**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Felt so good all day yesterday, and today- DYING. Ugh. Dd was up a bit last night then got me up two hours early this morning. Can't seem to eat the right amount. Made such fab baked ziti w meat sauce last night. Was really looking forward to left overs today for lunch but bleh. Didn't even enjoy it. Still really sick with the respitory thing and it appears dd is cutting the teeth the dentist thought were going to be missing.
And ladies, this housework is crazy to keep up with. Two days ago, I cooked and hadn't cleaned up by the time DH came home from work. Um hello, I have a sick baby chasing me around the kitchen the entire time I'm cooking crying "hold you". I was proud I got a meal prepared, and the jerk had the nerve to freak out on me about the dishes in the sink. He apologized later but he keeps asking me when I won't be sick anymore. I could kill him.
I hear you ladies on the hubby front... yesterday my OH was upset with me because he has to do so much around the house lately, as I have been absolutely exhausted/feeling sick on some days. Funny part is that I still do all the childcare (unless I ask him to) with DD, make dinner and try and keep things tidy. We got a new puppy so he is complaining about taking her out. So I will have to figure out how to survive this trimester a different way...

Oh, did I mention I get up with DD at night when she wets the bed/has to go potty? THREE times last night! I am wiped...
And puppies are soooo much work too Bebe. Kids, pets housework, ugh! I seriously don't know how I did this last year when I worked outside of the house too.
And puppies are soooo much work too Bebe. Kids, pets housework, ugh! I seriously don't know how I did this last year when I worked outside of the house too.

Thanks for your understanding :)

Its just a lot to juggle, and I mean when I am feeling great (like yesterday) it's really not a problem. But some days I feel totally exhausted, no motivation, and my stomach just feels so unsettled that I cannot muster the energy to do anything. I thought my OH was doing really well and being understanding about how I feel, especially since on my good days I make dinner, clean up, etc. but clearly not. Now he is gone all week next week to training out of town, and I will have to manage all on my own. And I am supposed to be excited for him that he gets to go away, when he nearly lost his marbles because I had a work meeting to go to last night (and consequently I came home to help and missed the meeting)... MEN! Sorry I am ranting, I have no one to really vent to about this. LOL

Working out of the house in first tri when you have kids is HARD. But the show must go on I suppose. That's why I love this place, great way to get support!!

As a highlight I have my first doctors appointment tomorrow. Hopefully he books my ultrasound for me!

I must admit, I am scared to have this next baby. Being a mom is amazing, challenging, beautiful... but OH doesn't get up at night with the babies- I do, and I am just worried about how this will change things. :cry:
He doesn't help get up? I told my dh with our daughter that if he didn't help out I would leave him. Doesn't make sense to have a hubby not helping, you might as well be a single mom (that's what I told dh lol)
He doesn't help get up? I told my dh with our daughter that if he didn't help out I would leave him. Doesn't make sense to have a hubby not helping, you might as well be a single mom (that's what I told dh lol)

I agree, he should help! Even when I was ebf, DH would still get up for a minute and hold the baby while I got situated (grab my pillows, water, turn the tv on, maybe go pee...). He'd go straight back to sleep, but it was such a huge help to me. Maybe more of a mental ''we're in this together'' than actual help, but you know...

When the nursing stopped and we moved to bottles, on the nights when he didn't have to work the next day he would take the nighttime feedings. Not always all of them, but still.
Yes, any help is a huuuuge help with a new baby! My dh had this former coworker whose wife was expecting #1 and he flat out told my dh he refuses to help, that it's not a man's job. My dh literally walked away from the conversation bc he wanted to punch the guy lol

I thought my sinus infection was finally going away but out of no where I've come down with another horrible stuffy and runny nose! There goes my sleep for the night...

