2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

It will be here before you know it! :hugs:

Also, I am off to Mallorca on Sunday (you may remember from various ramblings :haha:) and excited for a few days away :thumbup:

We are going to the dentist after the scan (it is my father in law - well overdue for a check up and the only afternoon we both have off :haha:) so we are going out for tea with FIL and MIL Thursday eve after the scan!

Argh so may not get on to tell you how the scan went til Friday :haha: - will text Yasmin who may be able to let you know though??

How long were you in for moggy? :hugs:
went in late but bubs behaved so scan took about 15-20 mins, bout ten minutes was us going aaaah and pointing at the heart chugging away, bizarre we could see Moglet kicking my bladder and we saw Moglets bladder too. Amazing and so clear. Moglet did a mega flash so definitely a boy!! Then he kept chewing his fingers so couldnt get a good photo :nope: Never mind we are thrilled and generally on :cloud9:

Excited for you as not long now til thurs....
:happydance: for team Blue!!! So happy that Mogster was happy with a little brother!! :thumbup:

Gosh I can't wait for our gender scan...it's taking soooo long! lol Still 3 weeks and 3 days to go! But I do have a meeting with my MW in a week so hopefully we listen to Bean's heart again!

Well I think I will be going to work this afternoon...I would much rather stay home...but I am feeling much better...coughing has almost completely stopped! Thank goodness!

Have a great day ladies!
Yay Moggy!!! :happydance: How is the list of boys names coming along?

Its funny how lots of us seem to like the same names, I've always sworn that I wouldn't choose a 'fashionable' name as I didn't want a school class full of them, but now we're choosing, we seem drawn to those that are popular... Our favourites as the moment are:

(Matilda was always 'my' girls name, but I went off it when I found out its pretty popular at the moment)

Jasper (OH's favourite - however we have never read/seen twilight...?!)

Thoughts please?! I won't be offended if you don't like! We find it a lot easier to agree on girls names than boys, so once again, hoping its a girl!!

I love the name Jetters, my name was constantly spelt incorrectly/I always have to spell it out, but it has never actually bothered me.

Blimey Mamabird, I can understand the rant, you poor thing :hugs:

I went to Cambridge yesterday to the ballet with my MIL - very lovely day of shopping (bought some teeny socks - like you said, once you pop....!!) and a lovely evening, spoilt only by work calling and leaving me a message saying that they would like to 'discuss' my mat leave (you may remember I'm not actually there at the moment, my sabbatical ends at the start of May), so I thought I'd bite the bullet and arranged to go in and see someone from HR today, as I was already in the city. She was actually nice and when working out my dates, said 'you don't have to come back at all if you don't want to' - I acted surprised - as if I hadn't actually worked that out already!!!

ANYWAY (sorry :sleep:!), I'm pretty sure that I'm going to take my 5 weeks holiday from when I'm supposed to go back (at 24 weeks) and then my full mat leave, which means I'll be taking it REALLY early, but then as I'm not planning on going back I'm not sure it really matters, when I stop getting SMP (which will leave us a bit short every month, but manageable) I'll start doing some work for my in-law's hotel, on a part-time/flexible basis.

SO - honestly, do you think I'm crazy taking it that early? I'm just not sure I can handle commuting 4 hours to a v.stressful/long hours job... That and the temptation of a nice summer spent lounging around (for the last time ever I'm guessing - those with children already will probably confirm this!!) spending time with my family etc!!

Urgh - heatwave in August?! I think I might become a hermit and just hide indoors with my fat ankles, face and fingers!!!

Oh - and on the subject of shopping, I went into Gap and tried on some over the bump jeans - OH MY GOODNESS, SO much more comfortable than my ordinary mat jeans, I'm going to have to save some pennies and treat myself to a pair! Managed to get a wool maternity wrap dress in their sale for £17 though, v happy!

Blimey - long post!
Hi ladies, I am here. :hi: Thanks for asking after me, moggy. I have been trying to read some posts inbetween, but have been quite busy over the last few days.

Well first of all, congrats on team blue, moggy. :happydance:
I think that's what I guessed for you.

Penguin, good news on getting your appointment with the CAB.

MamaBird, glad to hear you are feeling better.

P&F, good on you for looking forward to your few days away. And yes please don't keep us waiting too long and text Yasmin. :winkwink:

Jetters, I love the name. I too have an unusual name and although I wanted to have a name like everyone else as a child I am very grateful to my parents now that they chose this name.

