Hi ladies!
This is my first time posting here. I was on the September thread as my doc thought I was pretty early on when I got my BFP on 12/18 at 11DPO. But now he seems to think I'm a bit further along! SO I keep teetering between an 8/30 and 9/1 due date. My first came 2 weeks early so I think I'm going to go with my gut and say I'll be delivering in August

May I join you all?
I have a 22m old little girl already so this will be my second and I'm 36 years old.
Congrats! Just let me know what date you want me to put you down for and I'll add you to the front page. Also if you have a guess about gender let me know. Those are going on the front page too
I think I'm going to go with 8/29 which is what my doc told me this past appointment. I was 8w6d but only measured at 8w4d but he's going with my dating rather than measurements for now. Thanks!
Welcome to all the newbies!
I keep reading all your posts and wanting to catch up but I get overwhelmed that I cant keep up! I dont get on my computer much during the day as my LO keeps me pretty busy and in the evenings Im just knackered! But I read all your posts on my phone throughout the day. And I have to say Im SO JEALOUS you guys are all around 12/13 weeks already!!! Im due in late Aug so Ill be one of the last ones to deliver here

I dont mind waiting longer but I do want this trimester to end! Im tired of the nausea. I keep eating such crap as I have a million food aversions and all I want to eat is carbs! Thats not helping the constipation that Im already dealing with cause of the iron in my prenatal.
I would love some stalkers on my journal! Its pretty quiet this time around so I sort of stopped writing as much as its hard to write without an audience. My link is below in my signature
its my parenting journal.
onemoretime - sorry about your loss

Sending positive thoughts your way
2kidsplusttc3 - my nausea gets worse and better throughout the week. Im on Diclegis and its really helping me
its a combo of Unisom and vit B6. Im able to take the lowest dose and eat and function pretty well. Though it does make me super tired!
hive - glad to hear both babies are doing great! Twins are exciting yet so scary! I always kind of wished to have them as you get more babies for the 'money' but I know it's not a piece of cake. You're doing great!
greats - yay on a great U/S! And a boy! How fun

Cute bump too
I feel like I popped at like 7 weeks this time

With my first it took forever to show but now Ive got this round belly that my 23m old keeps patting
so I *know* it has to show!
kylas - is the panorama test the new thing they are doing along with the NT scan to test for downs, etc? My doc briefly mentioned something like that and said it tells gender too. Its a blood test, right? Were going to ask them to put the gender in an envelope and were going to do a gender reveal cake. With our first, we did a whole photo shoot with balloons in a box and that was a lot of fun. This time were doing the cake route

What sucks is that DH wants to wait until his mom visits in March so she can share in the experience

I don't know if I can wait that long!!!!!
Well, I hope everyone is having a great weekend. We went to brunch with a bunch of friends this morning and Hayden was SO GOOD. I was so pleased. She sat nicely and ate really well. This older lady at the table next to us said she had to come by to tell us how impressed she was with our babies (another friend had her 22m old too) - she said she's a preschool teacher and she couldn't believe how well behaved they were! I couldn't stop smiling