2012 TTC chat

Oh Smiler I hope your iron goes up a bit more. Sounds like you are doing all you can :)

Mmleo- I hate having c-sections but I know it is the only safe way for me a baby since I have already had two plus my uterus issue

I am starting to get a belly, I guess since it's my third it is showing up quickly haha. I am anxious to find out what sex the baby is. I will be happy either way as long as baby is healthy!
Sunshine can't believe you are 16 weeks already!! I had a little bump by 16 weeks I'm sure you're fine and looking lovely :) Do you have another scan coming up then to find out the gender?

Still not heard anything about my most recent blood tests - after the iron came back low for the 2nd time they got me in for more tests and they said they would be looking at 3 different things...can't remember what those 3 things are but the test was over a week ago now and no news so I'm hoping it's all ok. I have the MW on Weds so will ask her then if she knows any more.

Going shopping this afternoon for baby stuff! Had a mini-freak out to DH the other night about how unprepared I feel. We have got some stuff like loads of clothes, blankets and a cabinet to use for clothes/changing table but that's all. He was so sweet he calmed me down and we sat down together and wrote a list of what we need, and who was going to do what things on what day, so we have a little timetable for the next few days haha. I just feel like I want things to be mainly ready by 36 weeks just in case I go early. I probably won't as I keep hearing it's more normal to go overdue with your first, but you never know!
I can't believe you are 36 weeks already! It is going by so fast and I know you are so excited to meet your little boy! Forgive me for being brain dead right now but you did say it was a boy? I have been so scattered brain lately!

We find out what we are having Aug 6th :) I am so excited! Although they did tell me at my 12 week scan it looked like a boy :) I started doing some light workout videos this morning specifically for pregnant women. I have been limping around the house all day haha. You would have thought I ran a marathon!

Please keep us posted on your test results! I hope all comes back well :)
Hey there.How are u two doing?it seems am getting busier by the day doing nothing specific!I can't even upload a photo coz I don't know how to do it on my iPad...n downloading a photo on a laptop seems like a HUGE job!Does any of u use an iPad?

.Smiler,u r so relaxed abt the whole thing which I wish I could do..we believe(where I come from) that by the 7th month we sh'd have a bag ready just in case things happen earlier than planned...I wanted to wait a bit longer but my friend won't let me...we have been washing and ironing baby clothes,I guess nest week we will actually pack a bag ready for that hospital!!

I also managed to arrange a photoshoot next week,I hope I look my best,want to include my boy n DH will let u know how it turns out.

Congrats on ur 16th wk sunshine!i thought u'll be showing earlier than that..had u gone back to ur pre-pregnancy size yet?sorry abt ur limping...that's how it goes n u r so brave!it does sound like a boy if u have the energy to even try working out.I still consider my pregnancy a girl one coz of how I have been and how different it has been for my previous....silly I know!

Enough blah blah....I take so long to check on u...I always hav a lot to say n ask.

Smiler...can u even move?i can barely drive now days n am only 31+..Good luck with shopping and blood test.Does that mean u still not sure if u having a home birth??

I'm using my ipad right now :) I am so anxious to see a picture of you two lovely ladies and your bumps!
I am about 15 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. I have gained two pounds so not much at all. I am really trying to eat healthy to avoid getting too heavy. I stay pretty active with the kids so that's good.
I am eager to meet with my Dr Thursday to further discuss this uterus issue. It just scares me the more I think about it.
Mmleo I can't believe you already almost 32 weeks, how exciting!
Oh yeah...I really hope there is more they can do for u sunshine.Again,is it an issue they think u had before babies or was it caused by pregnancies/csections?Will it be an even bigger issue with the 3rd pregnancy?And does that mean strictly no #4?if u don't have the answers now pliz ask for us n let is know.

The one thing that I found out recently from my doc is that each csection comes with a new scar...it makes sense I just never thought abt it bfore.Maybe u should ask what that means for u..

