2014-2015 baby club!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nanninoo
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Why were you on cleaner & aspirin second clomid round?

I am pretty hopeful for u since both clomid cycles you conceived....I am not too hopeful with my clomid cycles since this is 4th& last month:( pray for me!

Hi jannah!
Long story really but here goes to trying to shorten it lol...
I concieved my first pregnancy naturally although it took 18 months but I ended up having a MMC and was only detected at my 3 month scan I then went another 2 years TTC again after our loss but unfortunately couldn't conceive i was referred to my gyne consultant after begging my doctor for help I needed answers they ran loads of tests and scans and everything was fine to my disbelief but because my cycles have always been long and heavy since my teenage years they started me on clomid to see if that helped which to my absolute shock I concieved but that also ended in another MMC and I was seriously thinking this isn't meant to be I'm never going to become a mum it broke my heart all my friends were pregnant or had children but me, non - zilch & I was so depressed! After doing some research regarding recurring mc's I kept reading about blood clotting disorders (anti-immune disorder) I spoke to my gyne and discussed this and they agreed to do a different blood test to see if I had an immune disorder and low and behold I did!!! every time I was conceiving my body was rejecting the baby by clotting the blood in the umbilical cord resulting in mc'ing so after I conceived on my 2nd round of Clomid they started me on clexane (blood thinners) and aspirin. I had to inject these daily into my tummy right up until the birth, it was what kept my son alive so I would do it all again it's not nice but it's something I was willing to do if it meant me sustaining a pregnancy so yeah there's my long winded story sorry lol.....x
I never thought getting preggo will be so difficult!
I hope this ttc journey comes easy for you.....
I am so scared to test this weekend...plus if I have to get my tubes tested and follicles monitored...Makes me nervous!!!

Do u get monitoring done on clomid?
Cramps haven't subsided yet...wonder if af will show up early...plus getting hot flashes ....so weird...
These cramps are really low...and not sharp like af....so not sure....
Feeling restless..anxious...sad....
Phoenix! How is it going?
Nanniooooom...great news!!! I had 35reading cycle2 clomid2 but it looks we didn't db enough..or I didn't catch the egg...20% chance...
Good luck!!

I have little cramps here & there today but it could've from clomid after effects....no other signs yet!!!... Not testing until period late....

Good luck to new ttc buddies!!!

Hey Hun

Mmmmm I've kinda given up to be honest. AF was due yesterday no sign no brown stuff like normal.
BFN tests which I think takes me out of this month but I have heard of people getting late BFP (obviously getting false hope). I'll keep testing every 3 days and if nothing shows up after a week or so I may have to get a blood work up done at the docs. I just want either AF or BFP to put me out of my now 2-3ww!!!! 2 wow is bad enough.

Don't worry about the tests if you go down that route, it is nerve racking but once you have the results you will feel much better.

Ohhhh looking forward to you testing to see if you get your BFP.
I never thought getting preggo will be so difficult!
I hope this ttc journey comes easy for you.....
I am so scared to test this weekend...plus if I have to get my tubes tested and follicles monitored...Makes me nervous!!!

Do u get monitoring done on clomid?

Yep difficult and stressful and can be depressing waiting and hoping for that BFP and just get negitive results is a pain!

Yes I was monitored on all my clomid cycles and was this month aswell but my gyne now says I'm to go it alone for the next 2 more cycles no tests or follical tracking and only to ring if I'm pregnant so they can book me in for an early scan but if I don't conceive within the next 2 cycles they have to take me off clomid for 6 months then put me back on it again which I think is silly but that's how they do it here if u don't concieve within 3 cycles of clomid they give your body a break for 6 months then start it all again after!
I think I'm out this month to be honest though I know it's still early I'm only 8dpo today but I'm a pos addict and have secretly been testing since 5dpo :haha: lol silly I know but I have a bunch of hpt so thought I would use them anyway there's no sign of a possitive not even a faint one so I don't think this is my month as with my other pregnancies I always got a faint line at 8dpo and this time there's nothing but I will test again on Monday morning using fmu I'll be around 12dpo just to be sure but I think i will be expecting af this cycle x
Cramps didn't go away...increasing cm...hmmm I guess AF on way.
I only have 1 test & I don't want to use this until AF late...so just waiting for weekend.....
Phoenix & nanninoo...we are all still in until AF.... baby dust to us all!!!
Cramps didn't go away...increasing cm...hmmm I guess AF on way.
I only have 1 test & I don't want to use this until AF late...so just waiting for weekend.....
Phoenix & nanninoo...we are all still in until AF.... baby dust to us all!!!

