Im here, just getting settled into BFing and believe me very different to establish it with Moglet thanit was with Mogster as we came home after five days with Mogster - he was born at lunchtime thursday and we came home tuesday afternoon, with Moglet he was born Monday evening and home tuesday lunchtime so much quicker release and the milk is due in later tonight....
Basically I was just composing reply to MrsM re the in-laws when mogster called me to say he needed a poo! Went into kitchen to find him sat on potty and as I bent down to him pop my waters went! Cleaned him up, rang hubby then stood up and reached for kitchen roll to clean floor

Went to loo and lost more waters plus plug, called my Mum to get her to come over for Mogster and then took him to friend over the road who watched him til my Mum came, called delivery suite but engaged

Came back home and grabbed clean bottom half of clothes etc then OH gt home, another change of clothes and we were off to hospital - in-laws arrived for Mogster but he wanted to stay over the road

My mum got him about 2 hours later and she left this afternoon
Once at hospital had first contraction in the car park as OH dropped me off and went to park, got up to delivery and gave in my notes - left lovely trail of waters for the cleaners

they took me to room, the checked me over and then we set up for antibiotics. Started off with just breathing and rocking etc, quick chat re birth plan - no cutting, prefer natural and avoid bbq tongs/sink plunger, OH to cut cord, happy for injection to pass placenta, few folk as possible and would like stitches by MW who did Mogsters if poss....
Shift change at 7pm and couple hours in we were 4cm, new shift brought Moglet Mogsters MW!

Gas and air came out and we got down to business, next exam was 8cm then rapidly got to fully dilated and ready to push, all going well but painful as he was big, head was coming out but not fully as big boy, head emerged then they called code blue, pushed on my bump and told me push and OH to be quiet and out he popped - silence....
On to recusitaire and towel rubs/few breaths and his screaming kicked in, all fine just bit traumatic for him and I - 10lb 2oz at ten to ten he had suffered slight shoulder distocia during birth. No after effects just extra check with paeds after few hours, I got tea n toast then shower then off to ward.
Next morning all good but knackered as hospitals are busy places to try to rest

so requested to go home...they agreed at lunchtime but had to wait til afternoon visiting to actually leave.

Mogster came to get his little brother and was very proud walking out helping carry the carseat. We were home about 24 hiours after we left and all settling in nicely.
Sorry not to reply to all texts etc have had one little man either side and it is fabulous, need to sort some kind of routine yet but it will come.
Thanks for all the well wishes, am reading as much as I can but harder to post as baby in one hand....
Glad youre all well....who will be next?