2010 Baby

Ok I don't want to be a stick in the mud but I don't want the group to move. I like it here I am still ttc and feel thats where it should stay, that being said if any of our pregnant ladies think of leaving I'll kick their butts....

On to the more important matter... CONGRATS!!!!!! Yay! I had a feeling you would get a bfp sunshine! I am praying that it is uneventful and stays where it is. Have you talked to doc yet about earlier monitoring given your last two short pregnancies? You will have to come visit me with the bouncing baby when it comes!

cd13 for me bored with my cycle but had first day of practicum today, very interesting but EXHAUSTED!!!! Up at 5am... going to curl up on couch.
YAY!!! Congrats Sunshine!

Sorry ladies I havent been on much.. besides the whole house being sick besides me thank goodness.. My papa got put back in the hospital, the lung that has most of the cancer collapsed and it probably wont be long now...
My sister's birthday was yesterday so we spent the whole day shopping with momma :) It was really great because we don't ever get to do that with my sissa and mom working. It was really fun and I got lots of new tops and a couple dresses, because I have seemed to grow out of everything I own.. hahaha....
Hope you all have a lovely day :)
Congrats again Sunshine that is such great news.. praying all goes well for you!!!
Ok I don't want to be a stick in the mud but I don't want the group to move. I like it here I am still ttc and feel thats where it should stay, that being said if any of our pregnant ladies think of leaving I'll kick their butts....

On to the more important matter... CONGRATS!!!!!! Yay! I had a feeling you would get a bfp sunshine! I am praying that it is uneventful and stays where it is. Have you talked to doc yet about earlier monitoring given your last two short pregnancies? You will have to come visit me with the bouncing baby when it comes!

cd13 for me bored with my cycle but had first day of practicum today, very interesting but EXHAUSTED!!!! Up at 5am... going to curl up on couch.


Ok so is that what I have to do to get you to come down here and see me????? LMAO I'm not going anywhere!

Pyschnut so sorry your pappa isn't doing well hope he's not in pain. It sucks I know you and your family is in my thoughts and prayers.:hugs:

Ok so Berniep I think Kelly would be miffed if we moved so I think we should just stay here and all get along like we have been doing. Hope your having a good day! Do you have any job leads yet?
Hello ladies,
How are you all today?
Kelly thats fine we'll stay here, have you been on practicum again today? (not sure what this is by the way lol is it your hands on placements on the wards etc, even though we've no real language barrier there's still the odd thing that baffles me lol although some things you say i've heard on American tv shows, so i'm not totally out of it lol), have a good day x
Csunshine, how are you today? thats good that you and 2 others you chat to got your bfp's in the same week, you can support each other. No news on job front yet, not many jobs about at moment, take care x
Psychnut sorry about your dad, my thoughts are with you and your family, hope your doing ok and your little bean is ok x
Hope everyone else is ok too x
AFM not much going on my end only on CD10 but will hopefully ov in a few days, had a busy day, so going to relax 2nite and watch tv, enjoy your evenings everyone x
Thanks girls.. Just for clarification, papa is my grandpa.. my mom's stepdad..My birthday is coming up but they dont see him making it that long. He is in isolation so we only get to see him for 10 min. I made him a pic on one of those photo copier booth things at walmart with all of the sono pics that says first great grand child we love you! So i hope he can at least see it for a second.. we will see tomorrow when we go up there to see him.. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, they are much needed. I have been falling apart at my seams..
Thanks girls.. Just for clarification, papa is my grandpa.. my mom's stepdad..My birthday is coming up but they dont see him making it that long. He is in isolation so we only get to see him for 10 min. I made him a pic on one of those photo copier booth things at walmart with all of the sono pics that says first great grand child we love you! So i hope he can at least see it for a second.. we will see tomorrow when we go up there to see him.. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, they are much needed. I have been falling apart at my seams..

Sorry about the mistake, but it must still be hard, hope he gets to see your picture, you know where we all are if you ever want to chat :hugs:
I hope he hang in phycnut and passes away when the time comes in the most peaceful way (hopefully this is still a bit away) I hope you're hanging in there to!