Hey Girlies

Get some cheap ones from Access Diagnostics, they will mean you don't waste lots of £.
What kind of cm?

I wish I shared your optimism for me I'm just waiting for AF to arrive!!!
😞 I might try and speak to the doctor to see if she'll do bloods if AF isn't here by next Tues (1 week late) gutted at the mo xx
I am just afraid to test and see neg...until AF doesn't show, there is hope..
Deep down my heart sinking...
usually I get cramps with lotiony cm...followed by brown discharge for a day and than full blown..... .
Job is going crappy & stressful
In laws giving hard time for us to move e out to our house and now this family planning.....
Can't even say to DH anything as he won't get it.
I am depressed.. & complaining....sign of AF on way
Jannah I know the feeling I'm also feeling pretty crappy at the mo I thought I may of concieved this month but I now actually think I haven't I feel fine no symptoms but like you said were still in this until af shows but I'm expecting it to show at some point soon...chin up girls if it's not this month there's always next month keep possitive x
Job is going crappy & stressful
In laws giving hard time for us to move e out to our house and now this family planning.....
Can't even say to DH anything as he won't get it.
I am depressed.. & complaining....sign of AF on way

Jannah k :hugs:
Keep smiling sweetie, I know it's tough but I have found things easier this month having you girlies looking out for me :happydance:



We are all still in it so we have to try and stay positive.

I feel down too but until the witch arrives we are still in it xxx
Wow Nanninoo, what a story. You are so brave.

I'm a bit afraid to go to the doctor, as long as I don't go there's nothing wrong with me. My problem is that there aren't a lot of women in my family. I am the second oldest cousin, so no pregnancies yet. My mother was the only daughter out of five. She had me with no problem, but had multiple MC/stillbirth after. I have a sister who is 7 years younger then me. She still finds it difficult to talk about, so I don't know the whole story or exactly how many MC's she's had, at least three from what I could deduct. She even had to have a hysterectomy in the end.
My grandmother had five kids with no problem, but her only sister had to have a hysterectomy in her early twenties.

I used to have irregular (around three weeks), very heavy (to the point of having anemia) and painful periods. I have been worried for most of my life, so that's why I'm not all to optimistic, but I try to not think negative thoughts. I don't want to have tests done only to find out the worst.
cramps kind of disappeared once i got to work...no other symptoms...just waiting for af....
what is everyone else upto?!
so cramps gone but now i have light brown spotting....I guess I am out:(:(:(

cramps kind of disappeared once i got to work...no other symptoms...just waiting for af....
what is everyone else upto?!
Job is going crappy & stressful
In laws giving hard time for us to move e out to our house and now this family planning.....
Can't even say to DH anything as he won't get it.
I am depressed.. & complaining....sign of AF on way

Jannah k :hugs:
Keep smiling sweetie, I know it's tough but I have found things easier this month having you girlies looking out for me :happydance:



We are all still in it so we have to try and stay positive.

I feel down too but until the witch arrives we are still in it xxx

I'm glad I got you girls too to talk to it really helps as we're all going through it together all we can do is stay possitive it will happen x
Wow Nanninoo, what a story. You are so brave.

I'm a bit afraid to go to the doctor, as long as I don't go there's nothing wrong with me. My problem is that there aren't a lot of women in my family. I am the second oldest cousin, so no pregnancies yet. My mother was the only daughter out of five. She had me with no problem, but had multiple MC/stillbirth after. I have a sister who is 7 years younger then me. She still finds it difficult to talk about, so I don't know the whole story or exactly how many MC's she's had, at least three from what I could deduct. She even had to have a hysterectomy in the end.
My grandmother had five kids with no problem, but her only sister had to have a hysterectomy in her early twenties.

I used to have irregular (around three weeks), very heavy (to the point of having anemia) and painful periods. I have been worried for most of my life, so that's why I'm not all to optimistic, but I try to not think negative thoughts. I don't want to have tests done only to find out the worst.

It was torture for me Hun altogether it took me and my OH 5 years to have a baby and I was adamant I was never going to have a child because of all the problems I encountered on the way I was either not conceiving or when I finally did I was mc'ing it was awful I was even looking for other roots including adoption at some point down the line...just goes to show miracles can happen and I truly believe that think possitive and stay possitive you will get there in the end!

