Hello ladies
Hope you're both well. Sunshine I hope your appt on Thursday goes well - I guess are they just going to keep a very, very close eye on you to make sure you don't go into labour? So does everyone who has a c-section end up with a thinner uterus?
I never heard anything back about my blood tests! I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Often their policy is to not contact you if everything is fine. I have the MW tomorrow afternoon so I will ask her then, and I think they'll be taking more blood. I do need to know because I tried to hire a birthing pool yesterday but they said they needed to wait til I got the OK from the MW for a home birth.
Oh my goodness I am so short of breath. I thought breathing was meant to get easier in the 3rd tri? I hope it doesn't mean he's come out of a head-down position. I get kicked in the ribs an awful lot so I suppose he probably is still head down, but breathing can be a real effort sometimes nonetheless! Is that normal?
Tee hee Sunshine yes we are having a boy

Don't worry, I absolutely know what it's like to be scatter-brained! I can't believe they give you an idea of gender at the 12 week scan that's pretty amazing.
Mmleo your weight gain sounds great

Ha I wouldn't say I'm exactly
relaxed...I was before but all of a sudden 36 weeks was looming and I freaked out a little bit

Over here they advise for bags to be packed and ready at 36 weeks just in case but I still haven't done it. I washed all the baby clothes yesterday though, and I have bought things that I need like breast pads, maternity pads etc but just not got it all together in one place. A lot of ppl having a home birth don't bother to pack a bag as they say it is a negative thing to do but I think a) it's good to be ready just in case and b) even if I do stay at home, it'll just be easier to have everything we need all collected together.