I wouldn't be miffed about the move but I find everything so hard to deal with and 2010 baby just belongs in the ttc section. At least until I get my BFP I think I figure if it is moved it's like I am giving up. So thanks for taking my feelings into consideration. I appreciate it and you gals so much.

Been crampy the last few days and last night when DH and I had sex every time he pushed in I felt a pain (like a side stitch kind of pain) under my left ribs by my pancreas. Not sure what it was. Will start opks tomorrow.

I am off to study got an exam on the 17th on a whole bunch of material
Hello ladies,
How are you all today? I'm supposed to be getting ready for work but couldn't resist coming on here first.
Kelly hopefully we'll all get our bfp's soon and the we can all move together, hope your studying is going well, but try to relax as well, i'm going to use my first opk today also, i haven't managed to get round to remembering to take my temperature yet, i'm forgetful at the best of time so first thing on a morning when i've barely opened my eyes has got to be worse. Have a good day x
Csunshine how are you today? hope your not worrying too much, try to relax, have a good day x
Shawnie and Psychnut hope you are both ok today x
Mum2b don't know when your back but i'm guessing its in the next few days, hope you've had a good time x
AFM not much to report its cd11 and haven't managed to BD yet has hubby now has flu, i'm hoping he feels upto it 2nite or maybe 2moro , well i better go and get ready for work, i leave in a hour and i've still to eat something and get dressed, i do this every Saturday, i come on here for ages then rush around getting ready, i'm so bad lol, speak to you all later x
Well I hope you get out the door berniep on time! I am working today to at 2pm. I had an argument with my manager on the phone last night cause last pay cycle when I worked thanksgiving holiday I never got my extra pay so I called to ask her to look into it and she was like you're not entitled to any cause you didn't work enough shifts in the last 2 weeks. But I knew she was wrong so I told her I would just ask our District manager instead then she was like you don't have to go over my head then I said well if you're not going to look into it then I have to so she said she would look into it and low and behold 15 minutes later she calls me back and is like so you do get paid for working the holiday. Well DUH thats what I told her. Now I have to work with her today for 3 hours. I will take my lunch before she leaves so only 2.5 but thats to many hours. She is so annoying and frustrating and I almost told her off last week! She is so DUMB!
What is it with us girls and our bosses? we must be so unlucky!
Hope ur shift went ok x
Not much to report here, didn't have a bad day at work, went to my dads 2nite for fireworks and something to eat, which was nice, still not managed to BD but i will be 2nite (its about 1am here and hubby has been asleep ages so missed out on Sat night BDing) its only cd12 so i've still time to catch my eggy x
Well I just had it in with my boss I sent out a huge email to the district manager cause I am fed up, here is the email I sent explaining everything:

Things have gotten particularly bad at the store. I and the others (val, meagan and clare can confirm these facts) feel that Joan is not holding up to her position as manager and is honestly not representing the company they way she should. I will list everything then focus on some certain situations that were even more appalling.

Some of the smaller issues are;
* Joan steals our sales. She stand by the till most of the day expecting us to cover all the clients in the store and then insists on ringing in sales but will not put them under the correct person. I understand we are not on commission but we all want the recognition of having had a good sales day which is impossible when we are not getting credit for our work.
* She ignores clients and then harps on us not to do it. If another sales rep is working on something and no one is in the store and she is behind the counter doing nothing and someone walks in she will berate us in front of everyone and tell us to serve the client. This is aggravating because we normally have our hands full and she is right there and is perfectly capable of helping the client. I assume she feels that as manager she shouldn't be bothered if there are other people around.
*Her appearance is not professional, every time I Have seen her she has had some form of stain or food mark on her clothing or foundation ring around her top. It looks sloppy.
* She gets frustrated super easy if one of the girls has a schedule conflict and can't multitask. SHe asks for our help then tells us to go away. She can not make decisions. She tries to control everyone and is over bearing. If someone from another store so much as makes a suggestion or has a good idea she refuses to use it because "they don't work here". This was hard to deal with especially in the beginning with so many people coming in to help us from other stores.
* For the longest time she would not let us on the email to send in the nightly reports - this has since changed though. Although we are not aloud to look at anything administrative or else she gets mad. How are we suppose to know how well we are doing if we don't have access?
* She constantly forgets things and schedules people for times they can't work and when this is mentioned to her she gets mad and blames us.