Busy day tomorrow, may not have a chance to pop in till the evening so I hope you ladies have a wonderful day!
My ms is getting better, and I am 9+6 today ^_^ I have an appointment today and tomorrow my announcement photos ^_^ I'm considering buying a fetal doppler in a week or two that way it gets here at 12/13weeks. I'm going to ask for one more ultrasound before my gender scan at 20 weeks because that last one I got was at 6 weeks.
So I've been feeling some weird things. My uterus has been above my pubic bone for weeks now. When I had my 8 week ultrasound it was already a few inches above and the ultrasound went right where I thought baby was which was those few inches above my pubic bone. With the Doppler now I find baby a good few inches above as well. So maybe that's why I'm already feeling things? Last week or so I felt what felt like bubbles there. It felt different from gas. Then last night I was relaxing on the couch before bed and two separate times in that same spot I felt like there was a cell phone vibrating in there. It was pretty weird. I was talking to my mother and grandmother about it and saying it couldn't be baby this early and my grandmother said it probably is. She worked in a newborn nursery in a hospital as a nurse for a good 20 years and used to teach a bunch of classes like breastfeeding and such. She says a lot of first time moms feel baby a lot sooner but think it's gas or something because we don't really know any different. I don't feelnit often but it's definitely noticeable and different from my normal bodily feelings.
Sorry you're feeling so sick Sass. That really sucks. I can't imagine being a SAHM now, honestly it's so much easier being at work.

Greats, yay for your sickness coming back, (if you're happy then I'm happy for ya :winkwink:)

Bebe, wow that also sounds like you have a lot going on now too. I can't imagine feeling the way I do with a LO and a puppy :wacko:

TBH I'm finding it 500x more difficult being pregnant this time with a LO. I feel like I have run a marathon by the end of the day usually. My DH is good with helping out but he complains from time to time too. I explained to him the other night how tired I was truly feeling and I think he gets it now. We take turns waking up with Isla which is good, I can't imagine doing nightimes all by myself though. He has also started to help more with the bedtime routine since our talk the other day. I think we've both been extra tired this week as Isla has been teething so sleep is out the window....She had a good night last night though, hopefully it will continue.

My scan is tomorrow, nervous but excited!
Dsem- I highly recommend a Doppler. It gives such piece of mind and it's not too costly at all.
Back in my days of bf, du did not want to help but I made him and for a good 5/6 months, she just screamed the entire time he held her and he would be so upset and angry by the end that it wasn't worth it. After she got used to bottles it was easier but he still will only help on weekends.
I'm having such a hard time with him now because if I tell him I feel overwhelmed he asks me how I'm going to handle two and why are we even having more and things like that. I'm a little scared too but I think it's natural. It's just so hard not to be able to talk to him.
I'm with you in the teething too mrs. Eddie. I thought we were just about done, but I was wrong. So tough!
We are getting a doppler too - ordered it last night. :)

My doctor says we can listen to Baby's heart at our next appointment but that's still a month away and I can't wait that long!!

Weirdly my sore boobs were gone yesterday morning but came back a few hours later. This morning they are gone again but will probably return in time for my run at lunch. Ouch!
Dsem- I highly recommend a Doppler. It gives such piece of mind and it's not too costly at all.
Back in my days of bf, du did not want to help but I made him and for a good 5/6 months, she just screamed the entire time he held her and he would be so upset and angry by the end that it wasn't worth it. After she got used to bottles it was easier but he still will only help on weekends.
I'm having such a hard time with him now because if I tell him I feel overwhelmed he asks me how I'm going to handle two and why are we even having more and things like that. I'm a little scared too but I think it's natural. It's just so hard not to be able to talk to him.
I'm with you in the teething too mrs. Eddie. I thought we were just about done, but I was wrong. So tough!

Teething is the worst, I hate teething!!!!

I would tell him that you will manage two just fine but will need his help more, especially with your DD while you're looking after a newborn. I've already made it clear to DH that he will probably have to take a more active role with Isla after baby comes because I'll be somewhat tied to the new baby because of bfing, etc.

My Mom is also going to come help a few weeks and my DH is going to take a couple of weeks off too. I think we'll still send Isla to day care full time for the month of August and then down to at least two days a week so I can get a bit of a break and she can maintain her routine somewhat.