I can total relate to you when said you don't want tests done only to find out the worst I was exactly the same it took me 4 years before I even went to my doctor for help as I was scared of being told horrible news like I can't conceive or they find something awful on my scans I was so nervous especially as my mum also went through a bad time she had an ectopic pregnancy shortly after having me then she had cancer of the ovary and had to have a full hysterectomy so I always had that worry but I'm glad I went it made me so much more positive and more aware of my situation I didn't feel alone even on my first appointment with my gyne at the hospital in the fertility department the waiting room was full of couples all there with the same problem not being able to conceive. I realised then it's not just me but loads of people go through the same problem unfortunately not everyone's bodies do what they are supposed to do and a lot of us just need a helping hand along the journey. I recommended you speak to your doctor don't be sceard Hun honestly I was exactly the same but I needed to find answers and I so despatetly wanted a child if I hadn't gone then my son wouldn't be here today as they helped me to have my boy x
Hi friends
Hope you all are well
I haven't tested yet due to cramps and brown discharge....signs of af will start by tomorrow or Saturday...didn't tell DH yet as clock is never ticking for him....DH also thinks I have gain weight...u know I already know about it as clomid made me gain weight but to have him say it made me so upset....plus I am bloated...:(:(:( how do I find time during ttc and my crazy schedule for gym...:(:(:(
Just been crying since last few hours...I am not hopeless...just tired of fighting...
I don't think I am going for another cycle of clomid..going to take a break....will resume gym next week...plan to focus on going back to school for my doctorate & let God just bless me with miracle baby...until than cannot stop living life each month....
Wish we were nearby..could have met for dinner...
Just f eel really low...hormones..clomid...and circumstances.....
Hi friends
Hope you all are well
I haven't tested yet due to cramps and brown discharge....signs of af will start by tomorrow or Saturday...didn't tell DH yet as clock is never ticking for him....DH also thinks I have gain weight...u know I already know about it as clomid made me gain weight but to have him say it made me so upset....plus I am bloated...:(:(:( how do I find time during ttc and my crazy schedule for gym...:(:(:(
Just been crying since last few hours...I am not hopeless...just tired of fighting...
I don't think I am going for another cycle of clomid..going to take a break....will resume gym next week...plan to focus on going back to school for my doctorate & let God just bless me with miracle baby...until than cannot stop living life each month....
Wish we were nearby..could have met for dinner...
Just f eel really low...hormones..clomid...and circumstances.....

Jannah k

Oh sweetie, :hugs:

This is an emotional roller coaster and it sucks. But when we all get our BFP it will be worth it.

Weight can be lost sweetie so do not lose sleep over that, as long as you have a healthier BMI the extra weight should not affect any of this.

As I understand it Clomid isn't the nicest of things so I'm not surprised you are feeling low. Maybe you should give it a break if it driving you read as the stress isn't good for you.

Oh I know it would've been good to sit round a table and chat.

We are here for you so keep in touch and keep positive - it will happen!!!! :hugs: xxx
Hi friends
Hope you all are well
I haven't tested yet due to cramps and brown discharge....signs of af will start by tomorrow or Saturday...didn't tell DH yet as clock is never ticking for him....DH also thinks I have gain weight...u know I already know about it as clomid made me gain weight but to have him say it made me so upset....plus I am bloated...:(:(:( how do I find time during ttc and my crazy schedule for gym...:(:(:(
Just been crying since last few hours...I am not hopeless...just tired of fighting...
I don't think I am going for another cycle of clomid..going to take a break....will resume gym next week...plan to focus on going back to school for my doctorate & let God just bless me with miracle baby...until than cannot stop living life each month....
Wish we were nearby..could have met for dinner...
Just f eel really low...hormones..clomid...and circumstances.....

Jannah :flower: your not alone hun I too have gained weight with clomid and it's only my first cycle back on it but boy do I dislike it! I'm eating like crazy, moody, depressed and it totally sucks :( like I said in a previous post baby making can be upsetting and can get you down especially when you hope and pray for a BFP and have done everything you can to try and conceive just to be knocked down when you see a bfn! I went through 4 years of it and coming back this month TTC already I feel like I've been at it months it's emotionally draining! The things us woman have to go through hey? :dohh: we're all here for each other jannah keep your chin up :hugs: if you feel you need a break you go ahead it's nice to take a back seat now and again and just restore yourself again and come back feeling refreshed :thumbup: I will be also taking a break (6month one) if I have concieved by my 3rd cycle of clomid x

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