Those are the small things, there are a few big things that are absolutely not tolerable.

*Joan has made several racists comments about Sherri and her culture when she is not around and then tells us after "don't mention this to sherri". She also had a situation with a client from the middle east (they were given the wrong discount on a product and wanted it corrected) over the telephone and was not happy with the client requesting the price correction and once she got off the phone turned to me and faye I believe, with other clients in the store, put on a fake middle eastern accent and proceeded to mock the clients who were on the phone. One customer gave her a look although I doubt she noticed and then left the store. I was shocked.

* There was also a client who spent over 300$ on one sale, when he asked if he could return it to a store in calgary if the colours weren't right Joan said "no they don't like it when you do that, you have to come back here." I fortunately was there at the time and when the client heard that he asked "they won't take it back? or they just don't like it?" and I said politely that he could take it back to any store. He lived in south calgary and didn't want to come back out here. So I saved the sale and it went through. Joan does not put the client first.

* The other big thing that really upset me that happened was that Joan was physically violent with me. She had messed up the schedule and asked faye and I for help so being helpful I pointed at the schedule to show her how she could fix the problem and before I knew it she had forcefully grabbed my wrist and threw my arm away. It hurt. My wrist was sore and red for the rest of the day. I was very upset and mad that she touched me in that manner. It was not pleasant and was a violation of my space and rights.

I honestly hope that you take my complaints seriously, I hope that you can respect the fact that it took me a long time to get up the nerve to let you guys know how things were going. I did this once before with a previous manager and was shut down on the spot which has led me to be timid about similar situations, I know during my interview that I discussed that with Traci. I just feel that things have reached a point where Joan is doing more harm then good. She has a negative impact on the store and staff which brings moral down. I really enjoy working for Quilts and don't feel that I should be chased out of a job I like because of someone else. I have had 2 other job offers and have turned them down in the hopes that things would get better. They have not. The situation desperately needs to be dealt with.

If either of you would like further clarification on some of the situations I mentioned then you can feel free to call me or email me. I only ask that if you talk to Joan that you not mention it was me who sent the email because I don't want things to be made harder at work for me.
Hahaha sorry it is so long, but that summer up is how incompetent my manager is
Wow your email was brilliant, i'm proud of you for sending it, well done. I can't believe how bad she is, what a cow! Let us know if you get a reply or if anything is done about it x
Morning ladies,
How are you all today?
its rememberance sunday here so its quite a emotional day, it makes me realise how lucky i am that Allan was never injured or worse during service and that he is now leaving and i'll never have to worry about him going away again. Allan wasn't well enough to get up and go to our town's main service this morning but i'm hoping he can get up to go to a smaller one this afternoon just up the road from us, i'm going to make him a cup of tea and take him his medication up and see if he can get up.
Hope you all have a good day x
Hey well I am back, London was good, weather not bad at all for england lol and did lots of touristy things, will update properly in my journal tomorrow.

As for where there team belongs I really don't mind, atm it is tickers that hurt so am trying to scroll past them, but think that I am missing lots, but this is something that I am going to have to deal with, but am not sure how yet.

Kelly, ur boss sounds horrid, someone needs to stand up to her well done and am glad that the practicum has gone well. I will have to catch up with ur journal tomorrow too.

Berniep, let me know what u are off this week and we should meet up for a coffee, I can come to u or u here if it makes things easier iykwim....
:dance: Hey, I'm late to the party, but I'm hoping like hell for a 2010 baby. Can I join the team?
Of course u can :hugs2:

how are the wedding plans going?

Yay!! :happydance:

They're...going. Haha, it's really overwhelming. We've only been engaged since August, so having a relatively big wedding is hard to plan so quickly. We've got some cool ideas, and everything is coming together nicely, so we're happy. Invitations are this weeks big project. :dohh:
When is the wedding, I had 14 months exactly to plan ours although I wish we had only taken 8 months 14 was long but couldn't be helped.

I haven't got a reply yet to the email as it is only sunday here but I hope to hear something tomorrow or tuesday.

Remembrance day is nov 11th for us so not till wednesday.

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