The first month with Isla was tough, I'm anticipating that it will be rougher with two but we'll make it work :thumbup:
Hello all! I'm currently 7+5 with an EDD of August 23.

After our son was born and many years of trying for number 2, and after 2 rounds of IVF, we found out on Tuesday that not only is there a number 2, but currently a number 3 as well. Unfortunately one of the two is measuring behind by a week so it may not make it so we're stuck in a wait and see holding pattern until I have a repeat scan on the 20th.

I know that the odds of multiples are increased with IVF but I was completely shocked considering my actual odds of even the one. My HCG numbers were utterly unremarkable and other than tiredness and a bit of queasiness, I'd been having an easier time of it than with my first pregnancy so there were no typical signs there.

We've told our parents and I've told a couple friends, but other than that we are waiting even longer to tell anyone else about the pregnancy until we have a better idea of what is going on. I'm in a very weird headspace with all of this right now, and just to make matters worse, my nausea has actually increased the last few days! Thankfully I've not actually been sick, though.

Anyway, that's my rambly introduction!
Hello all! I'm currently 7+5 with an EDD of August 23.

After our son was born and many years of trying for number 2, and after 2 rounds of IVF, we found out on Tuesday that not only is there a number 2, but currently a number 3 as well. Unfortunately one of the two is measuring behind by a week so it may not make it so we're stuck in a wait and see holding pattern until I have a repeat scan on the 20th.

I know that the odds of multiples are increased with IVF but I was completely shocked considering my actual odds of even the one. My HCG numbers were utterly unremarkable and other than tiredness and a bit of queasiness, I'd been having an easier time of it than with my first pregnancy so there were no typical signs there.

We've told our parents and I've told a couple friends, but other than that we are waiting even longer to tell anyone else about the pregnancy until we have a better idea of what is going on. I'm in a very weird headspace with all of this right now, and just to make matters worse, my nausea has actually increased the last few days! Thankfully I've not actually been sick, though.

Anyway, that's my rambly introduction!

Hi, and welcome! Keep us updated about the twin situation! And yes, we have only told family and a very small handful of friends. Not telling anyone else until we find out the gender in March.

So, I did something crazy today but in a good way! Before I became a police officer, I was a full time college student working on my bachelors degree in business. Well, since I left my career this past October, I decided this morning to just register for classes for the spring semester starting next month. Will be going full-time. I'm so nervous but so excited to be going back! I have 10 classes left until I can graduate so I'm taking 4 classes this spring, 1 online this summer (so even if I have baby in July I can still work on my course work), 4 in the fall, and my senior capstone class next spring, when I'll graduate. :happydance:

Ms is back but not as severe as a few days ago. Must have peaked at 9 weeks and is easing off now. I really only feel horribly nauseous if I let myself get super hungry like I did this morning.
Thank you, I will.

Yep, you're crazy but good luck finishing off your classes!

We are undergoing a massive out of state move in June ourselves, along with having to clean up and prep this house for sale so I'm no less crazy I guess. :D
Hope ur All ok girls ive got terrible morning sickness Again on antisickness tablets which are really helping this time :) but with two kids to look after im so tired:( x
Welcome hive!
What are you studying greats?
Hope you feel better soon Donna!
Crossposted on the FB group too, but how much folic acid are you taking daily?

The cnm wrote me a script for it, she said in her experience prenatals don't have enough. I didn't have my bottle with me to see how much was in mine, but she recommended taking another anyway.

I can't read the script to see what that dosage is, but my prenatal has 800mcg.
Crossposted on the FB group too, but how much folic acid are you taking daily?

The cnm wrote me a script for it, she said in her experience prenatals don't have enough. I didn't have my bottle with me to see how much was in mine, but she recommended taking another anyway.

I can't read the script to see what that dosage is, but my prenatal has 800mcg.

I've just been trying to eat a lot more folate rich foods (spinach, broccoli, asparagus, lentils, black and kidney beans - there are others but that's mostly what I have). My prenatal has folic acid in it but the natural folate is better.

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