I can't believe am almost 32!to be honest I look n feel much bigger!!
An that's not heavy at all...stay healthy if u can.My converter tells me I am 22pound heavier(10kg)!it is the 1st time I had to calculate the whole weight..
I'll start working out right after,I don't think I'll wait to heal unless dr says I must.last time I think she said I can go back in the pool just a few weeks after
22 pounds is not bad at all! That is a great, healthy weight gain. I gained more than that with my kids lol.
The uterus issue is from the repeat csections and has caused it to become thin. It will be an issue for me this time especially if I was to go into labor. If the uterus were to rupture it usually is fatal to the newborn and sometimes the mother too. I would probably not be able to have a 4th child under the circumstances which is ok with us lol we only wanted two at first but now we have been blessed with #3. My husband is getting a vasectomy in a month or so.
It'll be good weight but I hve 7wks to go..!If it is because of the csections it is understandable..that is a good reason for me to hve just two then.i was gonna advise u to do something about it if u didn't a 4th one but that sounds like a good solution.I still don't know what form of contraceptive am gonna use...I really don't want any more hormones but I also don't want condom accidents...!W'll see

How old is Madisson now?am sure it is on ur signature...silly me lol
Hello ladies :hi:

Hope you're both well. Sunshine I hope your appt on Thursday goes well - I guess are they just going to keep a very, very close eye on you to make sure you don't go into labour? So does everyone who has a c-section end up with a thinner uterus?

I never heard anything back about my blood tests! I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Often their policy is to not contact you if everything is fine. I have the MW tomorrow afternoon so I will ask her then, and I think they'll be taking more blood. I do need to know because I tried to hire a birthing pool yesterday but they said they needed to wait til I got the OK from the MW for a home birth.

Oh my goodness I am so short of breath. I thought breathing was meant to get easier in the 3rd tri? I hope it doesn't mean he's come out of a head-down position. I get kicked in the ribs an awful lot so I suppose he probably is still head down, but breathing can be a real effort sometimes nonetheless! Is that normal?

Tee hee Sunshine yes we are having a boy :) Don't worry, I absolutely know what it's like to be scatter-brained! I can't believe they give you an idea of gender at the 12 week scan that's pretty amazing.

Mmleo your weight gain sounds great :thumbup: Ha I wouldn't say I'm exactly relaxed...I was before but all of a sudden 36 weeks was looming and I freaked out a little bit :blush: Over here they advise for bags to be packed and ready at 36 weeks just in case but I still haven't done it. I washed all the baby clothes yesterday though, and I have bought things that I need like breast pads, maternity pads etc but just not got it all together in one place. A lot of ppl having a home birth don't bother to pack a bag as they say it is a negative thing to do but I think a) it's good to be ready just in case and b) even if I do stay at home, it'll just be easier to have everything we need all collected together.
Mmleo - My Dr told me initially unless I wanted more than three kids a c-section would be ok to do given my medical history. I told her we only wanted two haha I didn't know we were going to be surprised by a 3rd one. Madison will be a year old Aug 15th. I can't believe how fast she has grown. She is walking and says bye bye and mama and dada. And she also claps and says YAY! So exciting. How is your son doing? Isn't he 3 now?

Smiler - Usually with a c-section because of the incision in the uterus it can create a thinner area. I assume the more you have, the more of the risk but I think my main issue is because mine have been pretty close together. They really advise you not to get pregnant until 12-18 months after a csection and I was pregnant at about 7.5 months after my last one. I still can't believe this, who would have known with my PCOS that I would get pregnant all by myself. We weren't using any birth control I guess we should have been :dohh:
I just got back from my appt. The Dr said she wasn't concerned about my uterus right now, she would only be worried if I went into labor due to it being thin. She plans on taking the baby between Dec 26-30th so I won't have to worry about going into labor. If something odd were to happen and I went into labor before then, she would take the baby at that time.
Hi there.When was ur actual due date??It sounds like ur doc has a good plan.Didnt u do the same with ur previous 2?I don't remember if u went thru labor...?

Time is going pretty fast but am still not there yet..although we r discussing ur pregnancy(sunshine)..I still can't believe we r prego at the same time,leave alone having babies in the same year!God is good!

