**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Hello all! I'm currently 7+5 with an EDD of August 23.

After our son was born and many years of trying for number 2, and after 2 rounds of IVF, we found out on Tuesday that not only is there a number 2, but currently a number 3 as well. Unfortunately one of the two is measuring behind by a week so it may not make it so we're stuck in a wait and see holding pattern until I have a repeat scan on the 20th.

I know that the odds of multiples are increased with IVF but I was completely shocked considering my actual odds of even the one. My HCG numbers were utterly unremarkable and other than tiredness and a bit of queasiness, I'd been having an easier time of it than with my first pregnancy so there were no typical signs there.

We've told our parents and I've told a couple friends, but other than that we are waiting even longer to tell anyone else about the pregnancy until we have a better idea of what is going on. I'm in a very weird headspace with all of this right now, and just to make matters worse, my nausea has actually increased the last few days! Thankfully I've not actually been sick, though.

Anyway, that's my rambly introduction!

Congrats! Will add you to the front. We are in the Boston area too. Well, we are moving out a bit to be closer to my parents, but our OB is still in Boston :thumbup:

Crossposted on the FB group too, but how much folic acid are you taking daily?

The cnm wrote me a script for it, she said in her experience prenatals don't have enough. I didn't have my bottle with me to see how much was in mine, but she recommended taking another anyway.

I can't read the script to see what that dosage is, but my prenatal has 800mcg.

My prenatals have 800 I believe and I take an extra folic acid in addition so I'm taking 1200. I'll probably stop after the first tri and then just continue with what's in my prenatals.
Congrats! Will add you to the front. We are in the Boston area too. Well, we are moving out a bit to be closer to my parents, but our OB is still in Boston :thumbup:

Thanks! I sent you a request on fb as well. :)

We are on the South Shore now ourselves but heading out of state later this year. All of my family is in Australia and most of the hubby's family has moved away so not a lot family wise keeping us in the area!
Mine have 800. Doctor was satisfied with that amount. I took the same with my daughter.

I'm studying for my business degree!

Yesterday was not a fun morning sickness day for me, I ended up just eating cereal all day as that was the only thing staying down.

Anyone having horrible heart burn? I woke up in the middle of the night close to spewing stomach acid every where. It hurt so bad.

Busy weekend ahead. Birthday parties and church and family get togethers... My head is spinning lol
Hello all! I'm currently 7+5 with an EDD of August 23.

After our son was born and many years of trying for number 2, and after 2 rounds of IVF, we found out on Tuesday that not only is there a number 2, but currently a number 3 as well. Unfortunately one of the two is measuring behind by a week so it may not make it so we're stuck in a wait and see holding pattern until I have a repeat scan on the 20th.

I know that the odds of multiples are increased with IVF but I was completely shocked considering my actual odds of even the one. My HCG numbers were utterly unremarkable and other than tiredness and a bit of queasiness, I'd been having an easier time of it than with my first pregnancy so there were no typical signs there.

We've told our parents and I've told a couple friends, but other than that we are waiting even longer to tell anyone else about the pregnancy until we have a better idea of what is going on. I'm in a very weird headspace with all of this right now, and just to make matters worse, my nausea has actually increased the last few days! Thankfully I've not actually been sick, though.

Anyway, that's my rambly introduction!

Hi, and welcome! Keep us updated about the twin situation! And yes, we have only told family and a very small handful of friends. Not telling anyone else until we find out the gender in March.

So, I did something crazy today but in a good way! Before I became a police officer, I was a full time college student working on my bachelors degree in business. Well, since I left my career this past October, I decided this morning to just register for classes for the spring semester starting next month. Will be going full-time. I'm so nervous but so excited to be going back! I have 10 classes left until I can graduate so I'm taking 4 classes this spring, 1 online this summer (so even if I have baby in July I can still work on my course work), 4 in the fall, and my senior capstone class next spring, when I'll graduate. :happydance:

Ms is back but not as severe as a few days ago. Must have peaked at 9 weeks and is easing off now. I really only feel horribly nauseous if I let myself get super hungry like I did this morning.

Good luck with that hun, I'm currently in my first year of studying a business degree xx
Just wanted to pop in quickly to let you ladies know that the scan went well. Saw baby and heard the heartbeat. Baby is measuring one day ahead. Very relieved all is well.