MrsMils, I understand very well how you are feeling about taking your mat leave early. I feel very similar as my work is currently really annoying and stressing me out, so I cannot wait to go on mat leave either. Your name choices are great, too. :thumbup:

Everyone else, :hi:

As for me:
I had my MW appointment today to have my blood taken (you might remember the MW didn't manage to get any last time). Well, after a short struggle she managed to get as much blood as she needed although it hurt a little more than I would have liked it to.
We also got to listen to baby's heartbeat again :cloud9: and also to the baby kicking the doppler out of the way.
I also asked the MW about these antenatal swimming classes and she said that your employer needs to give you a reasonable amount of time off for antenatal classes (which apparently also includes exercise classes) if your MW advises you to attend them. So she put a note in my notes saying that she advises me to go to the antenatal swimming, which I should show my employer. Really pleased about this :thumbup: and hoping it will helpt with my back pain.

Sorry for the long post.
Pip I find awheat heat pack on one of those funny sausage cushions helps my back. I suffer with lower back pain which im sure is posture related cos of picking up Mogster and find if i sit on the sofa (feet up on footstool) with the sauage cushion behind me and the heatpack on the cushion and on my back it really eases it.

Anyone suffering with leg/knee pain overnight? Gonna ask MW on monday but curious if it is just me???

Mrs Mills having suffered through a hot summer in Cambridge when preggers with Mogster I would recommend doing anything you can to avoid it! The air is really muggy with the buses etc wherever you are, I even tried swapping role with one of the other managers to get further out of the centre but it didnt really help :nope: If you arent planning to return it makes no real difference when you get the cash so long as you try and sit on some, only thing you may want to consider is if you get any bonuses? If you do you need to make sure you are employed even on mat leave when theyre paid cos all the extra is great to have.

One final thing that may or may not be of interest ... got an email from Kiddicare today, they have brought out their own 3 in 1 travel system, its a version of the Petite Star Zia, its called a Baby Weavers Quad (i think) £209 for buggy, carrycot and car seat plus foot muff and raincovers. Not bad!


Great news bout the swimming Pip

Off to find my heat pack and read Mogster his bedtime story....laters
Moggy - I have knee pain in the night, but since I have started putting a pillow between my legs it does help :thumbup:

Piperette - good news on the swimming - loving these beans kicking dopplers out of the way it is making me laugh :haha:

MrsMils the names are lovely - I also liked Matilda but it is very popular as you say. Don't think you're mad for starting so early at all - especially if you may not be going back anyway. I am more desperate every day to start it early :thumbup:

Need to wash my hair before the good telly starts :haha: looking forward to supersize/super skinny tonight and not sure about one born every minute - normally love it but think it's neonatal ward tonight with the tinnnnny babies so not sure about that one....

Stuffed to the brim with home made pizza :thumbup: and baby is currently loving plums I am eating so many!!!! Hope you are all good :hugs:
Thanks Moggy - I'm near the train station, so not exactly convenient for popping out for a fresh-air stroll, the office is literally in the middle of a 3 way road junction!!! I'm keeping options open for going back, so I'll be employed until the end of mat leave, just incase I have a complete change of heart and want to go back!! I would get a bonus if I went back for at least 6 months, but I'm not sure once I've had the baby I'll want to be spending 4 days of the week leaving at 6.30am and getting back at about 8.30pm, I honestly think I'll miss the baby too much/find it all too exhausting, particularly as DH works unsociable hours too.

P&F - I've done exactly the same, I'm now in PJ's watching S v S and then I'll record 1born and force DH to watch it with me later!! :haha:

Pip - :hi: glad you're well and they managed to get some blood! I'm having some taken tomorrow morning, last time it took them three different people/tries to get some and it was really icky (I hate needles anyway). I'm going to ask if they can use a v small needle again and see if that helps....
Moggy - Glad mogster was happy about a new little brother. :hugs: Where is our scan pic by the way :blush:
I have had right knee problems today too......totally out of the blue...how weird. Its only when i bend down and try to straighten up after...it's so painful...like ive twisted it or something:shrug: Must be catching LOL

Mamabird - Glad your feeling better today hun...:hugs:

P&F - So jealous you get to go to Mallorca...make the most of your last holiday as a couple (and not as a family) :winkwink:

MrsMils - Harriet and Alexander ar my faves form your list...and anyway it doesnt matter what other poeple think of your names as long as you and hubby like it then thats all that counts. Jac has a proper welsh middle name and ive had a few funny looks...my brother being one...but its never bothered us as we both love his name. :thumbup:

Piperette - Glad you managed to give some blood even though it wasnt the most pleasant of experiences :hugs: Oh and great news about the MW getting you to go to the swimming...:thumbup:

