I had a 5.5 wk scan because my hcg started low and I had cramps on my left side so they wanted to rule out an ectopic. My clinic then automatically schedules a 7wk ultrasound for all patients. Just an fyi...
Congratulations! I was diagnosed with DOR and conceived naturally. My FSH is 15.9 and AMH .16 It makes me feel so much better to see other women in this forum with my same diagnoses. My husband had morphology and motility issues too. After taking L-carnitine, mega men, and vitamin C his sperm improved drastically. Keep me posted on your progess in the pregnancy, I'd love to compare notes. Are you a little nervous? I am since my RE told me donor egg was my only option.
Havmercy, Thank you for your kind thoughts! We were told that between my husband's fertility issues (only 4.5-5.5M post wash count) and my diagnosis that we had less than a 1% chance of conceiving even via IUI. So, after our first iui, we went straight to ivf and it failed twice and they said donor eggs would be our only option. But, our insurance coverage was over at that point and donor eggs are so expensive. We gave up and started discussing adoption again (we adopted our second daughter). This was a huge huge shocker for us. I am very nervous...I feel like this is a miracle and our only shot. It isn't likely that I would get pregnant again. Did you do any ivfs? Congratulations to you!! I also appreciate "meeting" someone with a similar background
Please keep me posted as well.