Hope you're all having a great weekend so far :flower:
Hello all! I'm currently 7+5 with an EDD of August 23.

After our son was born and many years of trying for number 2, and after 2 rounds of IVF, we found out on Tuesday that not only is there a number 2, but currently a number 3 as well. Unfortunately one of the two is measuring behind by a week so it may not make it so we're stuck in a wait and see holding pattern until I have a repeat scan on the 20th.

I know that the odds of multiples are increased with IVF but I was completely shocked considering my actual odds of even the one. My HCG numbers were utterly unremarkable and other than tiredness and a bit of queasiness, I'd been having an easier time of it than with my first pregnancy so there were no typical signs there.

We've told our parents and I've told a couple friends, but other than that we are waiting even longer to tell anyone else about the pregnancy until we have a better idea of what is going on. I'm in a very weird headspace with all of this right now, and just to make matters worse, my nausea has actually increased the last few days! Thankfully I've not actually been sick, though.

Anyway, that's my rambly introduction!

Welcome Hive! So sorry to hear that you are in limbo right now re the health of one of your babies, it must be really tough. I hope you hear good news on the 20th!
Welcome hive and congratulations on your great u/s Mrs. Eddie!!!

DH went to pick our doppler up this afternoon. It took us a bit to get the hang of it (with DH grumbling "I'm not good at this, I don't know what I'm doing") but we found the placenta that caused me so much exhaustion during week 9 (heard the distinctive wooshing sound) and then finally heard our little one's heart galloping away. :happydance:
What a shitty day! Literally. I didn't realize how constipated a person could get! I felt fine after leaving the hospital but after eating some fiber rich foods I keep getting these really painful gas pains right behind my belly button. Can feel it in my back, too. Had a very very very loose stool about a half hour ago and some of it was bloody. Freaked out but thinking about it the nurse wasn't very gentle when getting rid of my impacted stools so that's probably where it was from.

Really bothered by the fact that they didn't even check to make sure baby is ok. I thought they would have at least brought in a doppler... Now I'm going to be worried until my 12 week scan on the 20th.

Feeling so rough, can't wait for 1st tri to be over with.
Super congrats mrs. Eddie and fit! What a relief!
Really sorry to hear about your trouble greats. I feel your pain.
Ahh greats that sounds terrible :( I'm sorry your didn't get a chance to hear the heartbeat either. I had a doctors appointment as well but they didn't try to find the heartbeat at this appointment. I did get t 12 week scan booked though! January 27th- hopefully all will be ok.

How is everyone feeling? Week 9 is hitting me hard, and I am on modnights this weekend which is impacting my ability to sleep it off. Thankfully my nausea comes and goes as I don't know how I would handle it all the time. Hoping it doesn't get worse as OH is gone to training all week so I am on my own with the puppy and our daughter.

As for an update with OH, we talked and things feel great. I just have to ask him more which stinks but he does help in other ways too. And now he has been helping with DD at night. I am hoping to increase the time they spend together so my daughter is used to Daddy helping more when the new baby comes.

We are coming to the end of first trimester soon! Sooo exciting!
My 12 week scan is on 27th Jan too Bebe! I hope it comes quickly! I haven't had a scan yet and time seems to have slowed down!

Sorry about your ordeal greats and sorry they didn't check the baby but I'm sure all is well, try not to worry :hugs:

I've continued bring really tired, nausea on and off, still gassy and burping all the time, very very hungry and been tearful the last few days crying at everything and anything on tv. The other day I had a twinge quite high up on the right side on and off all day that freaked me out but it went away so seems all is okay. I guess it was stretching pain and told myself I'll have to get used to odd aches and pains! Can't believe we're nearing the end of 1st tri! 10 weeks tomorrow it feels crazy!
Regarding help from partners, DH usually helps in the weekends and sometimes in the evening. But unfortunately, he sustained a dislocated tailbone last Friday and cannot even get out of the bed. It's horrible. To make matters worse, I am suffering from a bacterial infection and has the flu. We don't have family here nor very closed friends who could help us, so I'm just about to collapse from exhaustion of taking care of a 1 year old and my DH. Of course, MS is all-day long, and I can only manage to eat salted crackers for the last 3 days :(
Dsem- I highly recommend a Doppler. It gives such piece of mind and it's not too costly at all.
Back in my days of bf, du did not want to help but I made him and for a good 5/6 months, she just screamed the entire time he held her and he would be so upset and angry by the end that it wasn't worth it. After she got used to bottles it was easier but he still will only help on weekends.
I'm having such a hard time with him now because if I tell him I feel overwhelmed he asks me how I'm going to handle two and why are we even having more and things like that. I'm a little scared too but I think it's natural. It's just so hard not to be able to talk to him.
I'm with you in the teething too mrs. Eddie. I thought we were just about done, but I was wrong. So tough!

