durr should have realised, preggo brain strikes again!
Great news about parents buying the pram Pip, we had the same when we had mogster and my in-laws bought the cotbed, mattress and initial bedding so they both contributed in a very practical way and we will be using the same things again although need a new mattreess cos mogster still uses the cotbed one on his bed! Getting new carrycot too but the £190 we get at 25 weeks plus the sale of the old carrycot should cover iboth - phew!
Havent watched any of the one born every minute but can imagine you are rogt Claire as every labour is different, I think of the antenatal class group we had and all the stries are so different, we had premmie baby, home birth, Caesar, emergency caesar, forceps, late babies, transfusions, you name it we had it and all of us are still friends and either going though it again or trying to! We have had sme babies and all touch wood have been much easier second births than the first, sure thats cos the fear factor is gone??? Hoping our version of easier doesnt mean too quick, need to have antibiotic drip for at least an hour of it and as mogster was here very quick and very early am hoping that gets in, dont want this one to have the boxiong glove drip and the trips to scbu that mogster had. Wierd that am still clear for GBS even now yet mogster had it on him???? Where does it come from and how did he have it on him if when I was/am all clear???
Have you watched the Jo Frost:Extreme Parenting thing? It is FAB! Am so lucky though cos mogster is the dream chld and was the dream pregnancy too excusing the coming before 8 months were up!
Off to bed now cos got backache and mogster seems to think he should sing mummy a dawn chorus just cos Daddy is away, he then sets of the cat who joins in wailing for her breakfast, all good fun here!

to all