My son made 3 in may,the pregnancy was a surprise but it is the perfect space between the two boys,he understands he is hving a baby brother soon,we took him with us to my 32+ scan,he enjoyed it!He says he is the big baby n the other baby brother!

Smiler..how r u?any news abt ur home birth?n the appt with the MW?
Oh wow Sunshine you will be having your baby this year!! Look at us 3 all having a baby in the same year, yay :happydance: How many weeks will you be at that point, like 37 or something? It's good your doc is not worried about anything other than you going into labour that is good news.

Mmleo that is so sweet your boy is excited about the baby and understands what is happening, so lovely :)

Well the MW called me yesterday evening and my iron levels are 10.9. They need to be 11!!! :growlmad: She wasn't my usual midwife though and she seemed unsure what to say to me on the phone so I might ring back next week when my MW is back from her holiday. This MW just seemed very very reluctant to allow me a home birth, it just seems she wants me to come into hospital and not bother them with it. I am getting a repeat blood test at 38 weeks to see if it's better though, so FX. I personally think with a level of 10.9 I should be able to put my foot down and say I want to stay at home and it shouldn't be a huge issue. If my levels were like 8 or something then I wouldn't argue but to be .1 off seems a bit pedantic!
I'm due jan 3rd so she will be taking the baby between 38.5 - 39 weeks so it won't be real early. They took Lane at 38w6d and Madison at 39w4d. She said she didn't want to take this one that late because with Madison I was having contractions.

Mmleo I am so glad your son is excited about his baby brother, that is so sweet!! He will be a great big brother!

Smiler that would be silly for them to not allow a home birth based on .1
I would put my foot down also. I don't believe it is low enough to pose a risk
I forgot to add my due date based on my last period is jan 5 but ultrasound put me at jan 3 so not sure which one they are using.

Do they do bloodwork there to check for genetic issues? I got blood work done yesterday to check for down syndrome, spinabifida, and other neural defects. I should have the results in a few days. Hope all is ok!
Oh that's not so late then, though I would request the 30th just because in the future it will be easier for him/her to organize birthday parties :D Do you guys having Boxing Day? It is the day after Christmas. My nephew was born on that day and I feel pretty sorry for him, it will be a pain when he's older to plan parties! My best friend's birthday is Christmas Eve and people often struggle to come to her birthday party because they have family things on. The way it seems to go here is people spend the days around Christmas with family, then the time around New Year is for partying with friends. So when this baby is in their 20s or so they will thank you for being able to spend their birthday partying with friends :rofl:

Yes, we have tests done for Down's Syndrome but I think that's all, I can't remember! FX you get good results x
I don't think we have Boxing Day. What is it? I feel bad for my baby being born right after Christmas lol I will have to double up on the presents so they can have Christmas and birthday presents.

I am still waiting on the results from my bloodwork. I am always a nervous wreck waiting on this test!

How are you girls feeling?
Boxing Day is just the day after Christmas and it's kind of a celebration here too, but just in that most people use it as a chance to visit the family they didn't get to see on Christmas Day. I think the origins of it are from the days when servants had to work on Christmas Day, but were given the next day off to visit their families, and their employers would often give them a box of something to take with them, like some small presents or the leftover food :D

Yeah my friend used to get really upset when she got given presents that said "Happy Birthday and Christmas!" on the tag!! When she was a kid her mum used to throw her a 'half birthday' party in July so that she got to spend some time with her friends.

Aww how long til you get the results Sunshine? I think for us it took about a week, maybe more. Did they give you a date?

Things with me are ok, just really tired. Not doing very well at concentrating on work!! The last few days I keep waking up at about 5am, then just sit there listening to my iPod hoping to fall back asleep but then ending up on the sofa instead either sleeping or reading. Then when DH gets up he makes me a cup of tea, then sends me back to bed :) I can't do a whole day's work anymore, just can't concentrate. Going to try and focus and get stuff done by the end of this week so I can call it quits from Monday!

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