2010 Baby

Morning ladies,
How are you all?
Mum2b for some reason even though i was messing around on here most of the night i didn't pop back onto 2010 baby and see your chatroom comment sorry, i was bored too it would have been nice. I went to London for the first and so far only time about 6 years ago, we were living near Peterborough and i worked in a pub instead of a xmas do the girls that worked there went to London for the day and the lads looked after the pub and then the following day we swapped, my day was great my boss paid for most of it, we went to madam tussards, we shopped on oxford street, we went into Harrods and i bought a expensive bauble with the year on, we went to see a show "fame" i've never done this before either lol and then had tea at pizza hut and caught a train home, we squeezed loads in that day it was brill. Hope you have as much fun x
Kelly i've never charted before but usually have 28 day cycle so next AF is due around 24th i think (i just worked that out on my fingers cause i couldn't be bothered looking for my diary lol) i think i ovulate around CD14 which will be about the 10th i think but i will be taking temp and using opk's this time, if they come in time so hopefully i'll exactly when i ov, good luck this cycle and have a good day x
Csunshine how are you? one more day down not long for you now, have a good day x
Pysch and Shawnie nice to see you both and glad to see your both ok x
AFM i'm just getting ready to go to work so shouldn't really be on here but can never resist lol CD 4 today so not much going on, i really hope my opk's and thermometer arrive in time they are not getting posted till monday and with us having postal strikes its not looking good, well i better go get ready for work, i leave in half an hour and i'm still sat with my towel wrapped round me, i leave everything till the last minute lol x
Well berniep then we should be O'ing around the same time. I expect O on or around the 11th. Although witch won't show for me till the 26th. I do hope your stuff come in the mail soon. You still have time. What cd are you on now?
I'm on CD4, that'll be nice to have a cycle buddy at least we can go thru the 2ww together x
How is everyone? have you all had a good day? i had a crap day at work, i had a asthma attack when i got to work, my asthma has been playing up for a few weeks but when i got to work today the lift was broken so i had to walk up about 6 flights of stairs, anyway i couldn't breathe when i got to the top it was awful, so i went to the staff room and took my inhalor which i had to take loads to get my breathing under control, once i could breathe i went out to tell my supervisor that i didn't think i could stay at work and explained what had happened and told her cause i'd taken quite a lot of my inhalor i gone shakey and my chest was really painful, but she told me they were short staffed and practically begged me to stay, so i said i'd see how i went, anyway while my supervisor was on her break i made a mistake on the till and had to get the manager to do a refund, i hate my manager he's a right cocky sod, so when he did the refund he said really loud so all the customers could hear "that was a very careless mistake Bernadette, cocentrate" and walked off, i was so upset, i'd already said i wasn't well i'd made one little mistake and i spotted it before the customer walked away from my till people make mistakes, anyway i then had another incident where a customer brought a mirror to the till but when we checked it, it was damaged so i had to keep going and getting more mirrors to check but they were all damaged so in the end the customer didn't buy one so i got into trouble for spending so long on one customer that didn't buy anything, it wasn't my fault they sell crappy mirrors that are nearly always damaged plus the mirrors are really heavy i personally think they should be 2 person lift ones so this didn't help my chest it already felt like it was going to explode. To top my day off my supervisor then called me into the office to tell me my manager had, had a word with her about my performance today and that if i didn't improve i would be getting a disaplinary warning, i asked her if she'd told him i wasn't well and she said yes but you've made mistakes before and your not always poorly, she then said we were wondering if you would be at work on Monday and i said yes why so she said well you've been moaning your not well today, we wouldn't want you phoning in sick because of it, how dare she i'd worked my full shift today why would i phone in on Monday, i ended up going to the toilet and sobbing my heart out god knows what the customers in the toilets thought. I can't believe i didn't look for another job when you all advised me to the other month, i can't believe bosses think they can treat their staff so badly, my bosses motto at the moment is "if you don't like it, you know where the door is, there's a queue of people wanting your job".
Anyway moan over, its over now i'll just try to put today behind me, look for another job and stick it out till i do x
Yes you get on the hunt for a new job berniep no one should be treated that way. You wil feel so free and light when you get away. I had a horrible manager at the bank like so bad you couldn't even believe half the stuff she did. One day I took in a fraudulent cheque that was so well done up that no one could tell it was a fraud. So when the cheque came back months later I got called into the office and the bitch told me that the lady who brought the cheque in was upset and freaking out blaming me for accepting the cheque when she should have known better not to accept a cheque from someone she never met who lived in a different country. Well the bitch boss from hell told me that the lady was suicidal and if she killed herself it would be my fault. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!??! Thats how bad she was. Thinking about it makes me angry and makes my blood boil.. deep breath. God I Hate that she can still affect me.
Get job hunting Berniep, they are so not worth u...
Well, not much here, it is a typical british rainy day, so a good excuse not to leave the house (DH has already offered to walk the dog later yay)
So a day of looking for cheap tickets, things to do and special offers for london me thinks and packing. (oh and BNB of course)

How have we all ended up with troubles at work?
Omg Kelly ur boss was worse than mine, it must be such a relief not to be working for her anymore x
Mum2b i can't believe the weather, we are supposed to be walking down to mil's house today for a late lunch i can hardly wait to get nice and wet. Good luck with getting your vouchers etc x
Csunshine how are you today? how is everyone else? hope your all well x
Not much going on here, just sat in my pj's, messing about on here, typical Sunday morning x
I let DH take the dog out lol
Have a nice lunch x
Got restaurant vouchers yay
Not much going on with me. I ended up going to bed early last night and woke early to find out the time changed haha so I was up at 5AM and not 6AM lol oh well. I just laid in bed and watched tv till now =) Today is my only day off so I'll be doing all the house stuff off and on. I am getting excited my sister and brother are coming over today.