Had a meeting to go over some stuff with my manager today and he's constantly praising my work and efforts...which is good. But we had a discussion with a counterpart over in the states and we we're discussing my role (changed 3 weeks before i went on mat leave last time)...and in passing in a round about sort of way said that a supervisor role had sort of been planned for me but my current family plans had scuppered it....WTF. So bottom line...i probably would have been promoted in the near future except for my new pregnancy.... a bit pissed off to be honest even though i dont know if i would have wanted the added crap and responibility .
Tehy did give me the job while i was 30 odd weeks preggers so what difference does changing the role to supervisor make....i do the damn role near enough anyway.....buggers... sorry rant over.
Oh..and i know i could actually do somethign legally with this if i really wanted to...but i have enough legal issues as it is.

Am also tryign to think of names... but havent discussed with hubby yet...we stuggled last time. Nice welsh names are limited especially when hubby has a very large family and most of the names we like are taken .... here are few i like with a middle name.

Girls - Mari Lois, Lois Erin
Boys - Owain Llyr, Noa Rhys

Noa is not a traditional welsh name but i thought i could do the same as we did for Jac were we dropped the 'k' , so for Noa we drop the 'h'...but does it look too girly this way.....

Hugs to you all
Hmmm - Glyn? Griffith? Bethan? Heddwyn? Cerys? okay Im stuck!

I need boys names please, any ideas?
ooh and Moglet flashed and then wouldnt play ball for pics so nothing really to upoad of any brilliance, sorry
Anyone watching One Born Every Minute? I cannot imagine bubs being born in a fortnights time.....one on here born at 23 weeks....wow!
Yey!!!! Another member for team blue!! Congrats hun!! We're really struggling with boy names but I guess we'll find out soon if that's a problem or not. We're finding out the day after Jetter's scan.. the 7th April.

P&F good luck for Thurs!
Ooh P&F, I'm jealous of your impending holiday! I can't wait to get away. Does anyone know the latest we can fly without a Dr's note?

When's your MW appointment Brigitte? Mine is on Monday and I can't wait! Apparently my sister is getting her doppler back this weekend so even if I don't get to hear little Fishy's heartbeat at the MW's I will with the doppler! Hurrah!

Mrs Mils those names are lovely! My favourites are Alice and Jemima for a girl and Alex, Jasper and George for boys. I would take the early maternity leave. I unfortunately can't afford to leave too early so I think will be finishing 2 weeks before my due date which I'm gutted about. I work in London but live in Bucks so it's a hec of a commute and with the hot summer we're expecting, I'm worried I may suffer. When did you mums leave for maternity leave last time or when are you all planning on leaving?

:hi: Pip! Glad to see you back! That's great news about the swimming. I really don't know how I'm going to take time off from work. I live a good 1 1/2 hours away so if I did a class I would basically be off for half a day at least. My boss will go mental even if I'm allowed to legally.

Claire, that's crazy about what your manager said! It's blatant discrimination and very illegal! Even if your manager thought it, they are insane to say that you missed out due to having a family. I would also be livid even if I didn't want the promotion! I love the Welsh names!

I'm not watching OBEM as my dh is away and he likes to watch it with me. I did see the trailer about the premature baby though... it was so sweet and tiny!

Right off to bed in a minute! Night ladies. xx
Night F&C - my DH didn't want to watch it with me this week though I wish he was as I am a weeper lol.

Planning on leaving (at present) 3 weeks before - 1 week before as maternity leave, and 2 weeks before that annual leave I have left to use. This may change as the train is already driving me nuts!!!!!!
Oh F&C, I'm so sorry - here's me moaning and you've got to commute into London, that really is miserable. Just keep focused on all of the time you can have once the baby is born, which will be the most special!

Moggy - I like that, but I'd switch it and have Darcy Erin I think? I love the name Darcy.

P&F - I'm saving it until DH is here (I know I'll cry!), my sister's first was born at 30 weeks, he was tiny and it was terrifying, I can't even begin to imagine earlier than that. Now every time I hear Athlete's 'Wires' I burst into tears! The prem unit at our hospital was absolutely amazing, they looked after him so well and were such a huge support to my sister, on his birthday every year they donate £1k (which is a MASSIVE amount of money to them) to the unit, they feel that strongly that they want to give something back, she doesn't feel she can thank them enough.

Oooh - on the subject of hospitals, a friend said that my hospital have recently had the maternity unit completely re-done, lots of individual rooms with showers etc, I'm SO pleased, going to try and have a look around soon (when I saw it previously it hadn't actually changed since when I was born, same posters and everything!!)

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