2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Sunday? Your hospital is good!!! Cant even get a date for my anomoly/flavour scan from ours yet, they say we should hear a week before!!!!
Mambird - :hugs::hugs:

Jetters - Thanks for the blinkie hun :thumbup:

P&F- One born every minutes is on the sky+ :thumbup: will probably watch it when hubby is on late shift next week. It's weird...ive watched the first 2 and cant really relate to it at all even though ive had Jac. :shrug: My conclusion is that every person and labour (regardless if its natural birth or csection) is different even though we think they are same/similar when we talk about it..........so dont let it scare you.

Moggy - Hi hun...hope you get your date for the flavour scan soon :hugs:

Had a cr*ppy day at cr*ppy work with some cr*ppy news. :cry: But I am not getting any more annoyed about it and trying to think of other things now.

On another note we went to have a look at some prams today. That picked my mood up a little. :winkwink: I have tried lots of different ones, but wasn't really keen on most of them for one reason or another. And then I fell in love with the ICandy Cherry. Absolutely love it. If it wasn't so expensive...So I spoke to my parents and it turns out that they will be buying the pram for us. Yay! :happydance:
Sorry you had a bad day Piperette!! :hugs: Hope tomorow is better.

Moggymay mine is a private gender scan at Babybond, hence the Sunday! xx
durr should have realised, preggo brain strikes again!

Great news about parents buying the pram Pip, we had the same when we had mogster and my in-laws bought the cotbed, mattress and initial bedding so they both contributed in a very practical way and we will be using the same things again although need a new mattreess cos mogster still uses the cotbed one on his bed! Getting new carrycot too but the £190 we get at 25 weeks plus the sale of the old carrycot should cover iboth - phew!

Havent watched any of the one born every minute but can imagine you are rogt Claire as every labour is different, I think of the antenatal class group we had and all the stries are so different, we had premmie baby, home birth, Caesar, emergency caesar, forceps, late babies, transfusions, you name it we had it and all of us are still friends and either going though it again or trying to! We have had sme babies and all touch wood have been much easier second births than the first, sure thats cos the fear factor is gone??? Hoping our version of easier doesnt mean too quick, need to have antibiotic drip for at least an hour of it and as mogster was here very quick and very early am hoping that gets in, dont want this one to have the boxiong glove drip and the trips to scbu that mogster had. Wierd that am still clear for GBS even now yet mogster had it on him???? Where does it come from and how did he have it on him if when I was/am all clear???

Have you watched the Jo Frost:Extreme Parenting thing? It is FAB! Am so lucky though cos mogster is the dream chld and was the dream pregnancy too excusing the coming before 8 months were up!

Off to bed now cos got backache and mogster seems to think he should sing mummy a dawn chorus just cos Daddy is away, he then sets of the cat who joins in wailing for her breakfast, all good fun here!

:hug: to all
Pip, I totally feel for you as I also had a terrible day at work. My boss has turned into a vile demon man and randomly said he has issues with giving me a contract!!!! I think it's just because he wants to extend my hours (which in itself is bad) but they way he said it, I just panicked!! xx
Ohhh love the blinkie!!!

Just got home and am STILL stuffed from lunch :rofl: at work some of the food students @ uni do lunches for part of their project - they have to pick a theme and do a menu/restaurant idea etc, and for £6 we get a 3 course lunch and give feedback.

Well today was american diner, and whilst it was lush, I am full to the brim!

DH appears to have gone awol - can see the car is here but don't know where he is?

And our extension to the house starts.....wait for it....MONDAY!!! How crazy....expected completion end of April, eeeeeeeep!!!!!

Can't wait to hear about your flavour scan jetters - and I hear you about feeling hungover after a late one, what IS that!!!!

PS - driving lesson was crazy, he put me on the roads.....didn't hit anyone though :haha:
Flavour scan date 23 March :yipee:

YAY MOGGY!!! :happydance:

Gosh I can't wait till we all start going for our gender scans!!!

