these days so def think he will be showing his face early and to be honest hoping he will because my torso is so small he is really squishing everything in there :) I love him so much already though!
Be back on soon, and when I dont post I still try to keep up with what is going on by reading so I keep up on everyone :)

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