Sorry you all are having work troubles and I sure hope Berniep you're able to find a new job fast.
Yes it was a relief to get away from her. Best decision I ever made. I never want to see her ugly face again, and she IS ugly, maybe thats why she is so mean.

Well I won't be on till after my exams I think, I need to buckle down and study. Dh is away this month from the 8th -10th but thankfully he comes back just in time for O. So long as I don't O early, but even if he did miss it it wouldn't really make a difference anyway so I'm not stressing over it, I will be happy if I O early cause then I can call the period hotline again.
Evening ladies,
How are you all?
we'll miss you Kelly but your exams are so important, good luck and we'll chat when they are over, when do you take them? x
Mum2b thats good about the restaurant vouchers, have you found any more yet? x
Shawnie nice to see you, have a good time with your family x
How is everyone else? i've had a busy day but now i'm chilling in front of the tv and 2moro i'm off job hunting, god i hope i get something soon, well i'll go for now, take care everyone x
Good luck with the job hunting x
I got a fair few, so we shall have plenty of choice :)
Have a good week everyone as probably won't get on now properly till we get back
Hello ladies,
Mum2b have a good time x
How is everyone else? hope your all well x
Well Allan's p45 (you get one of these when you leave a job, to hand into your next job, it has details about what tax you've paid etc on it) arrived today, we have had no phone call or letter telling us to expect this, this week, we were told it would probably be after xmas, no sign of the money they owe him in the bank either and he can't get hold of anyone on the phone to talk about it. Hubby is very upset, he's done 12 years in the airforce and the way he finds out he's left is by his p45 arriving! So he won't get a wage at the end of this month and we have no idea when he will get the money they owe him, i've been on the phone to benefits people all day trying to apply for benefits as we only have my wage now and i want to get the ball rolling asap, we've paid this months bills and rent etc but come next month if he doesn't get the money he's owed we are stuffed. Anyway enough moaning, i couldn't face going into work after what happened on Saturday but knew if i didn't i'd be sacked so i got hubby to ring me at work to say i had to come home cause one of the kids was poorly, naughty i know but after saturday and then todays news i couldn't face it. Hope your all ok x
Things don't seem to be getting better huh berniep? I commend you for keeping your head in place all this time. I just hope they find out what is wrong with your DH soon.

My exams are today and tomorrow and boy am I pissed, I get an email last night telling me there has been an error and my exam time has been changed and I have to go online and choose a different time to do it, well there are only 2 groups left to choose from and they are at 540 and 6 pm!!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK. I choose an earlier one for a reason, I live far away on the biggest highway, now I Have to drive in effing rush hour traffic both ways. I am so pissed. God must really hate me to screw up every thing I set out to do. (this is the reason why I am on BnB right now to)

mum have a great time.
Good luck with your exams, hopefully thats all your bad luck over with and you'll have a problem free journey and your exams will be fine, try not to stress to much x
Oh ladies so sorry I've been away so long! I missed you all!

Berniep you are a very strong lady hope you get the benefits all sorted out soon!

Kelli I don't know if you like me but when I'm pissed I do better hope there is a silver linning with all this crap!

Mum hope your having a lovely week in London!

AFM just doing th waiting game! :dohh: We will just see what Friday brings. :shrug:
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you csunshine x
In fact i'll keep them crossed for you as well Kelly x
Csunshine it sounded like you were aking if I liked you! hahaha I was like of course I do then I reread it. :rofl:

It went ok, won't have marks for a week or so though pretty sure I passed though. One more tomorrow then a bit of break from exams... for two weeks.
Csunshine it sounded like you were aking if I liked you! hahaha I was like of course I do then I reread it. :rofl:

It went ok, won't have marks for a week or so though pretty sure I passed though. One more tomorrow then a bit of break from exams... for two weeks.

Sometimes my spelling leaves room to be desired. LMAO

Glad your examine went well! Yeah for a break and yes that means more learning and reading right????

Berniep hope your having a better day let us know if we can help you in anyway!

AFM just hanging here waiting it out. :dohh: I will be testing on Thursday but I won't announce it here it will be in my journal if I get my bfp so you'll have to come find me out. LOL
Csunshine it sounded like you were aking if I liked you! hahaha I was like of course I do then I reread it. :rofl:

It went ok, won't have marks for a week or so though pretty sure I passed though. One more tomorrow then a bit of break from exams... for two weeks.

Good luck with todays exam and enjoy your 2 weeks of no exams, but will you be busy revising in them for more exams? x
Csunshine it sounded like you were aking if I liked you! hahaha I was like of course I do then I reread it. :rofl:

It went ok, won't have marks for a week or so though pretty sure I passed though. One more tomorrow then a bit of break from exams... for two weeks.

Sometimes my spelling leaves room to be desired. LMAO

Glad your examine went well! Yeah for a break and yes that means more learning and reading right????

Berniep hope your having a better day let us know if we can help you in anyway!

AFM just hanging here waiting it out. :dohh: I will be testing on Thursday but I won't announce it here it will be in my journal if I get my bfp so you'll have to come find me out. LOL

Not long to go now, i'll be stalking your journal on Thursday, i wish there was something you could do but other than giving hubby's chief clerk a kick up the backside i can't think of anything, apart from all your doing and thats letting me have a good moan (thats all i seem to be doing at the moment :dohh:). All you girls on here are lovely, i can't believe i stumbled across this site by mistake, i don't know what i'd do without it and my friends on here, you are all fab x

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