Why were you on cleaner & aspirin second clomid round?
I am pretty hopeful for u since both clomid cycles you conceived....I am not too hopeful with my clomid cycles since this is 4th& last monthpray for me!
Hi jannah!
Long story really but here goes to trying to shorten it lol...
I concieved my first pregnancy naturally although it took 18 months but I ended up having a MMC and was only detected at my 3 month scan I then went another 2 years TTC again after our loss but unfortunately couldn't conceive i was referred to my gyne consultant after begging my doctor for help I needed answers they ran loads of tests and scans and everything was fine to my disbelief but because my cycles have always been long and heavy since my teenage years they started me on clomid to see if that helped which to my absolute shock I concieved but that also ended in another MMC and I was seriously thinking this isn't meant to be I'm never going to become a mum it broke my heart all my friends were pregnant or had children but me, non - zilch & I was so depressed! After doing some research regarding recurring mc's I kept reading about blood clotting disorders (anti-immune disorder) I spoke to my gyne and discussed this and they agreed to do a different blood test to see if I had an immune disorder and low and behold I did!!! every time I was conceiving my body was rejecting the baby by clotting the blood in the umbilical cord resulting in mc'ing so after I conceived on my 2nd round of Clomid they started me on clexane (blood thinners) and aspirin. I had to inject these daily into my tummy right up until the birth, it was what kept my son alive so I would do it all again it's not nice but it's something I was willing to do if it meant me sustaining a pregnancy so yeah there's my long winded story sorry lol.....x