I'm buying ine after my u/s on the 20th. I want to make sure there is a little wiggler in there before I buy one.

Ahh greats that sounds terrible :( I'm sorry your didn't get a chance to hear the heartbeat either. I had a doctors appointment as well but they didn't try to find the heartbeat at this appointment. I did get t 12 week scan booked though! January 27th- hopefully all will be ok.

How is everyone feeling? Week 9 is hitting me hard, and I am on modnights this weekend which is impacting my ability to sleep it off. Thankfully my nausea comes and goes as I don't know how I would handle it all the time. Hoping it doesn't get worse as OH is gone to training all week so I am on my own with the puppy and our daughter.

As for an update with OH, we talked and things feel great. I just have to ask him more which stinks but he does help in other ways too. And now he has been helping with DD at night. I am hoping to increase the time they spend together so my daughter is used to Daddy helping more when the new baby comes.

We are coming to the end of first trimester soon! Sooo exciting!

Feeling sick today. Made a PB&J and ended up giving it to DH because it tasted horrible to me and was way to hard to get down. I really want a sub though :/
Panorama results anytime tomorrow to Thursday! I have a feeling time is going to crawl by! I wanna know!

OH and I went and put our deposit in for our new condo! So excited. I love it because it had 3 floors. I'm claustrophobic so with one floor apartments I don't know what to do with myself lol. My grandparents also really surprised us yesterday by saying they wanted to buy us a new couch! So they took us to Jordan's Furniture and let us look and we selected a really nice three seater couch plus chaise lounge that was a grey microfiber. It's really nice. There are other match pieces as well that we can add down the line.

Also really craving sweet things lately. Having some Nutella and whole wheat toast for dinner. Yummy!
Hi girls.. haven't been here in a while. Hope all of you are well =)
I am 10 weeks today, saw the baby last week and I'm right on schedule everything looks good. I am still in a panic about high HCG numbers from when I was 5 weeks. I won't feel like I'm really having a baby until I can take the Panorama test and rule out Down Syndrome. I keep having nightmares about getting a call to tell me the baby has a high chance of DS. I will go in for the blood test on the 21st and then my doctor said the results take 2 weeks. I just need time to hurry up so I can be happy.

I know I asked this many times but... anyone had high HCG in early pregnancy and been fine?

Hi girls.. haven't been here in a while. Hope all of you are well =)
I am 10 weeks today, saw the baby last week and I'm right on schedule everything looks good. I am still in a panic about high HCG numbers from when I was 5 weeks. I won't feel like I'm really having a baby until I can take the Panorama test and rule out Down Syndrome. I keep having nightmares about getting a call to tell me the baby has a high chance of DS. I will go in for the blood test on the 21st and then my doctor said the results take 2 weeks. I just need time to hurry up so I can be happy.

I know I asked this many times but... anyone had high HCG in early pregnancy and been fine?


What was your level at 5 weeks?

What was your level at 5 weeks?[/QUOTE]

hey! they were 13,431 at 5w3d and 21,113 at 5w5d
5+1 I was over 6,000 so around 5+3 I was probably around 12,000 so your numbers don't seem too badly high. Mine were around 10,000 when I was 5+2 with my daughter. I've heard girls give you higher hcg levels. Plus there's a wide range of normal levels so I think you'll be ok.
Trying to drink a lot of liquids today to help with my dehydration. Feeling very tired and getting really winded chasing after my toddler. Church was rough today! Singing the songs makes me winded lol

Nausea hitting hard today so making it difficult to drink water. Very very hungry as well. Ate a lot for breakfast and now 3 hours later I'm starving again. Going to get some exercise walking around the mall this afternoon in the hopes I'll get tired enough to take a good nap later lol

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