I just saw my midwife yesterday for the first time and I absolutely love her!! My meeting lasted well over an hour! It was amazing...she explained all kinds of things and reassured me! My uterus is exactly the size it's suppose to be and she offered to listen to Bean's heart which made my day!!
So she showed me a few different sounds in my uterus and what they all were...baby's valves opening and closing makes a clicking noise...and the blood flowing maked the woosh woosh and then there was something else and that was Bean pushing away from the doppler! :cloud9:
He's still in there ticking away at 160+ bpm!!

Also I got my requisions for the second part of the IPS which is only bloods and my 20 weeks scan!!! I called the hospital this morning to book it and I decided to wait till I was 20 weeks that way we are almost sure to find out the sex. So the DATE!! : APRIL 16!!! I'll be 20+1!

Well that's it for now! i'm going to enjoy my sunny day off...maybe get a haircut! I'm in desperate need!!

Yay Moggymay and Mamabird!!! Sooooo exciting having a countdown!! :happydance:
Hi Ladies,

I know that I haven't been on for awhile, I'm still busy with school and work. I see you have been busy chatting away.

I love the blinkie that you ladies have. I have to make sure to add it to my signature.

Moggymay and Mamabird, the countdown has begun. Can't wait.

Moggymay, I go for a scan on Mar. 24, hope we can find out what we are having.

Jetters, I hope everything goes well on Sunday. Can't wait to see your scan pics.

Piperette, Penguin, and P&F - Just wanted to say hi.

I haven't had time to go back and read all the posts, so I apologize. I am about to get off work and I'll be sure to post again this weekend.

Take care ladies.

Good morning ladies,

14 weeks today yay, so I am now officially joining the rest of you in the 2nd trimester! :happydance: And what a lovely start we had to the 2nd trimester as OH found the heartbeat with our hired doppler this morning. That's absolutely made my day. :cloud9:

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. Only one more sleep for Jetters now...how exciting.

DeDe, nice to see you again. Hello back. :flower:
Hey everyone :kiss:

p&f - Great news that you didnt run anyone over :haha:

Moggy - Glad you finally got your scand date through....about bloody time i say :thumbup:

Jetters - So excited for you..cant wait to see that pic tomorrow :thumbup:

Hello :flower: Mamabird, piperette, dede80, f&c, mrsmils......hmm costgang hasnt been gere for ages :shrug:

Today has been a mixed bag i must say....bought Jac some first shoes from clarks today (cruisers) as he trying to stand now. Not as exciting as i wanted it to be as he's full of cold, teething (so already touchy) and has woken up with conjunctivitis in one eye ......cant get anything from boots as he's too young and the out of hours doc didnt tell me anything that i already know/do.....hmmm
So will hang in there till monday if we can and if its no better hopefully i'll get some drops off the docs. Hubby is also working ..but hopefully be home in the next hour as i'm feeling all emotional and useless as Jac gets upset everytime i try to clean his eye :cry:

Jetters should be just about have her gender scan now. Fingers crossed the little one lets her find out. Can't wait to see the scan pic after.
YAY team blue congratulations!!!!!

And pleased to hear you have your scan dates moggy and I think there were a couple of others too?

Just had a lovely weekend with friends and went to an NCT nearly new sale - got a moses basket and rocking stand for a bargain, looks perfect, just going to get a new mattress still I reckon but got myself a couple of maternity tops, and my friend bought me a lovely coat from H&M - maternity so fits in the bump that seems to be growing over night???

She came to see me and did a double take as something has suddenly started sticking out of my stomach :haha:

Hope you are all enjoying some sun and having a lovely weekend - just wanted to fly on quickly before I have to get the house sorted for the workmen to start tomorrow :happydance:
Team Blue??!! Yey!! Congrats Jetters. Can't wait to see the scan. x

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