Dede congrats on your blue bump
On the pram front we are looking at the Britax b-smart (as we don't have two babies

) so I guess it is similar to the b-dual, loved it when we had a play
Good to see about the leaking boobs (well you know what I mean!) will have to get me some of those Yas, had an embarrassing moment on holidays (first one, as all the other times it has just been overnight) so DH and I had to get a code word so he can subtly let me know
Mamabird - re the screening, we had the bloods only at 16 weeks not the scan, and I got 1 in 29 000 which it said was low risk so think it is okay?
Well I am back now from my little jolliday, have spent 2 days just baking on the beach in Majorca and now catching up with the thread

Don't think bubs liked the heat as he didn't do much til we got back (DH likes to think it is because he is a yorkshire baby and doesn't like abroad

Bubs moving more now - DH had his head on my tum on the beach and he kicked him

then last night he had his arm over my tum and bubs kicked him repeatedly til he moved
Feel very refreshed from hols albeit a couple of days, and still not back in work til next Weds

when are the next scans???????? Hope you are all good