Yay Moggy!!!

How is the list of boys names coming along?
Its funny how lots of us seem to like the same names, I've always sworn that I wouldn't choose a 'fashionable' name as I didn't want a school class full of them, but now we're choosing, we seem drawn to those that are popular... Our favourites as the moment are:
(Matilda was always 'my' girls name, but I went off it when I found out its pretty popular at the moment)
Jasper (OH's favourite - however we have never read/seen twilight...?!)
Thoughts please?! I won't be offended if you don't like! We find it a lot easier to agree on girls names than boys, so once again, hoping its a girl!!
I love the name Jetters, my name was constantly spelt incorrectly/I always have to spell it out, but it has never actually bothered me.
Blimey Mamabird, I can understand the rant, you poor thing
I went to Cambridge yesterday to the ballet with my MIL - very lovely day of shopping (bought some teeny socks - like you said, once you pop....!!) and a lovely evening, spoilt only by work calling and leaving me a message saying that they would like to 'discuss' my mat leave (you may remember I'm not actually there at the moment, my sabbatical ends at the start of May), so I thought I'd bite the bullet and arranged to go in and see someone from HR today, as I was already in the city. She was actually nice and when working out my dates, said 'you don't have to come back at all if you don't want to' - I acted surprised - as if I hadn't actually worked that out already!!!
ANYWAY (sorry

!), I'm pretty sure that I'm going to take my 5 weeks holiday from when I'm supposed to go back (at 24 weeks) and then my full mat leave, which means I'll be taking it REALLY early, but then as I'm not planning on going back I'm not sure it really matters, when I stop getting SMP (which will leave us a bit short every month, but manageable) I'll start doing some work for my in-law's hotel, on a part-time/flexible basis.
SO - honestly, do you think I'm crazy taking it that early? I'm just not sure I can handle commuting 4 hours to a v.stressful/long hours job... That and the temptation of a nice summer spent lounging around (for the last time ever I'm guessing - those with children already will probably confirm this!!) spending time with my family etc!!
Urgh - heatwave in August?! I think I might become a hermit and just hide indoors with my fat ankles, face and fingers!!!
Oh - and on the subject of shopping, I went into Gap and tried on some over the bump jeans - OH MY GOODNESS, SO much more comfortable than my ordinary mat jeans, I'm going to have to save some pennies and treat myself to a pair! Managed to get a wool maternity wrap dress in their sale for £17 though, v happy!
Blimey - long post!